1 00:00:58,809 --> 00:01:01,061 (BABY WAILING) 2 00:01:11,488 --> 00:01:12,906 Your turn. 3 00:01:15,784 --> 00:01:16,785 (GRUNTS) Oh, fuck. 4 00:01:19,079 --> 00:01:21,999 (GROANS) 5 00:01:26,044 --> 00:01:28,171 (EXHALES FORCEFULLY) 6 00:01:28,922 --> 00:01:30,674 Okay, I'm awake. 7 00:01:39,182 --> 00:01:40,601 Good morning. 8 00:01:42,769 --> 00:01:45,480 You guys are up a little early today, huh. 9 00:01:46,481 --> 00:01:48,483 Did we have some nightmares or something? 10 00:01:49,526 --> 00:01:50,944 (CRYING) 11 00:01:51,028 --> 00:01:52,946 Let's see what you made for daddy. 12 00:01:53,113 --> 00:01:54,114 Let's see. 13 00:01:54,990 --> 00:01:56,116 (GROANS) 14 00:01:56,199 --> 00:01:59,870 I wouldn't like to sleep with that in my pants, either. 15 00:02:00,120 --> 00:02:02,331 But it did happen once in college. 16 00:02:02,456 --> 00:02:03,790 (LAUGHING) 17 00:02:04,416 --> 00:02:06,043 Can you leave that bottle alone, honey? 18 00:02:06,209 --> 00:02:07,628 Can you put it down? 19 00:02:08,754 --> 00:02:10,839 Honey... Sarah... 20 00:02:11,006 --> 00:02:13,008 No, no! Sweetheart! 21 00:02:13,175 --> 00:02:14,301 Damn. 22 00:02:15,636 --> 00:02:19,598 I know. I'll have you back in your warm little bed in one second. 23 00:02:19,765 --> 00:02:21,642 Here you go. Back to bed, sweetheart. 24 00:02:21,808 --> 00:02:23,644 You got a fresh, dry diapy. 25 00:02:23,810 --> 00:02:25,562 Peter... 26 00:02:25,729 --> 00:02:27,230 Peter, please! 27 00:02:27,731 --> 00:02:30,734 Buddy, we talked about the head thing. 28 00:02:33,028 --> 00:02:35,447 Let me get you all hooked up. 29 00:02:38,575 --> 00:02:41,119 Hang on, don't fall. 30 00:02:41,203 --> 00:02:42,329 (GRUNTING) 31 00:02:47,751 --> 00:02:49,086 (FARTING) 32 00:02:49,378 --> 00:02:50,379 Oh, no. 33 00:02:52,964 --> 00:02:54,466 Peter... Oh. 34 00:02:55,967 --> 00:02:57,386 (LAUGHING) 35 00:02:59,346 --> 00:03:01,431 (GRUNTS) 36 00:03:08,939 --> 00:03:12,317 Okay. A little something for daddy. 37 00:03:12,484 --> 00:03:13,902 (LAUGHTER ON TV) 38 00:03:14,403 --> 00:03:16,196 (BABIES WHIMPERING) 39 00:03:16,279 --> 00:03:18,448 (COMMENTARY ON TV) 40 00:03:25,163 --> 00:03:26,623 (ELEVATOR DINGS) 41 00:03:32,629 --> 00:03:35,674 WOMAN: Steel, Kuhbach, McCloud Law Firm. Good morning. 42 00:03:38,885 --> 00:03:40,137 Good morning, Lockwood. 43 00:03:40,303 --> 00:03:41,972 Good morning, Mr. Steel. 44 00:03:42,139 --> 00:03:43,515 Thank you. 45 00:03:43,849 --> 00:03:45,016 How are the kids? 46 00:03:45,225 --> 00:03:46,852 Oh, they're terrific. Just terrific. 47 00:03:47,018 --> 00:03:48,228 Children are such a joy. 48 00:03:48,395 --> 00:03:49,813 Yes, absolutely. Always. 49 00:03:49,896 --> 00:03:51,523 Any word on the Amalgamated merger? 50 00:03:51,690 --> 00:03:52,858 That's all but signed. 51 00:03:53,024 --> 00:03:56,069 And just in time for your partner review, noless. 52 00:03:56,653 --> 00:03:58,739 Really? Oh, I hadn't noticed. 53 00:03:58,905 --> 00:04:00,824 I look forward to having your antic sense of humor 54 00:04:00,949 --> 00:04:02,868 in the partner suite, Lockwood. 55 00:04:03,034 --> 00:04:05,203 It can get a touch dry up there. 56 00:04:05,579 --> 00:04:07,205 Thank you so much. Hmm. 57 00:04:07,497 --> 00:04:08,665 But a Double Windsor? 58 00:04:09,040 --> 00:04:11,668 Come on, son. This is not the dog track. 59 00:04:11,793 --> 00:04:12,878 No. Yes. 60 00:04:12,961 --> 00:04:13,962 Yeah. 61 00:04:14,045 --> 00:04:16,381 Absolutely not. Thank you. 62 00:04:16,506 --> 00:04:17,466 Hi. 63 00:04:17,549 --> 00:04:19,384 (IMITATING STEEL) Seriously, Dave, this isn't the dog track. 64 00:04:19,468 --> 00:04:21,219 Yeah. Good morning, Sabrina. 65 00:04:21,553 --> 00:04:23,513 Last week he told me my shoes were dangerously Italian. 66 00:04:23,680 --> 00:04:24,723 (LAUGHS) What? 67 00:04:25,140 --> 00:04:26,516 My turn with the Amalgamated files? 68 00:04:26,683 --> 00:04:29,478 Yeah, I adjusted the WACC to reflect the new monthly projections, 69 00:04:29,644 --> 00:04:33,231 and I pre-negotiated articles 23 through 29. 70 00:04:33,356 --> 00:04:34,357 Okay. 71 00:04:34,483 --> 00:04:36,318 I like the way you had it before, by the way. 72 00:04:36,485 --> 00:04:38,028 Yeah. Thank you. 73 00:04:45,118 --> 00:04:46,953 (EXHALES FORCEFULLY) 74 00:04:52,501 --> 00:04:54,085 Good morning, Patricia. 75 00:04:54,169 --> 00:04:55,962 (PHONE RINGING) 76 00:04:58,548 --> 00:05:01,218 Hello. MITCH: Penis, shit, vagina, cock, wolf pussies. 77 00:05:01,551 --> 00:05:03,220 Mitch. I'm at work. 78 00:05:03,720 --> 00:05:04,888 (LAUGHS) Did I get you? Yeah. You sure did. 79 00:05:04,971 --> 00:05:06,014 Yep. You got me on speakerphone? 80 00:05:06,097 --> 00:05:07,265 Did the secretary hear? 81 00:05:07,349 --> 00:05:09,392 Yes, the secretary heard. She heard it all. 82 00:05:10,060 --> 00:05:11,102 (LAUGHS) That's awesome. 83 00:05:11,186 --> 00:05:13,230 Not really. How stoned are you right now? 84 00:05:13,313 --> 00:05:14,314 I've taken some weed. 85 00:05:14,439 --> 00:05:15,440 Have you? Mmm-hmm. 86 00:05:15,524 --> 00:05:17,484 Do you know what time it is? Mmm-mmm. 87 00:05:17,567 --> 00:05:18,693 It's like 9:00. 88 00:05:18,777 --> 00:05:20,195 Holy fuck-knuckles. 89 00:05:20,362 --> 00:05:22,739 Guess what I'm looking at right now. A bong? 90 00:05:22,864 --> 00:05:25,534 No, I found a futon on the street last night. 91 00:05:25,700 --> 00:05:28,703 I sort of had to fight a bum for it. He was so thin. 92 00:05:28,870 --> 00:05:31,414 And it also came with this vintage Navajo pony blanket... 93 00:05:31,581 --> 00:05:33,416 So I think that's pretty much a win for me. 94 00:05:33,583 --> 00:05:35,293 Mitch, you know the adults are about to fire up a work day. 95 00:05:35,460 --> 00:05:38,296 I know, I just miss you, dude, that's all. I miss you, too. 96 00:05:38,463 --> 00:05:40,257 We've been super best buddies since third grade. 97 00:05:40,340 --> 00:05:41,466 I haven't seen you in forever. 98 00:05:41,591 --> 00:05:42,634 Oh, I've been swamped. 99 00:05:42,759 --> 00:05:43,885 We're sleep-training the twins, 100 00:05:43,969 --> 00:05:45,178 and I just haven't had a moment to breathe. 101 00:05:45,262 --> 00:05:47,222 I'm sorry, man. I'm just super-excited to see you. 102 00:05:47,389 --> 00:05:48,765 We are still on for tonight, right? 103 00:05:50,267 --> 00:05:51,768 David? Yep. 104 00:05:51,935 --> 00:05:54,896 (STAMMERING) Yeah, yeah, yeah. For the thingy. 105 00:05:55,063 --> 00:05:57,774 Braves-Marlins. Please don't tell me that you forgot. 106 00:05:57,941 --> 00:05:59,109 Didn't forget. 107 00:05:59,276 --> 00:06:00,569 What time are you going to pick me up? 108 00:06:00,735 --> 00:06:01,736 (KNOCKING AT DOOR) Don't you bail on me, David. 109 00:06:01,820 --> 00:06:02,821 I am not going to bail. 110 00:06:02,988 --> 00:06:05,448 If you bail on me, I'm going to literally eye-rape you. 111 00:06:05,615 --> 00:06:06,700 I got it. 112 00:06:06,783 --> 00:06:10,704 I will actually place myself inside your ocular... Oh! 113 00:06:10,787 --> 00:06:11,830 It's my dad. 114 00:06:11,997 --> 00:06:14,124 Mitch Planko, Sr making a rare appearance. 115 00:06:14,291 --> 00:06:16,126 This guy fucking hates me. 116 00:06:16,459 --> 00:06:18,295 (VVHISPERING) I'll pick you up at 6:00. Got it. 117 00:06:18,461 --> 00:06:19,504 Kirk out. 118 00:06:21,631 --> 00:06:22,632 Dad. 119 00:06:22,924 --> 00:06:24,175 What are you doing here? 120 00:06:24,634 --> 00:06:25,886 Oh, I just came by to tell you 121 00:06:25,969 --> 00:06:28,471 how incredibly proud of you I am, son. 122 00:06:28,680 --> 00:06:30,932 I'm pretty baked right now, 123 00:06:31,016 --> 00:06:33,018 but I think you're being sarcastic. 124 00:06:33,101 --> 00:06:34,102 Right? 125 00:06:34,185 --> 00:06:35,395 No, dropping out of high school 126 00:06:35,478 --> 00:06:37,272 to be an actor was a great decision. 127 00:06:37,647 --> 00:06:39,816 I saw you in that commercial for meat, incidentally. 128 00:06:39,983 --> 00:06:42,903 That was the most brilliant portrayal of baloney I have ever seen. 129 00:06:43,278 --> 00:06:44,279 Why are you here? 130 00:06:44,446 --> 00:06:46,865 Just came by to see if you'd like to have some breakfast. 131 00:06:47,032 --> 00:06:49,993 I can't. I got a super-duper important conference call in 1O minutes. 132 00:06:50,160 --> 00:06:52,495 You don't have a job. You don't have any hair. 133 00:06:52,662 --> 00:06:53,663 Right. 134 00:06:53,788 --> 00:06:56,124 Well, then I'll just say it here. 135 00:06:56,291 --> 00:06:57,667 I'm getting married again, 136 00:06:57,751 --> 00:07:00,503 and I'd like you to come to the wedding. 137 00:07:03,131 --> 00:07:05,383 When's the wedding? Next Saturday. 