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        	   *^*  BBBBBBBBB     NN    NN    NN        TT         *^*
        	   *^*  BB      BB    NN     NN   NN        TT         *^*
        	   *^*  BB       BB   NN      NN  NN        TT         *^*
        	   *^*  BB      BB    NN       NN NN        TT         *^*
        	   *^*  BBBBBBBBB     NN        NNNN        TT         *^*
        	   *^*                                                 *^*

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        	   $&$             A RELEASED BY BNT                  $&$
        	   $&$       RARE AND HARD TO FIND TORRENTS           $&$
        	   $&$              ARE OUR FOCUS.                    $&$
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			               The Fall Guy

		Hollywood stuntman, Colt Seavers, works as a bounty hunter for 
		Samantha 'Big' Jack between movies. Joined by his cousin, Howie 
		Munson, and his aprentice, Jody Banks, Colt often uses his stunt 
		expertise to catch the bad guys in spectacular fashion. He also 
		helps friends who are framed or being threatened by criminals.

		These episodes are large avi files because of quality.  They are 
		dvd rips but when converted to the standard size of most 45 minute
		shows, there was a lot of data loss and degredation.  As soon as 
		the other four sesons are released, I will post them.  


                                Douglas Barr...Howie Munson
                             Joann Pflug...Samantha 'Big' Jack
                                 Lee Majors...Colt Seavers
                                Heather Thomas...Jody Banks


                               Original Airdates For Season 1:
                                1x01-The Fall Guy:11/04/1981
                        1x02-The Meek Shall Inherit Rhonda:11/11/1981
                             1x03-The Rich Get Richer:11/18/1981
                           1x04-That's Right, We're Bad:11/25/1981
                                1x05-Colt's Angels:12/02/1981
                               1x06-The Human Torch:12/09/1981
                           1x07-The Japanese Connection:12/16/1981
                                  1x08-No Way Out:1/06/1982
                           1x09-License to Kill (Part 1):1/13/1982
                           1x10-License to Kill (Part 2):1/20/1982
                                 1x11-Goin' for It:1/27/1982
                       1x12-The Adventures of Ozzie and Harold:2/03/1982
                            1x13-Soldiers of Misfortune:2/10/1982
                                1x14-Ready, Aim, Die:2/17/1982
                              1x15-Ladies on the Ropes:2/24/1982
                                  1x16-The Snow Job:3/03/1982
                          1x17-Guess Who's Coming to Town?:3/17/1982
                                  1x18-Child's Play:3/24/1982
                               1x20-Three for the Road:4/14/1982
                               1x21-The Silent Partner:4/28/1982
                                 1x22-Scavenger Hunt:5/05/1982


                                                                            Released 2007