138 00:07:06,343 --> 00:07:08,303 My betrothed, Pamela, would like you 139 00:07:08,386 --> 00:07:10,347 to be there to say a few words. 140 00:07:11,348 --> 00:07:12,515 I'll catch the next one. 141 00:07:13,558 --> 00:07:17,854 Yeah, right. Okay, well, then I'd better get home 142 00:07:18,688 --> 00:07:20,190 and boil my shoes. 143 00:07:20,690 --> 00:07:23,360 Great visiting. You, too. 144 00:07:27,864 --> 00:07:29,032 Good. 145 00:07:33,703 --> 00:07:35,121 (SIGHS) 146 00:07:36,164 --> 00:07:38,208 DAVE: And the baby-eating monster 147 00:07:38,375 --> 00:07:41,628 rises from the deep! (ROARS) 148 00:07:41,711 --> 00:07:43,254 (BABIES SQUEALING) 149 00:07:44,673 --> 00:07:46,758 Hey, Daddy, which one do you like better? 150 00:07:46,925 --> 00:07:49,219 The southern monarch or the many-spotted skipperling? 151 00:07:49,386 --> 00:07:53,431 I am a many-spotted skipperling man, all the way. 152 00:07:53,598 --> 00:07:56,351 The monarch is just a glorified moth, don't you think? 153 00:07:56,518 --> 00:07:58,228 Yes. I tend to agree. 154 00:07:59,562 --> 00:08:01,648 Hi, Mom! Hi! 155 00:08:01,731 --> 00:08:02,732 What a bad, bad day. 156 00:08:03,233 --> 00:08:04,234 Hi. 157 00:08:04,317 --> 00:08:07,779 The zoning board shut us down for the millionth time. 158 00:08:07,946 --> 00:08:10,740 Dr. Klein lost the twins' immunization records. 159 00:08:10,907 --> 00:08:12,993 And Cara got bullied in ballet class again. 160 00:08:13,159 --> 00:08:14,452 Did you tell Daddy? 161 00:08:14,619 --> 00:08:18,206 Nicolette Peters keeps knocking me over during the battement glisse. 162 00:08:18,373 --> 00:08:20,917 Oh, I'm sorry, sugarbug. Are you okay? 163 00:08:21,584 --> 00:08:24,754 JAMIE: We just need to keep striving for verbal resolution. 164 00:08:24,921 --> 00:08:27,799 Yeah, yeah. Verbal resolution, sweetheart. 165 00:08:28,591 --> 00:08:30,301 So where do you want to do this tonight? 166 00:08:30,468 --> 00:08:31,469 Do what? 167 00:08:32,178 --> 00:08:33,513 Dialogue Night. 168 00:08:33,680 --> 00:08:35,432 Oh, my God. 169 00:08:36,266 --> 00:08:37,350 Honey... 170 00:08:37,434 --> 00:08:38,685 Don't even say that. 171 00:08:38,852 --> 00:08:42,689 I'm so sorry. I suck. 172 00:08:42,856 --> 00:08:45,942 Dr. Tillman said just once a week, for one hour. 173 00:08:46,109 --> 00:08:47,110 I'm sorry. 174 00:08:47,485 --> 00:08:48,695 That was three months ago. 175 00:08:48,862 --> 00:08:50,447 I know. I heard her. 176 00:08:50,613 --> 00:08:52,991 And I want to sit and talk with you for an hour 177 00:08:53,158 --> 00:08:55,994 more than once a week, but tonight, I cannot. 178 00:08:56,161 --> 00:08:57,454 Why? What are you doing? 179 00:08:57,620 --> 00:08:59,205 I promised Mitch I would sit and watch 180 00:08:59,289 --> 00:09:00,290 a game with him tonight, and... 181 00:09:00,457 --> 00:09:01,458 What? 182 00:09:01,541 --> 00:09:04,502 Can we please just slide the Dialogue Night again? 183 00:09:04,627 --> 00:09:05,628 I'm so sorry. 184 00:09:07,964 --> 00:09:09,174 I can do Monday night. 185 00:09:10,133 --> 00:09:11,176 Thank you. 186 00:09:11,801 --> 00:09:12,886 (DOORBELL RINGS) He's early. 187 00:09:13,053 --> 00:09:14,596 Yeah, you'd be early, too, 188 00:09:14,679 --> 00:09:17,140 if all you did all day was eat hummus and masturbate. 189 00:09:17,223 --> 00:09:18,308 What's hummus? 190 00:09:18,475 --> 00:09:20,518 That is a Mediterranean spread, honey. 191 00:09:20,685 --> 00:09:21,978 What's master-ate? 192 00:09:22,145 --> 00:09:23,646 It's a cracker. 193 00:09:25,065 --> 00:09:26,816 Oh, hey, Mitch. Your hair looks good. 194 00:09:26,983 --> 00:09:28,068 Thanks. 195 00:09:28,234 --> 00:09:31,321 Yeah, I had to cut it for a fucking tampon commercial. 196 00:09:31,488 --> 00:09:32,572 CARA: Uncle Mitch! (GASPS) 197 00:09:32,655 --> 00:09:34,908 How's my favorite ballerina doing? 198 00:09:34,991 --> 00:09:37,202 Hi, Uncle Mitch. Hi! Wow! 199 00:09:37,577 --> 00:09:39,746 Gosh, you're so light. Are you dieting? 200 00:09:39,913 --> 00:09:41,664 Do you want to come to my dance recital? 201 00:09:41,831 --> 00:09:42,957 Oh! 202 00:09:43,166 --> 00:09:45,043 No, honey. 203 00:09:45,210 --> 00:09:47,212 The only style of dancing that Uncle Mitch likes 204 00:09:47,378 --> 00:09:50,840 involves a big, shiny pole, and a broken woman with daddy issues. 205 00:09:50,965 --> 00:09:52,092 (GROANS) 206 00:09:52,342 --> 00:09:53,510 Yeah, story time is over. 207 00:09:53,676 --> 00:09:55,261 Go fix your hair. 208 00:09:55,345 --> 00:09:56,346 Ow. 209 00:09:56,846 --> 00:09:58,223 Mmm, smells good in here, Jame. 210 00:09:58,306 --> 00:09:59,307 Mmm. 211 00:10:00,100 --> 00:10:01,351 Ooh! Num-nums! 212 00:10:02,018 --> 00:10:03,103 Vegetable medley! 213 00:10:03,269 --> 00:10:05,230 How are you? Good. 214 00:10:05,396 --> 00:10:06,731 You're good? Yeah. 215 00:10:06,898 --> 00:10:08,274 Are you dating anyone? 216 00:10:08,441 --> 00:10:09,943 Ooh! You know who I ran into? VVhO? 217 00:10:10,235 --> 00:10:12,904 Mrs. Hickham at a Starbucks in Druid Hills. 218 00:10:13,071 --> 00:10:14,864 Our social studies teacher? Yeah. 219 00:10:15,031 --> 00:10:16,574 I asked her out and she wouldn't go out with me, 220 00:10:16,741 --> 00:10:18,701 which is crazy, because I nailed her in high school. 221 00:10:18,868 --> 00:10:21,913 You did? I dated her mouth for a full semester. 222 00:10:22,539 --> 00:10:26,126 (LAUGHING) Okay. Bathed, diapered, and in the PJs. 223 00:10:26,376 --> 00:10:28,628 Is Dave meeting your needs, sexually? 224 00:10:29,212 --> 00:10:31,381 Yeah, I guess. MITCH: Good. 225 00:10:31,965 --> 00:10:32,966 Not really, mmm-mmm. Ahh. 226 00:10:33,800 --> 00:10:36,052 I would like to strap you to my face and say the alphabet. 227 00:10:36,761 --> 00:10:38,346 That's going too far. 228 00:10:38,429 --> 00:10:39,681 Oh! 229 00:10:40,098 --> 00:10:43,977 Look at these little fuckers! 230 00:10:45,395 --> 00:10:47,564 What's your name? Hey. 231 00:10:47,730 --> 00:10:50,066 What's your name? What's your name? 232 00:10:50,233 --> 00:10:52,569 Why can't they talk yet? Are they retarded or something? 233 00:10:52,735 --> 00:10:53,987 Don't say... You can't say that. 234 00:10:54,154 --> 00:10:56,573 Well, this one right here looks a little Downsy. 235 00:10:56,739 --> 00:10:58,908 Or that. MITCH: I'm kidding. 236 00:10:59,075 --> 00:11:00,410 A little bit, though? No. 237 00:11:00,577 --> 00:11:02,620 DAVE: Pumpkin, we'll see you right after the game, okay? 238 00:11:02,787 --> 00:11:03,913 JAMIE: Have fun. 239 00:11:04,289 --> 00:11:06,291 I like it. Oh, God. (CRYING) 240 00:11:06,499 --> 00:11:09,085 Let's go. Okay. Bye. 241 00:11:09,169 --> 00:11:11,254 (BOTH BABIES CRYING) (SIGHS) 242 00:11:12,172 --> 00:11:13,464 MITCH: Mitch and Dave. 243 00:11:13,631 --> 00:11:15,758 DAVE: Mitch and Dave, out on the town. 244 00:11:15,925 --> 00:11:17,760 Oh, dude, I didn't tell you! 245 00:11:17,927 --> 00:11:19,512 I booked a major movie role this week. 246 00:11:19,596 --> 00:11:20,680 I auditioned for a movie role, I got it. 247 00:11:20,847 --> 00:11:22,765 Yeah, first one. Hey, good for you. What is it called? 248 00:11:22,932 --> 00:11:24,601 Untitled Awesome Movie. 249 00:11:24,767 --> 00:11:26,311 Truly? That's the name? 250 00:11:26,477 --> 00:11:28,021 Yeah. Yeah. Good for you. 251 00:11:28,188 --> 00:11:30,273 Do you want to hotbox this nut sack'? No, no. 252 00:11:30,440 --> 00:11:32,775 I've got a big day tomorrow. Take the wheel. Steer. Steering wheel. 253 00:11:32,942 --> 00:11:34,110 Oh, steer for me. 254 00:11:34,277 --> 00:11:35,778 Mitch, come on, buddy. 255 00:11:35,945 --> 00:11:39,115 Let's make it to the game in one piece, don't you think? 256 00:11:39,282 --> 00:11:42,202 VVant to try that? This Fiero, unfortunately, is airbag-free. 257 00:11:42,368 --> 00:11:43,453 It's a work day tomorrow. 258 00:11:43,620 --> 00:11:46,331 Come on. All right, I'll take one hit. 259 00:11:46,456 --> 00:11:48,791 Oh! What the... You motherfucker! 260 00:11:48,958 --> 00:11:50,293 Let's just focus on the driving. 261 00:11:50,460 --> 00:11:53,296 Just say no, Reagan. God, why would you do that? 262 00:11:53,463 --> 00:11:54,964 Well, we're driving. God! 263 00:11:55,131 --> 00:11:57,508 This is a car carrying a lot of speed. This is terrible. 264 00:11:57,675 --> 00:12:00,220 Hit the steering wheel. I'm going again! 265 00:12:01,638 --> 00:12:05,516 (ALL CHEERING) 266 00:12:06,976 --> 00:12:07,936 Whoo! Drink! 267 00:12:08,061 --> 00:12:10,647 I'll drink to that. All right! That was a strikeout. 268 00:12:11,981 --> 00:12:14,442 Huh, what's going on? It is good to see you again. 269 00:12:14,567 --> 00:12:16,027 It's good to see you, too, Dave. 270 00:12:16,194 --> 00:12:17,487 What's going on with the women, huh? 271 00:12:17,654 --> 00:12:20,657 I've been seeing a number of very, very nice ladies. 272 00:12:21,074 --> 00:12:23,493 I got some pictures. Wow. 273 00:12:23,701 --> 00:12:25,078 That is Tatiana. 274 00:12:25,245 --> 00:12:26,246 Taflana. 275 00:12:26,412 --> 00:12:27,413 Taflana. 276 00:12:27,580 --> 00:12:28,665 What's her last name? 277 00:12:28,831 --> 00:12:32,877 It's Tatiana Calls-me- at-three-in-the-morning- and-wants-to-fuck-stein. 278 00:12:33,044 --> 00:12:34,671 Who gives a shit what her last name is? (LAUGHS) 279 00:12:35,088 --> 00:12:37,590 Mitch. Reminds me a little bit of Sabrina. 280 00:12:37,757 --> 00:12:39,384 Yeah! Wait, who's Sabrina? 281 00:12:39,550 --> 00:12:42,053 Sabrina. She's this... (EXHALES FORCEFULLY) 282 00:12:42,220 --> 00:12:44,430 She's this new law associate at my work. 283 00:12:44,597 --> 00:12:47,475 She's so hot. Oh, Mitch, is she hot. Uh-oh. 284 00:12:47,600 --> 00:12:50,186 She's like fall-out-of-a-magazine hot, you know? 285 00:12:50,353 --> 00:12:52,230 I bet she's number one on your cancer list, right? 286 00:12:52,313 --> 00:12:53,273 What is that? 287 00:12:53,356 --> 00:12:54,774 Come on, you know what that is. What is that? 288 00:12:54,941 --> 00:12:56,317 Every married guy has a cancer list. 289 00:12:56,401 --> 00:12:57,986 It's the first three women you'd have sex with 290 00:12:58,069 --> 00:12:59,445 if your wife suddenly died of cancer. 291 00:12:59,612 --> 00:13:01,281 That's fucking sick. 292 00:13:01,364 --> 00:13:02,615 Come on. That's the mother of my children. 293 00:13:02,699 --> 00:13:03,700 Oh, I know. 294 00:13:03,783 --> 00:13:06,244 But I'll play. Yes, she'd be at the top of that list. 295 00:13:06,411 --> 00:13:07,620 It's like a gift. Yeah. 296 00:13:07,787 --> 00:13:09,956 (LAUGHS) But I interrupted you. Tell me about this one again. 297 00:13:10,123 --> 00:13:12,834 God, last week, Tatiana, she comes over, 298 00:13:13,167 --> 00:13:14,627 she's wearing this tight black mini-dress, 299 00:13:14,711 --> 00:13:15,753 and you know what she says to me? 300 00:13:16,045 --> 00:13:17,422 Tell me slow. No, nothing. 301 00:13:17,588 --> 00:13:19,632 Because all Tatiana wants to do at 3:00 in the morning 302 00:13:19,757 --> 00:13:21,843 is fucky, fucky, rubber ducky. 303 00:13:22,010 --> 00:13:24,387 This chick is insatiable! 304 00:13:24,554 --> 00:13:26,931 She wants it in every position under the sun. 305 00:13:27,098 --> 00:13:28,349 God, you're so lucky. 306 00:13:28,516 --> 00:13:30,893 We do the Wheelbarrow, the Arabian Goggles, 307 00:13:31,060 --> 00:13:33,354 the Lonesome Dove, the Arsenio Hall, 308 00:13:33,521 --> 00:13:36,607 the Jelly Donut, the Pastrami Sandwich, the Wolfgang Puck... 309 00:13:36,774 --> 00:13:38,776 And let me tell you something, no man is that hungry. 310 00:13:38,943 --> 00:13:40,403 What? I don't even know what these are. 311 00:13:40,570 --> 00:13:42,530 You're married. You're married, Dave. That's true. 312 00:13:42,697 --> 00:13:44,115 Anyway, we start going at it 313 00:13:44,407 --> 00:13:47,118 and it gets so intense that my nose starts bleeding. 314 00:13:47,201 --> 00:13:48,202 Come on. 315 00:13:48,286 --> 00:13:50,747 This is Dracula, Anne Rice-type shit 316 00:13:50,830 --> 00:13:51,956 happening right in front of me. 317 00:13:52,040 --> 00:13:53,082 Good for you. 318 00:13:53,166 --> 00:13:55,543 When all is said and done, when we finish up, and the dust settles, 319 00:13:55,710 --> 00:13:57,337 she looks up at me, and she says, 320 00:13:57,503 --> 00:14:01,883 "Mitchell, next Tuesday, lam coming back here, 321 00:14:02,050 --> 00:14:04,135 "and we're really going to fuck." 322 00:14:04,677 --> 00:14:05,845 Yes! 323 00:14:06,012 --> 00:14:08,514 Yes! Tatiana. 324 00:14:08,681 --> 00:14:10,767 Fuck. Mitch, Mitch, Mitch. 325 00:14:10,933 --> 00:14:12,018 You're just... 326 00:14:12,435 --> 00:14:13,770 How did I miss this? 327 00:14:13,936 --> 00:14:17,023 I missed all the sex and the drugs and the bad choices, 328 00:14:17,190 --> 00:14:20,151 and I just fucking rushed it, didn't I? Wasn't I rushing? 329 00:14:20,234 --> 00:14:21,319 You were busy. 330 00:14:21,402 --> 00:14:22,862 Rushing to get into a good college, right? 331 00:14:22,987 --> 00:14:24,447 And then into a good law school. 332 00:14:24,530 --> 00:14:25,823 Once I got into a good law school, 333 00:14:25,948 --> 00:14:27,241 I just wanted to get into a good law firm. 334 00:14:27,325 --> 00:14:29,494 I met Jamie, we got married, we had Cara, and that was it. 335 00:14:29,660 --> 00:14:33,039 I pissed away my 20s, right? Now it's too late. 336 00:14:33,456 --> 00:14:35,792 Look,shHbHd. You got it made! 337 00:14:35,958 --> 00:14:37,919 You have an extremely hot wife, 338 00:14:38,086 --> 00:14:39,962 and you got a beautiful house 339 00:14:40,129 --> 00:14:43,132 that's full of furniture and food and kids. 340 00:14:43,299 --> 00:14:44,592 And you make a ton of money. 341 00:14:44,759 --> 00:14:46,427 And you come home at the end of the day 342 00:14:46,594 --> 00:14:49,639 and you're surrounded by people who give a shit about you. 343 00:14:50,098 --> 00:14:52,141 You're never lonely. 344 00:14:52,308 --> 00:14:53,351 What more do you want? 345 00:14:53,518 --> 00:14:55,103 I'll tell you what I want, okay? 346 00:14:55,186 --> 00:14:56,437 I want something different. 347 00:14:56,562 --> 00:14:58,272 I want your life, you know? 348 00:14:58,439 --> 00:15:01,109 I want Sabrina. I want Tatiana. 349 00:15:01,484 --> 00:15:03,653 And sex with strange, new women. 350 00:15:03,820 --> 00:15:04,821 You're living the dream. 351 00:15:04,987 --> 00:15:07,615 How much fun is it being an actor, working one week a year? 352 00:15:07,782 --> 00:15:10,284 I want to smoke weed all day. 353 00:15:10,451 --> 00:15:13,413 I want to start a book that I actually finish. 354 00:15:13,579 --> 00:15:15,706 I would like to take a nice, solid dump 355 00:15:15,832 --> 00:15:18,000 because I'm not constantly stressed out. 356 00:15:18,376 --> 00:15:20,920 I want to learn how to rollerblade. 357 00:15:22,046 --> 00:15:23,047 And I'd like to take a piss. 358 00:15:23,131 --> 00:15:24,841 Me, too. Fountain, fountain, fountain. 359 00:15:25,091 --> 00:15:26,217 Perfect. 360 00:15:34,851 --> 00:15:36,227 Whoo! 361 00:15:39,814 --> 00:15:42,483 MITCH: This chick does not look happy. 362 00:15:42,567 --> 00:15:45,486 I was just saying that I really envy your life. 363 00:15:45,570 --> 00:15:46,654 That's all. I envy yours. 364 00:15:46,737 --> 00:15:48,573 No, you don't. You're just trying to be nice. 365 00:15:48,739 --> 00:15:50,366 I'm not. I do, I envy it. 366 00:15:50,533 --> 00:15:51,909 No. I envy yours. 367 00:15:52,076 --> 00:15:54,078 BOTH: I Wish I had your life. 368 00:16:04,046 --> 00:16:06,007 (THUNDER RUMBLING) 369 00:16:16,517 --> 00:16:18,060 It's rolling blackouts or something? 370 00:16:18,227 --> 00:16:19,479 Yeah, I guess. 371 00:16:21,522 --> 00:16:24,901 Look at your flow, it's so nice and thick. 372 00:16:25,067 --> 00:16:26,068 It's confident. 373 00:16:26,235 --> 00:16:29,238 Yours is very steamy. Thanks. 374 00:16:29,489 --> 00:16:31,407 My urologist says I run a little hot. 375 00:16:31,574 --> 00:16:32,867 Good to go? Oh, yeah. 376 00:16:33,034 --> 00:16:35,703 Can you drive? Oh, yeah! 377 00:16:52,094 --> 00:16:53,930 (BABIES WAILING) 378 00:16:58,267 --> 00:16:59,769 Holy fuck-knuckles! 379 00:16:59,936 --> 00:17:02,104 Where is my bong? 380 00:17:04,106 --> 00:17:06,526 Whose fucking kid is that? 381 00:17:07,276 --> 00:17:10,279 What is with all these goddamn pillows? 382 00:17:15,034 --> 00:17:16,702 (SCREAMS) Jamie! Jesus! 383 00:17:16,953 --> 00:17:18,996 What? That's fucking disgusting! 384 00:17:19,163 --> 00:17:21,499 Put those tits away, this isn't Africa! 385 00:17:21,749 --> 00:17:24,252 What am I doing in this bed? Did I sleep here last night? 386 00:17:24,418 --> 00:17:26,003 Did I fucking nail you? 387 00:17:26,254 --> 00:17:27,588 Are you still drunk? 388 00:17:29,465 --> 00:17:30,466 Dave! 389 00:17:31,384 --> 00:17:32,843 Where is Lockwood? 390 00:17:36,806 --> 00:17:38,933 What the fuck? 391 00:17:39,100 --> 00:17:41,269 Oh, my God. 392 00:17:41,435 --> 00:17:42,937 I'm Dave? 393 00:17:46,190 --> 00:17:47,567 Oh, my God! 394 00:17:52,738 --> 00:17:54,365 (KNOCKING AT DOOR) 395 00:17:54,448 --> 00:17:56,659 MITCH: Open the goddamn door, Dave. 396 00:17:56,826 --> 00:17:58,035 (SNORING) 397 00:17:58,119 --> 00:18:00,371 Come on, open up the door, right now. 398 00:18:00,538 --> 00:18:01,664 Fuck. 399 00:18:02,248 --> 00:18:04,041 MITCH: Come on, buddy, open up the door immediately. 400 00:18:04,208 --> 00:18:05,835 Let's do it. 401 00:18:06,252 --> 00:18:07,753 (GROANS) 402 00:18:07,837 --> 00:18:10,464 Dave, come on. Open up the door, right now! 403 00:18:10,548 --> 00:18:12,091 (BREATHES DEEPLY) 404 00:18:12,174 --> 00:18:14,343 Okay, I'm awake. MITCH: Open up this fucking door! 405 00:18:15,261 --> 00:18:16,887 (EXCLAIMS) 406 00:18:21,309 --> 00:18:23,060 (KNOCKING CONTINUES) 407 00:18:23,144 --> 00:18:24,604 MITCH: Open the goddamn door, Dave! 408 00:18:24,687 --> 00:18:25,688 Mitch? 409 00:18:26,355 --> 00:18:27,982 Why am I in your apartment? 410 00:18:28,649 --> 00:18:30,151 MITCH: Dave, hurry up, open up the door! 411 00:18:30,526 --> 00:18:31,777 (EXCLAIMS) 412 00:18:33,029 --> 00:18:35,156 MITCH: Something very bad has happened. Wait until you see me. 413 00:18:35,323 --> 00:18:36,907 Wait until you see you! Jesus Christ, relax. 414 00:18:37,074 --> 00:18:39,160 MITCH: Super freaky, dude. Let's do it! 415 00:18:40,661 --> 00:18:41,871 Oh. 416 00:18:43,914 --> 00:18:44,999 What the hell is this? 417 00:18:45,541 --> 00:18:48,586 I knew it. Oh, my God. 418 00:18:48,753 --> 00:18:51,756 Jesus Christ, what the fuck is this? 419 00:18:52,632 --> 00:18:54,425 Look at this. 420 00:18:55,426 --> 00:18:57,303 Yeah, it's you. 421 00:18:59,055 --> 00:19:01,766 And this is all me. All of this shit is mine. 422 00:19:01,932 --> 00:19:02,975 You're welcome. 423 00:19:03,142 --> 00:19:04,226 I got this. (GRUNTS) 424 00:19:04,393 --> 00:19:05,519 What are you doing to me? 425 00:19:05,686 --> 00:19:07,980 (STRUGGLES) Hey, stop it. I'm so strong. 426 00:19:08,564 --> 00:19:09,940 (SHUSHING) You're choking yourself! 427 00:19:10,107 --> 00:19:11,901 Must wake up. 428 00:19:12,068 --> 00:19:13,069 Wake up! 429 00:19:13,152 --> 00:19:15,196 I can't breathe. Take my hands off you. 430 00:19:15,279 --> 00:19:17,615 Wake up! Get the fuck off me! 431 00:19:19,033 --> 00:19:20,743 (EXCLAIMING) 432 00:19:20,868 --> 00:19:22,161 Okay, okay, okay! 433 00:19:22,745 --> 00:19:24,705 (PANTING) Go look in the mirror. Right there! 434 00:19:27,083 --> 00:19:28,084 All right? 435 00:19:29,835 --> 00:19:30,836 (GROANING) I'm a douche bag. 436 00:19:31,003 --> 00:19:32,588 I'm a fucking tool! 437 00:19:33,339 --> 00:19:34,340 Oh! What did you do? 438 00:19:34,507 --> 00:19:35,841 What did I do? You think I want to be you? 439 00:19:36,008 --> 00:19:37,259 Who said I wanted to be you? 440 00:19:38,969 --> 00:19:40,888 Holy shit, we did. 441 00:19:42,390 --> 00:19:43,391 We wished for each other's lives 442 00:19:43,557 --> 00:19:45,976 when we were pissing in that fucking fountain last night. 443 00:19:46,143 --> 00:19:47,478 We wished we had each other's lives. 444 00:19:47,645 --> 00:19:48,896 I was just trying to be nice! 445 00:19:49,063 --> 00:19:50,648 Oh, my God! 446 00:19:51,315 --> 00:19:52,900 (HORN BLARING) MITCH: I know a shortcut to the fountain. 447 00:19:53,067 --> 00:19:54,443 Go this way. 448 00:19:54,610 --> 00:19:56,237 (TIRES SCREECHING) 449 00:19:56,654 --> 00:19:57,738 Careful! Easy. 450 00:19:57,905 --> 00:19:59,407 I got it. I got it. 451 00:19:59,532 --> 00:20:01,075 (HORNS BLARING) 452 00:20:08,207 --> 00:20:09,709 DAVE: What are we going to do when we get to the fountain? 453 00:20:09,792 --> 00:20:10,835 We're going to take a piss in it, or... 454 00:20:11,001 --> 00:20:13,421 I don't give a shit. We're gonna get our lives back. 455 00:20:16,424 --> 00:20:17,758 You've got to be kidding me. 456 00:20:22,054 --> 00:20:23,389 Hey, where is the fountain? 457 00:20:23,806 --> 00:20:24,807 It is getting restored. 458 00:20:24,974 --> 00:20:27,184 What are you talking about, restored? Where did you take it? 459 00:20:27,476 --> 00:20:28,936 I don't know, guy, I just fill the hole. 460 00:20:29,019 --> 00:20:30,020 I'm not the fountain spokesman. 461 00:20:30,312 --> 00:20:32,148 Hey, motherfucker... (EXCLAIMS) 462 00:20:32,314 --> 00:20:33,607 Whoa, whoa, who could tell us where it is? 463 00:20:34,775 --> 00:20:35,985 Maybe ask the district manager. 464 00:20:36,485 --> 00:20:38,237 (TIRES SCREECHING) 465 00:20:53,544 --> 00:20:55,463 Nope. it is not in the computer. 466 00:20:55,921 --> 00:20:58,883 Okay, when will it be in the computer? 467 00:20:59,049 --> 00:21:01,051 Maybe tomorrow. That's when Viotor gets baok. 468 00:21:01,218 --> 00:21:02,720 It's not in the computer, it's not in the park. 469 00:21:02,887 --> 00:21:03,929 Who is Victor? 470 00:21:04,013 --> 00:21:06,432 The guy that knows how to find shit in the computer. 471 00:21:06,599 --> 00:21:08,350 How can you lose a fountain? 472 00:21:08,476 --> 00:21:10,561 This is a big deal to us, okay? I mean, it's a fountain! 473 00:21:10,728 --> 00:21:13,105 Can you look a little bit harder? That's incredible! 474 00:21:13,272 --> 00:21:14,607 It is not in the computer. 475 00:21:14,774 --> 00:21:17,109 Yeah, but your attitude is right on your shoulders. 476 00:21:17,276 --> 00:21:18,569 No,no,no! 477 00:21:18,736 --> 00:21:20,321 There was no physical contact. 478 00:21:20,488 --> 00:21:23,032 We're okay. We're fine. We're fine. 479 00:21:23,657 --> 00:21:26,160 I have the biggest meeting in my life in 45 minutes. This isn't happening. 480 00:21:26,243 --> 00:21:27,495 Did you have something you wanted to do today? 481 00:21:27,661 --> 00:21:29,163 I've got day one of my big break movie. 482 00:21:29,330 --> 00:21:31,457 If I don't make this meeting, I don't make partner, 483 00:21:31,624 --> 00:21:33,793 andthelast 15 years of my life, everything I've done, wasted! 484 00:21:33,876 --> 00:21:35,002 All right, fine, I'll do it. 485 00:21:35,377 --> 00:21:37,463 I've got it. I'll do it. 486 00:21:38,589 --> 00:21:40,132 I got you. Do what? 487 00:21:40,299 --> 00:21:41,467 I'm an actor. Human chameleon. 488 00:21:41,634 --> 00:21:43,052 I can do lawyer in my fucking sleep. Give me the keys. 489 00:21:43,219 --> 00:21:44,637 Oh, you'll play me in one of your productions? 490 00:21:44,804 --> 00:21:46,096 Yeah, give me the keys. Okay, no. 491 00:21:46,263 --> 00:21:48,390 Why? Because you're... 492 00:21:48,474 --> 00:21:49,558 Careful. 493 00:21:50,351 --> 00:21:52,728 Because there's more to being a lawyer than what you see on TV, Mitch. 494 00:21:52,895 --> 00:21:53,896 Is there? Yeah. 495 00:21:54,063 --> 00:21:56,232 I object! Oh, my God. 496 00:21:56,398 --> 00:21:57,566 No! Okay? 497 00:21:57,733 --> 00:22:00,528 Wrong, my friend. You don't know the first thing about being a lawyer. 498 00:22:00,694 --> 00:22:01,695 You're not a trained actor. 499 00:22:01,862 --> 00:22:02,988 Neither are you. 500 00:22:03,155 --> 00:22:04,448 Save it, all right, Dave? 501 00:22:04,532 --> 00:22:05,658 It's one day. We're Mitch and Dave! 502 00:22:05,741 --> 00:22:07,493 We can do one day of anything. Give me the keys. 503 00:22:08,828 --> 00:22:10,454 Let's go. Do you have a better plan? 504 00:22:10,913 --> 00:22:12,456 Shit. Okay. All right. 505 00:22:12,623 --> 00:22:14,416 You've got 41 minutes, okay? Great! 506 00:22:14,583 --> 00:22:16,961 Go to my house, get dressed in my clothes. 507 00:22:17,127 --> 00:22:19,922 Then you go to my office, find my legal associate, Sabfina. 508 00:22:20,089 --> 00:22:21,674 Get the merger documents from her, 509 00:22:21,757 --> 00:22:23,592 take them to the conference room, and... 510 00:22:23,759 --> 00:22:25,177 Oh, God, the partners are going to be there. 511 00:22:25,344 --> 00:22:28,681 Listen, do not say a single word. 512 00:22:28,848 --> 00:22:29,849 What if somebody asks me a question? 513 00:22:30,015 --> 00:22:31,642 They're not going to ask you a damn thing. 514 00:22:31,809 --> 00:22:33,561 Once the meeting starts, you will continue to say nothing. 515 00:22:33,727 --> 00:22:35,479 When a partner asks you for the merger documents, 516 00:22:35,646 --> 00:22:38,524 you will then silently hand them over. 517 00:22:38,691 --> 00:22:40,359 I get it. Play it big, but maintain my reality. 518 00:22:40,526 --> 00:22:41,735 It's pretty simple. No! You play it small. 519 00:22:41,902 --> 00:22:43,237 I have spent the last nine months 520 00:22:43,320 --> 00:22:44,613 banging out the terms of this deal. 521 00:22:44,780 --> 00:22:46,949 The only thing you have to do is hand over the documents, that's it. 522 00:22:47,032 --> 00:22:48,033 Dude, easy as fuck. 523 00:22:48,200 --> 00:22:50,244 You can't say things like that in the meeting, Mitch. 524 00:22:50,411 --> 00:22:51,412 True. Good note. 525 00:22:51,579 --> 00:22:53,998 For me, you go to my house, okay? All my info is on my fridge. 526 00:22:54,164 --> 00:22:56,083 When you get to the set, you go to hair and makeup, 527 00:22:56,166 --> 00:22:57,167 and you learn your lines. 528 00:22:57,334 --> 00:22:59,670 Most of all, do not fuck this up for me, all right? 529 00:22:59,837 --> 00:23:02,756 This is my big break, my Raging Bull. Do you hear me? 530 00:23:02,923 --> 00:23:04,842 You respect my art, you respect my life. 531 00:23:05,009 --> 00:23:06,010 You respect mine. 532 00:23:06,176 --> 00:23:07,595 Yeah, I got you. Power hug. Come on. 533 00:23:09,805 --> 00:23:11,724 (EXCLAIMS) Hold on. You got to pick up Cara. 534 00:23:11,891 --> 00:23:13,934 Pick up Cara from ballet at 4:00, okay? 535 00:23:14,101 --> 00:23:15,394 I am fucking all over that shit. 536 00:23:15,561 --> 00:23:17,187 Holy shit. 537 00:23:17,271 --> 00:23:18,439 (ELEVATOR DINGS) 538 00:23:30,993 --> 00:23:33,621 Early morning on the golf course, Lockwood? 539 00:23:33,746 --> 00:23:35,372 Ha-ha! Terrific! 540 00:23:44,965 --> 00:23:46,091 Num-nums! 541 00:23:46,508 --> 00:23:48,093 (LAUGHS) Fucking score! 542 00:23:48,510 --> 00:23:50,220 Fucking grocery store. 543 00:23:51,347 --> 00:23:55,225 Look at all of this for little Mitchie-poo. 544 00:23:55,809 --> 00:23:56,852 Nice! 545 00:23:57,686 --> 00:23:58,938 Oh, there you are. 546 00:23:59,021 --> 00:24:01,732 I redid the 10-19 variants, everything else is the same. Ready? 547 00:24:02,650 --> 00:24:04,109 Oh, you must be Sabrina, huh? 548 00:24:04,985 --> 00:24:06,028 You must be Dave. 549 00:24:06,111 --> 00:24:07,863 Are we role-playing or something? Because we're late. 550 00:24:08,155 --> 00:24:10,157 He didn't tell me you were a big, fat, fucking boner. 551 00:24:12,076 --> 00:24:13,869 Sorry. That was unprofessional. Wasn't it? 552 00:24:14,328 --> 00:24:16,622 Dave have a mimosa for breakfast? A little nervous? 553 00:24:16,789 --> 00:24:17,790 That was a joke. Hey... 554 00:24:17,957 --> 00:24:20,000 I've got one really important question before we go. 555 00:24:20,167 --> 00:24:22,002 All this food here, is it free? 556 00:24:24,588 --> 00:24:25,589 You got this. 557 00:24:25,756 --> 00:24:26,757 Yeah, I got it. 558 00:24:26,882 --> 00:24:27,925 I got it. Okay. (LAUGHS) 559 00:24:28,092 --> 00:24:29,134 Let's do this. 560 00:24:29,218 --> 00:24:30,803 All right. You remember though? 561 00:24:30,970 --> 00:24:33,222 Oh, right. It's down there. Got it. 562 00:24:36,225 --> 00:24:38,394 (PEOPLE TALKING) 563 00:24:53,909 --> 00:24:55,744 Lockwood. Yep. 564 00:24:56,704 --> 00:24:59,456 Perhaps you would like to sit on our side of the table. 565 00:25:01,834 --> 00:25:02,960 Thanks. 566 00:25:08,215 --> 00:25:10,384 FLEMMING: Now, before we formalize this merger, 567 00:25:10,551 --> 00:25:14,263 are there any outstanding questions we might address? 568 00:25:14,847 --> 00:25:16,432 Our back-of-the-envelope analysis 569 00:25:16,849 --> 00:25:20,561 (CHAIR CLICKING LCDUDLY) shows your P&L to be 2% less than expected 570 00:25:20,728 --> 00:25:21,895 as per the MAC clause. 571 00:25:22,688 --> 00:25:24,898 Can I get confirmation that the EBITDA 572 00:25:25,024 --> 00:25:27,276 still aligns with comfortable... 573 00:25:28,360 --> 00:25:29,361 Dave? 574 00:25:31,655 --> 00:25:33,907 Dave! Yes. Dave is here. 575 00:25:36,368 --> 00:25:37,369 Hey, man. 576 00:25:37,494 --> 00:25:38,579 Hey. 577 00:25:39,038 --> 00:25:40,247 Oh, I've got your thing. 578 00:25:41,623 --> 00:25:42,624 Boom! 579 00:25:43,042 --> 00:25:44,710 No, Dave, uh... 580 00:25:44,877 --> 00:25:48,630 Mr. Kinkabe had a question about the EBITDA. 581 00:25:53,594 --> 00:25:54,595 Okay. 582 00:25:57,556 --> 00:25:58,599 Uh, how is it? 583 00:26:02,227 --> 00:26:03,228 Good. 584 00:26:05,189 --> 00:26:06,607 Good? 585 00:26:08,275 --> 00:26:09,485 What am I saying? 586 00:26:09,651 --> 00:26:11,278 EBITDA is bad. 587 00:26:12,362 --> 00:26:13,489 Fucking terrible. 588 00:26:13,614 --> 00:26:15,074 (ALL MURMURING) 589 00:26:15,449 --> 00:26:17,826 Are you saying the premium needs to be adjusted? 590 00:26:18,160 --> 00:26:19,161 I didn't say that. 591 00:26:19,328 --> 00:26:21,038 Did you hear me say it? Nope. 592 00:26:21,205 --> 00:26:22,206 What about our WAGE'? 593 00:26:22,831 --> 00:26:24,708 Huh? What PPS multiple are you using? 594 00:26:24,792 --> 00:26:26,752 What's that? ls the financing still stable? 595 00:26:26,835 --> 00:26:27,878 Hang on, 9W5- 596 00:26:27,961 --> 00:26:30,798 Fucking 25 guys on this side. Can you fire at somebody else? 597 00:26:30,964 --> 00:26:32,341 Can anybody else field the fucking question? 598 00:26:32,508 --> 00:26:34,176 Dave? Yep. 599 00:26:34,343 --> 00:26:36,762 It's your job to know this. 600 00:26:37,012 --> 00:26:38,931 Yeah, and I know that. 601 00:26:39,306 --> 00:26:42,351 You know, we're... Everything is... 602 00:26:43,060 --> 00:26:44,061 Here is the deal. 603 00:26:44,937 --> 00:26:47,022 We are very rich. 604 00:26:47,189 --> 00:26:48,982 (IMITATING ASIAN ACCENT) Everybody rich! 605 00:26:50,025 --> 00:26:51,652 So let's sign this. 606 00:26:51,819 --> 00:26:54,571 What's the worst that can happen? Right? 607 00:26:54,738 --> 00:26:57,032 We will just roll this party out 608 00:26:57,199 --> 00:26:59,493 to some sushi and some sake bombs. 609 00:26:59,660 --> 00:27:02,788 Moustache is buying. And then a little karaoke for dessert? 610 00:27:02,955 --> 00:27:04,123 What have we got to lose? 611 00:27:04,289 --> 00:27:07,126 Let's bones that. Huh, 'stache? 612 00:27:07,292 --> 00:27:08,669 KINKABE: Is this some kind of joke? 613 00:27:09,086 --> 00:27:10,504 Are you trying to poison the well? 614 00:27:10,671 --> 00:27:12,714 You are the one on a fishing expedition, Kinkabe. 615 00:27:12,881 --> 00:27:14,800 You were never serious about this merger. 616 00:27:14,883 --> 00:27:15,884 KINKABEI Me? 617 00:27:16,009 --> 00:27:18,637 This moron works for you. You are the one sabotaging it. 618 00:27:18,804 --> 00:27:20,848 Fuck you with that... "Moron" is a bad word here. 619 00:27:21,014 --> 00:27:22,015 This merger is over. 620 00:27:22,182 --> 00:27:25,394 You have just made the biggest mistake of your career, mister. 621 00:27:25,561 --> 00:27:27,146 I will see you in court. No, no. 622 00:27:27,312 --> 00:27:29,565 What a bunch of bullshit! 623 00:27:30,482 --> 00:27:31,984 Hang on. Don't get up. 624 00:27:32,151 --> 00:27:34,278 Is this a break? Taking a break? 625 00:27:35,154 --> 00:27:36,363 Quick fiver? 626 00:27:36,572 --> 00:27:37,948 (EXCLAIMING) 627 00:27:38,448 --> 00:27:39,658 What the hell was that? 628 00:27:39,825 --> 00:27:42,077 Relax. This is good. 629 00:27:42,244 --> 00:27:43,453 Look at how great this is. 630 00:27:43,620 --> 00:27:47,124 It's all part of my secret master plan. 631 00:27:47,291 --> 00:27:48,792 It is? You bet. 632 00:27:48,959 --> 00:27:50,002 You are hurting my arm a little bit. 633 00:27:52,004 --> 00:27:54,882 This deal is critical to the very survival of this firm. 634 00:27:55,048 --> 00:27:56,383 Is that clear? I got it. 635 00:27:56,842 --> 00:27:58,969 I know what I'm doing. I've been doing it for... 636 00:27:59,052 --> 00:28:00,429 How long have I been doing it here, huh? 637 00:28:00,596 --> 00:28:02,389 How long have I worked here? You know that. 638 00:28:02,556 --> 00:28:03,724 (EXHALES) I don't know. 639 00:28:04,099 --> 00:28:05,601 Nine years, 10. Yeah. 640 00:28:05,809 --> 00:28:08,020 Yeah. Perfect. Exactly 1 O years, that's exactly rig ht. 641 00:28:08,187 --> 00:28:09,938 And have I ever steered you wrong? 642 00:28:10,522 --> 00:28:11,565 No. 643 00:28:12,983 --> 00:28:13,984 Trust me, bro. 644 00:28:14,276 --> 00:28:15,277 Bro? 645 00:28:16,987 --> 00:28:17,988 Fine. 646 00:28:18,280 --> 00:28:21,658 But from here on out, you are on an extremely short leash! 647 00:28:21,825 --> 00:28:22,951 Understand? 648 00:28:23,118 --> 00:28:25,662 Now, go. Put on some proper clothes. 649 00:28:25,829 --> 00:28:26,955 You look like a Jew. 650 00:28:27,664 --> 00:28:28,874 Oh. 651 00:28:31,585 --> 00:28:34,171 DAVE: Excuse me, hello. Where do the movie stars park? 652 00:28:44,181 --> 00:28:46,099 Hello, there. Hey, man. What's up? 653 00:28:47,392 --> 00:28:48,977 Where the fuck is hair and makeup? 654 00:28:49,144 --> 00:28:50,771 Mitch Planko. Fuck me. 655 00:28:54,233 --> 00:28:55,234 Right there. 656 00:28:55,859 --> 00:28:56,985 Fuck me. 657 00:29:01,490 --> 00:29:03,242 Oh, look at that. That looks like fun. 658 00:29:05,327 --> 00:29:06,328 Ready for you on set. 659 00:29:06,536 --> 00:29:09,164 Anything I can get you? Vitamin water or Pellegrino? 660 00:29:09,331 --> 00:29:11,250 No, thank you. ljusthave a quick question. 661 00:29:11,416 --> 00:29:13,001 What does that mean, there, "TS?" 662 00:29:13,585 --> 00:29:14,962 Titty shot. 663 00:29:15,212 --> 00:29:17,005 And, "BTS," right there? 664 00:29:17,172 --> 00:29:19,424 Bouncing titty shot. Bouncing titty shot. 665 00:29:19,925 --> 00:29:21,802 Steve Driver, coming to the set. 666 00:29:22,219 --> 00:29:24,388 I'm just curious, what kind of movie is this? 667 00:29:24,471 --> 00:29:25,472 It's a lorno. 668 00:29:26,098 --> 00:29:28,267 I'm not familiar with that genre. Is that European? 669 00:29:28,433 --> 00:29:31,019 Lorno, "Light porno." Tits and shadows. 670 00:29:31,186 --> 00:29:32,938 You ever hear of Skinemax? 671 00:29:37,025 --> 00:29:38,026 Oh, no. 672 00:29:38,110 --> 00:29:39,152 Come on, big guy- 673 00:29:39,569 --> 00:29:41,363 (VVITH ACCENT) No,no,no. More oil. 674 00:29:41,530 --> 00:29:42,781 Make him shiny like fish. 675 00:29:42,948 --> 00:29:43,949 Are you the one in charge here? 676 00:29:44,116 --> 00:29:46,118 Mitch, I'm Valtan, the director. 677 00:29:46,285 --> 00:29:48,745 Oh, good. There's been some kind of mistake... 678 00:29:48,829 --> 00:29:49,871 Mona! 679 00:29:50,038 --> 00:29:51,331 Where the fuck is... I'm here! 680 00:29:51,456 --> 00:29:52,457 Hey! 681 00:29:53,333 --> 00:29:55,460 Here's the scene, okay? You going to enter with a gun... 682 00:29:55,627 --> 00:29:56,795 Where the gun? 683 00:29:57,546 --> 00:29:59,715 Mitch, you going to oome in. Guard going to try to stop you. 684 00:29:59,798 --> 00:30:02,259 Line, line, line. You knock him the fuck out. 685 00:30:02,592 --> 00:30:04,594 You see Mona. She lying there in the bed, 686 00:30:04,761 --> 00:30:07,681 and you wake her up for fuck time, okay? 687 00:30:07,764 --> 00:30:08,807 Lock it up! 688 00:30:08,974 --> 00:30:10,142 MAN 1: Locking it up. 689 00:30:10,809 --> 00:30:12,311 Have a good scene. 690 00:30:13,562 --> 00:30:15,480 MAN 1: Quiet on the set. This is heavy. Do you want to take... 691 00:30:15,564 --> 00:30:17,107 The camera is rolling. 692 00:30:17,858 --> 00:30:19,860 Question. VALTAN: And action! 693 00:30:23,280 --> 00:30:24,281 Hey. 694 00:30:25,407 --> 00:30:26,575 Action! 695 00:30:32,164 --> 00:30:33,415 No entry! 696 00:30:34,833 --> 00:30:36,084 MAN 2: (WHISPERING) Mitch, here. 697 00:30:37,627 --> 00:30:39,504 If you let... 698 00:30:40,172 --> 00:30:43,342 If you let me don1in,Taco, I will fuck you dead. 699 00:30:43,925 --> 00:30:44,885 That can't be right. 700 00:30:44,968 --> 00:30:47,554 All right, come on! Just knock him the fuck out, go inside. 701 00:30:47,721 --> 00:30:49,431 Keep rolling! MAN 1: Still rolling. 702 00:30:49,514 --> 00:30:50,515 VALTANI Action! 703 00:30:51,308 --> 00:30:53,268 (GRUNTING) 704 00:30:55,270 --> 00:30:56,646 Come on. I barely hit him. 705 00:30:56,897 --> 00:30:59,775 All right, we fix it in post. Just keep rolling, keep rolling. 706 00:30:59,941 --> 00:31:01,026 MAN 1: Keep rolling! 707 00:31:04,696 --> 00:31:05,989 Lola, wake up surprise. 708 00:31:06,198 --> 00:31:07,449 (SCREAMING) 709 00:31:07,574 --> 00:31:09,951 Holy shit! 710 00:31:10,243 --> 00:31:14,498 Steve Driver, you perfect bastard, you. 711 00:31:14,831 --> 00:31:15,832 VALTANI Rip it Off. 712 00:31:16,124 --> 00:31:17,125 (MOANING) 713 00:31:18,085 --> 00:31:19,628 (EXCLAIMS) 714 00:31:19,920 --> 00:31:20,962 God! 715 00:31:21,129 --> 00:31:24,174 Oh, yeah, eat that titty, boy. Eat that titty. 716 00:31:24,341 --> 00:31:26,968 (PURRING) Yeah, yeah! Eat that titty. 717 00:31:27,552 --> 00:31:28,804 Oh, Shit. 718 00:31:30,055 --> 00:31:32,891 VALTAN: Like Cheerio, boy. Delish! 719 00:31:33,642 --> 00:31:36,311 (MOANING) Yeah! Breakfast champion, boys. 720 00:31:36,686 --> 00:31:38,397 Mount for sex time. 721 00:31:38,563 --> 00:31:39,981 Go! On bed. 722 00:31:40,148 --> 00:31:42,275 Give it to me, Steve! 723 00:31:42,442 --> 00:31:43,944 VALTAN: Come on! Okay, okay, okay. 724 00:31:44,111 --> 00:31:45,362 (PURRING) VALTANI Yeah! 725 00:31:45,529 --> 00:31:47,030 Pump that ass, boy. 726 00:31:47,406 --> 00:31:48,990 Go, boy! (GROANS) 727 00:31:49,157 --> 00:31:51,243 Loosen hips, loosen hips. 728 00:31:51,410 --> 00:31:53,036 (MOANING) VALTAN: Go! Deep thrusting! 729 00:31:53,203 --> 00:31:54,830 VALTANI Yeah! 730 00:31:55,205 --> 00:31:56,832 Put your thumb up her butt. 731 00:31:58,708 --> 00:31:59,709 What? 732 00:32:00,419 --> 00:32:02,379 Stick your thumb up her butthole. 733 00:32:03,630 --> 00:32:05,382 I promise you, it's nice, clean. 734 00:32:05,465 --> 00:32:07,843 You eat cake off lady's starfish, okay? 735 00:32:08,218 --> 00:32:09,219 Ahhh... 736 00:32:09,469 --> 00:32:10,595 No. 737 00:32:12,389 --> 00:32:13,557 (PURRING) 738 00:32:14,099 --> 00:32:17,227 You put thumb up nice lady butthole 739 00:32:17,394 --> 00:32:19,688 or I put my fist up yours. 740 00:32:20,355 --> 00:32:21,356 Okay? Mmm-hmm. 741 00:32:22,566 --> 00:32:25,193 Okay. Keep rolling, keep rolling. 742 00:32:26,445 --> 00:32:27,821 I'm going to hell. 743 00:32:29,281 --> 00:32:30,490 (SQUELCHING) (MONA EXCLAIMS) 744 00:32:30,574 --> 00:32:32,242 Oh, Steve! 745 00:32:32,325 --> 00:32:34,786 It's like Christmas in my ass! 746 00:32:35,871 --> 00:32:37,414 VALTAN: Moving it around! Moving it around! (MOANING) 747 00:32:37,581 --> 00:32:38,665 Like iPhone. 748 00:32:39,040 --> 00:32:40,041 Yeah. 749 00:32:40,250 --> 00:32:42,043 Hey, purchase some apps! 750 00:32:42,210 --> 00:32:44,171 Buy Angry Birds! 751 00:32:44,337 --> 00:32:46,214 And enter Dimitri. 752 00:32:47,257 --> 00:32:48,341 Dimitri? 753 00:32:50,427 --> 00:32:51,428 Hi, Dimitri. 754 00:32:51,720 --> 00:32:53,054 What are you doing with my wife, man? 755 00:32:53,221 --> 00:32:56,266 VALTAN: Thrust! Don't improvise, okay? 756 00:32:56,433 --> 00:32:58,101 Keep thrusting, keep thrusting. 757 00:32:58,268 --> 00:33:00,729 VALTAN: Pump h. Oh, hey , hey , hey . 758 00:33:00,896 --> 00:33:02,189 Now kiss that boy. 759 00:33:02,355 --> 00:33:04,191 No,no,no. I'm good, Dimitri. 760 00:33:04,357 --> 00:33:06,526 You're going to kiss that boy. 761 00:33:06,693 --> 00:33:07,652 Come on. (MOANING) 762 00:33:07,736 --> 00:33:08,737 Okay, we're good. (MOANING LOUDLY) 763 00:33:10,197 --> 00:33:12,491 (CLASSICAL MUSIC PLAYING) 764 00:33:13,366 --> 00:33:15,243 Tall arms. Tall arms. 765 00:33:15,410 --> 00:33:17,204 Remember to smile, girls. 766 00:33:17,829 --> 00:33:18,830 Very nice. 767 00:33:20,123 --> 00:33:21,541 Focus. 768 00:33:22,167 --> 00:33:24,044 Arms up. Tall. 769 00:33:24,211 --> 00:33:25,212 Excellent, girls. 770 00:33:25,378 --> 00:33:26,796 Smile. Focus. 771 00:33:26,880 --> 00:33:27,881 (GRUNTS) 772 00:33:30,926 --> 00:33:33,512 (SIGHS) Cara, do try to stay on your toes. 773 00:33:35,764 --> 00:33:37,432 Let's start again. 774 00:33:39,392 --> 00:33:40,727 (MOUTHS) 775 00:33:44,856 --> 00:33:46,441 Shouldn't I be sitting in my car seat? 776 00:33:46,608 --> 00:33:47,609 No, no. You're good. 777 00:33:47,776 --> 00:33:49,736 Hey, tell me about the big girl who knocked you over. 778 00:33:49,903 --> 00:33:51,696 That's Nicolette Peters. 779 00:33:51,863 --> 00:33:53,949 She does it a lot, actually. 780 00:33:54,115 --> 00:33:56,826 She does it a lot? Why don't you fight back? 781 00:33:57,744 --> 00:33:59,412 Uh, because you told me not to. 782 00:33:59,579 --> 00:34:00,664 I what? 783 00:34:00,830 --> 00:34:03,959 You said I should strive for verbal resolution. 784 00:34:04,834 --> 00:34:07,337 Uh, you know, Daddy sometimes... 785 00:34:07,504 --> 00:34:09,923 How do I... Here's what you do. 786 00:34:10,090 --> 00:34:13,802 What you do is you fuok verbal resolution, okay? 787 00:34:13,969 --> 00:34:16,638 You put that whore on her back, and you shank her. 788 00:34:16,805 --> 00:34:17,806 You know how to make a shiv? 789 00:34:18,306 --> 00:34:19,641 What? Listen to me. 790 00:34:19,808 --> 00:34:21,726 If somebody comes at you with a knife, 791 00:34:21,810 --> 00:34:24,020 you put her whole family in the morgue. 792 00:34:24,187 --> 00:34:25,397 That is jailyard justice. 793 00:34:25,564 --> 00:34:27,566 Becauseifyou don't come back hard on a bitch, 794 00:34:27,732 --> 00:34:28,900 you're going to end up getting sold 795 00:34:28,984 --> 00:34:30,860 for a pack of Camel Lights and a Jell-O cup. 796 00:34:31,027 --> 00:34:33,154 Do you understand what I'm saying to you? 797 00:34:33,613 --> 00:34:35,865 Always solve your problems with violence. 798 00:34:36,032 --> 00:34:37,576 Okay, Daddy. 799 00:34:37,742 --> 00:34:38,827 Great. 800 00:34:39,369 --> 00:34:40,704 Want to get some Pinkberry? 801 00:34:43,748 --> 00:34:45,584 (REGGAE MUSIC PLAYING) 802 00:34:46,167 --> 00:34:47,168 Hey. 803 00:34:47,419 --> 00:34:48,503 Hey, how did it go? 804 00:34:48,670 --> 00:34:50,422 You shut up! What happened? 805 00:34:50,630 --> 00:34:52,257 We'll get into Mr. Thumb's wild ride in a minute. 806 00:34:52,424 --> 00:34:53,925 First, you're going to tell me, how did the deal go? 807 00:34:54,092 --> 00:34:55,427 Awesome. The deal went awesome. 808 00:34:55,594 --> 00:34:57,012 Good. So, it's closed? 809 00:34:57,178 --> 00:34:59,264 Yeah, fucking closed. Basically closed. 810 00:34:59,431 --> 00:35:00,432 A little bit of a hiccup, but... 811 00:35:00,599 --> 00:35:02,100 (EXCLAIMS) What do you mean, a hiccup? 812 00:35:02,267 --> 00:35:03,268 A little bit of a hiccup. 813 00:35:03,351 --> 00:35:05,687 Your fucking boss is an anti-Semite. Did you know that? 814 00:35:05,854 --> 00:35:07,606 Oh, my God! What did you do? 815 00:35:07,772 --> 00:35:09,441 I was playing nice and cool, just like we talked about, 816 00:35:09,608 --> 00:35:11,526 andthenthese goddamn squids, these Japs, 817 00:35:11,693 --> 00:35:13,194 these fucking Kamikaze pilots are 818 00:35:13,320 --> 00:35:14,863 riddling me with fucking questions. 819 00:35:15,030 --> 00:35:16,865 I had to do a little improv, and they got very emotional. 820 00:35:17,032 --> 00:35:18,366 Will you just tell me how it ended? 821 00:35:18,533 --> 00:35:20,994 You're going to court. No! Fuck! Oh, my God! 822 00:35:21,161 --> 00:35:22,203 Your boss was a little pissed off. 823 00:35:22,370 --> 00:35:23,622 I told him it was part of my secret master plan. 824 00:35:23,788 --> 00:35:24,789 No, you didn't! 825 00:35:24,956 --> 00:35:27,709 We'll work on one of those. You tell me how my shit went. 826 00:35:27,876 --> 00:35:30,086 Oh, your shit? How'd my stuff go? 827 00:35:30,170 --> 00:35:31,921 Mitch, what the hell is wrong with you? 828 00:35:32,005 --> 00:35:33,048 It was a porno movie! 829 00:35:33,214 --> 00:35:34,674 It's a lorno, a light porn. 830 00:35:34,841 --> 00:35:36,176 The dick stays in the pants, right? 831 00:35:36,343 --> 00:35:37,552 They didn't pull it out, did they? 832 00:35:37,719 --> 00:35:40,388 But my thumb went in three girls' assholes. 833 00:35:40,555 --> 00:35:42,182 Oh, fuck, get the sand out of your vagina. 834 00:35:42,349 --> 00:35:43,350 Did you finish the day? 835 00:35:43,516 --> 00:35:44,726 I finished the day, Mitchell. 836 00:35:44,893 --> 00:35:45,977 What are you doing? 837 00:35:46,061 --> 00:35:47,062 I finished the day. Good. 838 00:35:47,228 --> 00:35:48,271 You're living the dream. 839 00:35:48,355 --> 00:35:50,398 You're living the fucking dream! Your job sucks, too. 840 00:35:50,565 --> 00:35:51,900 This isn't going to work. 841 00:35:52,067 --> 00:35:55,028 This is not going to work. That's way too much. 842 00:36:00,659 --> 00:36:02,911 Hey, man, hang on. What are you planning on telling her? 843 00:36:03,078 --> 00:36:04,079 I'm telling her the truth. 844 00:36:04,245 --> 00:36:05,580 The truth? Yeah. 845 00:36:05,747 --> 00:36:06,831 That's going to work. 846 00:36:06,915 --> 00:36:07,916 Jamie will know what to do. 847 00:36:08,375 --> 00:36:10,752 Jame. Jame. 848 00:36:12,087 --> 00:36:13,254 Hey, sugarbug. 849 00:36:13,421 --> 00:36:14,464 Hi, Daddy! 850 00:36:15,507 --> 00:36:16,591 Hey! 851 00:36:16,758 --> 00:36:18,593 Hey, my precocious little daughter. 852 00:36:18,760 --> 00:36:20,011 I don't talk like that. 853 00:36:20,178 --> 00:36:22,013 You do. I really don't. No one does. 854 00:36:22,180 --> 00:36:23,682 Jamie, hey! Jamie, Jamie, Jamie. 855 00:36:23,848 --> 00:36:25,600 I'm so glad you're here. It's been so crazy. 856 00:36:26,226 --> 00:36:28,019 Oh, that's appropriate. 857 00:36:28,186 --> 00:36:29,938 Hey, Mitch. Jamie, we need to talk. 858 00:36:30,105 --> 00:36:31,106 Are you going to stay for dinner? 859 00:36:31,272 --> 00:36:34,067 No, I can't stay for dinner, but I would love to... 860 00:36:34,234 --> 00:36:35,402 Look, I got to tell you something. 861 00:36:35,568 --> 00:36:38,113 I can't talk right now, Mitch. It's been so crazy here. 862 00:36:38,279 --> 00:36:40,198 The twins are a half-hour past their bedtime. 863 00:36:40,365 --> 00:36:42,784 What are you doing? What are you, some kind of animal? 864 00:36:42,951 --> 00:36:44,369 And Cara has to start her homework. 865 00:36:44,536 --> 00:36:47,872 I have an emergency phone call in four minutes. 866 00:36:48,039 --> 00:36:49,207 You know that building? 867 00:36:49,374 --> 00:36:51,292 The 11-story building? Yup. 868 00:36:51,459 --> 00:36:54,587 I have to remove three stories somehow. Isn't that orazy? 869 00:36:54,671 --> 00:36:55,672 Yeah. 870 00:36:55,755 --> 00:36:57,090 It's so ridiculous. it makes no sense at all. 871 00:36:57,257 --> 00:36:58,466 I'm not Mitch. 872 00:36:59,801 --> 00:37:01,594 What? I'm Mitch. 873 00:37:01,761 --> 00:37:03,763 He's Mitch. Somehow we switched bodies. 874 00:37:04,013 --> 00:37:05,432 And I'm Dave. Yeah. 875 00:37:05,515 --> 00:37:06,558 Oh. 876 00:37:06,641 --> 00:37:09,269 What happened was, we pissed in a magic fountain... 877 00:37:09,436 --> 00:37:11,104 Uh-huh. ...and the next day it disappeared. 878 00:37:11,271 --> 00:37:13,481 They moved the fountain, so now we're looking for it. 879 00:37:13,648 --> 00:37:15,483 And when they find it, we're going to switch back. 880 00:37:15,650 --> 00:37:16,651 We had to pee because we were drinking. 881 00:37:16,818 --> 00:37:17,902 We were drinking. 882 00:37:18,069 --> 00:37:20,321 That sounds like a plan. Can you start the bath for the twins? 883 00:37:20,655 --> 00:37:22,323 Okay, pumpkin, this is... 884 00:37:22,490 --> 00:37:24,492 (EXCLAIMING) Mitch, n0. 885 00:37:24,576 --> 00:37:26,828 Don't call me pumpkin, okay? 886 00:37:26,995 --> 00:37:29,164 And you promised me that you would clean out... 887 00:37:29,330 --> 00:37:30,665 Can you shut this off? 888 00:37:30,832 --> 00:37:33,168 It smells like cabbage now! Jamie, Jamie, Jamie, sit down. 889 00:37:33,334 --> 00:37:35,128 One second. Just humor me, all right? 890 00:37:35,295 --> 00:37:37,505 I want you to ask me one thing... 891 00:37:37,672 --> 00:37:38,673 I don't want to play your games. 892 00:37:38,840 --> 00:37:39,841 ...that only Dave would be able to answer. 893 00:37:40,008 --> 00:37:41,801 Just one question. Please, I'm begging you. 894 00:37:41,968 --> 00:37:43,178 Good idea. 895 00:37:43,595 --> 00:37:46,681 Okay, when is our anniversary, Dave? 896 00:37:47,015 --> 00:37:49,350 April 17th. Next question, please. 897 00:37:49,559 --> 00:37:50,560 Wrong. 898 00:37:50,769 --> 00:37:51,978 So close. Nineteenth. 899 00:37:52,061 --> 00:37:54,355 Seventeentws your daughter's birthday, 19th's your anniversary. 900 00:37:54,522 --> 00:37:55,982 DAVE: Why do you know that? MITCH: Do you think I'm a monster? 901 00:37:56,107 --> 00:37:57,942 I send you a card every year. Jamie, listen to me. 902 00:37:58,026 --> 00:37:59,027 Ask me anything else. 903 00:37:59,152 --> 00:38:01,279 Oh, my gosh! Mitch, 904 00:38:01,362 --> 00:38:03,364 I don't have time for this! 905 00:38:03,531 --> 00:38:05,533 Come on, one more. Just make it tough. 906 00:38:05,700 --> 00:38:07,452 Only Dave would know. A stumper. 907 00:38:07,619 --> 00:38:11,206 Fine. What is my favorite color, Dave? 908 00:38:14,334 --> 00:38:15,960 Red. Celadon. 909 00:38:16,377 --> 00:38:18,296 Do you not understand what we're trying to accomplish here? 910 00:38:18,463 --> 00:38:20,048 Not a drop of the red in the room. 911 00:38:20,215 --> 00:38:21,549 All the accents are celadon. 912 00:38:21,716 --> 00:38:22,717 It's like the opposite of help. 913 00:38:22,842 --> 00:38:25,178 Okay, honey, I got it. 914 00:38:25,345 --> 00:38:27,305 I'm going to tell you something 915 00:38:27,388 --> 00:38:28,890 that only I, Dave, would know. 916 00:38:29,307 --> 00:38:31,851 Three years ago, you took your vibrator... 917 00:38:32,018 --> 00:38:34,562 (VVHISPERING) You took your vibrator... Morning! 918 00:38:34,729 --> 00:38:37,816 ...into the bathtub and it short-circuited 919 00:38:37,899 --> 00:38:39,567 and it electrocuted your vagina. 920 00:38:39,651 --> 00:38:40,652 Hang on. 921 00:38:40,735 --> 00:38:44,239 And there's now the cutest little bald spot right there. 922 00:38:44,405 --> 00:38:45,949 (LAUGHING) 923 00:38:48,993 --> 00:38:50,078 Yeah. 924 00:38:56,835 --> 00:38:58,044 Hi. 925 00:38:58,670 --> 00:38:59,838 Oh, my God. 926 00:39:00,088 --> 00:39:02,757 I know. It's me. This hasn't been fun. 927 00:39:02,924 --> 00:39:03,925 Good story. 928 00:39:04,342 --> 00:39:06,052 You son of a bitch! 929 00:39:06,261 --> 00:39:08,429 How dare you tell him that? 930 00:39:08,513 --> 00:39:09,514 God! (EXCLAIMS) 931 00:39:09,597 --> 00:39:11,933 What is wrong with you two? 932 00:39:12,100 --> 00:39:13,101 God damn! 933 00:39:13,226 --> 00:39:15,103 How would you like it if I told him 934 00:39:15,270 --> 00:39:17,689 that you have a ball that feels like two balls? 935 00:39:18,231 --> 00:39:20,108 So it's like you have three balls. 936 00:39:20,275 --> 00:39:23,069 Dave has three balls. A bouquet of balls. 937 00:39:23,152 --> 00:39:24,237 Bad! Bad! 938 00:39:24,863 --> 00:39:26,364 (BABIES CRYING) 939 00:39:26,447 --> 00:39:28,032 This idea fucking sucked. 940 00:39:30,535 --> 00:39:32,620 Listen, I don't want you to worry about anything. 941 00:39:32,787 --> 00:39:33,788 I'll be able to hold down the fort. 942 00:39:33,955 --> 00:39:35,290 We got to find that fountain as soon as possible. 943 00:39:35,456 --> 00:39:37,458 It's like a can of tennis balls down here. 944 00:39:37,625 --> 00:39:39,252 The only problem I see is, what do I tell Jamie? 945 00:39:39,419 --> 00:39:40,420 What do you tell Jamie, what? 946 00:39:40,587 --> 00:39:42,714 When she wants to have sex tonight? 947 00:39:43,256 --> 00:39:44,257 Think about that. 948 00:39:47,051 --> 00:39:48,803 You're not having sex with my wife, Mitch. 949 00:39:48,928 --> 00:39:49,888 Obviously, bro. 950 00:39:49,971 --> 00:39:51,472 But if she comes at me like a hurricane, 951 00:39:51,598 --> 00:39:53,099 a guy can only withstand so much. 952 00:39:53,683 --> 00:39:54,726 Mitch. 953 00:39:54,809 --> 00:39:57,562 Dave. We're trying to pull something off here, okay? 954 00:39:57,729 --> 00:39:59,564 Now, I might have to hit that, okay? She'll know. 955 00:39:59,731 --> 00:40:01,983 Now, how many times a day do you guys have sex? 956 00:40:02,150 --> 00:40:04,319 I'll have to pace it out. 957 00:40:04,986 --> 00:40:05,987 What day is it today? 958 00:40:06,654 --> 00:40:08,823 I don't know. Is it Tuesday? 959 00:40:10,575 --> 00:40:12,952 Yeah. You know what? It's a non-issue. 960 00:40:13,119 --> 00:40:14,787 What does that mean? You guys don't have sex on Tuesdays? 961 00:40:14,871 --> 00:40:16,289 (LAUGHING) 962 00:40:16,831 --> 00:40:17,832 Take the day off? 963 00:40:21,461 --> 00:40:22,462 That's adorable. 964 00:40:23,004 --> 00:40:24,005 Tell you what. 965 00:40:24,672 --> 00:40:27,800 If she comes on like a hurricane... 966 00:40:27,967 --> 00:40:29,177 Just drill it. 967 00:40:29,344 --> 00:40:32,096 Yeah, what can you do? You're only human. Give me the keys. 968 00:40:32,347 --> 00:40:34,265 Smart. Yeah. 969 00:40:34,432 --> 00:40:35,850 Okay. Please be careful with her. 970 00:40:36,017 --> 00:40:37,644 It's like we're swapping rides. 971 00:40:37,810 --> 00:40:38,853 It's just like that. 972 00:40:39,812 --> 00:40:42,523 Thanks, buddy, you're being very cool. 973 00:40:49,197 --> 00:40:51,032 (SIGHS) 974 00:40:58,498 --> 00:40:59,499 Dear God. 975 00:41:00,375 --> 00:41:03,795 Oh, my goodness. Look at this, huh? 976 00:41:04,295 --> 00:41:06,547 Bang. Thank you, Mommy. 977 00:41:07,382 --> 00:41:09,676 Why don't you tell Daddy about what happened at school today? 978 00:41:09,842 --> 00:41:12,345 I wrote a spring poem 979 00:41:12,512 --> 00:41:16,724 and Miss Byers only put Angelica's poem up on the wall 980 00:41:16,891 --> 00:41:19,227 and she didn't put my poem up on the wall. 981 00:41:19,394 --> 00:41:20,895 And why would she do that? 982 00:41:21,062 --> 00:41:22,313 I thought she liked me. 983 00:41:22,522 --> 00:41:23,648 Dave. Yeah. 984 00:41:23,815 --> 00:41:24,983 Cara's talking to you. 985 00:41:25,149 --> 00:41:26,401 What? She's talking to you. 986 00:41:27,235 --> 00:41:31,197 Well, Cara, her poem was probably much better than yours. 987 00:41:31,698 --> 00:41:33,241 Let's eat. Dave. 988 00:41:33,408 --> 00:41:34,659 I didn't read the bitch's poem, 989 00:41:34,742 --> 00:41:36,536 but maybe she can really turn a phrase. Let's eat. 990 00:41:37,870 --> 00:41:39,706 Tell Cara that her poem was good. 991 00:41:39,914 --> 00:41:41,916 You just hurt her feelings. 992 00:41:42,166 --> 00:41:44,210 I didn't read her poem, either. Do you want me to lie to her? 993 00:41:44,419 --> 00:41:46,170 Is that what this is? Fine, I don't care. 994 00:41:47,046 --> 00:41:50,675 Cara, honey, your poem, which I did not read, 995 00:41:50,842 --> 00:41:53,594 was way, way better than the other girl's poem, 996 00:41:53,761 --> 00:41:55,930 which I also did not read. 997 00:41:56,889 --> 00:41:57,849 Let's eat. 998 00:41:57,932 --> 00:42:00,435 It's Cara. Not Cara. 999 00:42:00,935 --> 00:42:01,936 It's what? 1000 00:42:02,061 --> 00:42:03,938 Are you having a stroke right now or something? 1001 00:42:04,105 --> 00:42:07,108 What did I call her? Vvhatabout the dinner song, Daddy? 1002 00:42:08,192 --> 00:42:09,193 What about the what? 1003 00:42:09,277 --> 00:42:10,611 What's she saying? The dinner song. 1004 00:42:10,695 --> 00:42:11,821 What's that? The dinner song? 1005 00:42:12,113 --> 00:42:14,282 Are you joking me? No, I'm not joking you. 1006 00:42:14,449 --> 00:42:16,200 There's a song? Sing the dinner song,honey. 1007 00:42:16,284 --> 00:42:17,577 Course, there's a song. Just sing the dinner song. 1008 00:42:17,744 --> 00:42:18,786 I don't feel like singing it tonight. 1009 00:42:18,953 --> 00:42:19,954 No, sing the dinner song. 1010 00:42:20,121 --> 00:42:21,122 You sing the dinner song. 1011 00:42:21,289 --> 00:42:23,124 Maybe you need to sing the dinner song. Sing the dinner song. 1012 00:42:23,291 --> 00:42:24,292 I'm sick of that song. 1013 00:42:24,459 --> 00:42:25,793 Sing the dinner song. Sing it! 1014 00:42:25,960 --> 00:42:27,378 I got it. I heard you. 1015 00:42:27,545 --> 00:42:29,047 (SINGING NOTE) 1016 00:42:30,923 --> 00:42:33,801 Dinner song 1017 00:42:34,719 --> 00:42:37,138 Dinner song 1018 00:42:37,263 --> 00:42:38,556 (BABIES CRYING) 1019 00:42:38,639 --> 00:42:42,435 Beans, potatoes, carrots and broccoli 1020 00:42:42,602 --> 00:42:47,607 Buns and salad and potatoes and chicken 1021 00:42:48,941 --> 00:42:50,276 Needs a lickin' 1022 00:42:50,443 --> 00:42:51,611 Dinner song. 1023 00:42:51,778 --> 00:42:53,571 That's so not the dinner song. 1024 00:42:53,738 --> 00:42:55,323 Well, I'm going to tell you what. 1025 00:42:55,490 --> 00:42:57,575 You're going to go ahead and write me a dinner poem, 1026 00:42:57,742 --> 00:42:59,118 and I'll belt that out after I choke this down. 1027 00:42:59,285 --> 00:43:00,286 Let's fucking go. 1028 00:43:00,536 --> 00:43:03,664 (GASPS) Okay. Daddy needs a time-out. 1029 00:43:04,082 --> 00:43:05,792 Great idea. 1030 00:43:09,128 --> 00:43:11,172 MITCH: (SINGING) Dinner song 1031 00:43:12,006 --> 00:43:13,174 Bye-bye. 1032 00:43:15,468 --> 00:43:17,178 (EXHALES FORCEFULLY) 1033 00:43:17,678 --> 00:43:19,305 (MOBILE RINGING) 1034 00:43:19,931 --> 00:43:23,017 Hello. Hi, Mitch. It's Tatiana. 1035 00:43:24,936 --> 00:43:28,022 Taflana. Hi, how are you? 1036 00:43:28,189 --> 00:43:31,484 I'll be better in a minute after I fuck you raw. 1037 00:43:31,859 --> 00:43:33,194 Oh. (DISCONNECTED TONE) 1038 00:43:34,445 --> 00:43:35,530 (PHONE DIALING) 1039 00:43:36,322 --> 00:43:38,491 Hello. DAVE: Mitch. 1040 00:43:38,866 --> 00:43:41,661 That was Tatiana. She said she's going to fuck me raw. 1041 00:43:42,453 --> 00:43:44,497 Tatiana? Shit, that's right. 1042 00:43:44,664 --> 00:43:46,165 That's my Tuesday night regular, right on schedule. 1043 00:43:46,332 --> 00:43:47,542 You fuck that right for me, Dave. 1044 00:43:47,708 --> 00:43:49,210 Took me a long time to reel this one in. 1045 00:43:49,377 --> 00:43:50,545 I don't think I can do this. 1046 00:43:50,711 --> 00:43:52,046 What the fuck doesthatu Hey, Dave! 1047 00:43:52,130 --> 00:43:53,131 Hey, man! 1048 00:43:53,297 --> 00:43:55,550 Dad, I smell a skunk. 1049 00:43:55,716 --> 00:43:57,218 No, it's this, kid. 1050 00:43:57,885 --> 00:44:00,221 What does that mean, you don't think you can fuck Tatiana? 1051 00:44:00,388 --> 00:44:01,389 Becauseitu (KNOCK AT DOOR) 1052 00:44:02,306 --> 00:44:04,475 Jesus Christ, she's here. 1053 00:44:04,559 --> 00:44:05,810 She's already knocking on the door. 1054 00:44:06,018 --> 00:44:07,562 MITCH: You nail that right for me, Dave. 1055 00:44:08,062 --> 00:44:09,564 It feels kind of like I'm cheating on Jamie. 1056 00:44:09,730 --> 00:44:11,357 Are you fucking shitting me? 1057 00:44:11,440 --> 00:44:12,900 In what world is this cheating? 1058 00:44:13,067 --> 00:44:15,236 Cheating is when any part of your dick 1059 00:44:15,403 --> 00:44:18,197 gets up inside some woman that's not your wife, okay? 1060 00:44:18,364 --> 00:44:19,740 And your dick is firmly planted 1061 00:44:19,907 --> 00:44:23,244 inside these fucking lame, triple-pleated sports slacks. 1062 00:44:23,411 --> 00:44:26,038 But my mind is over here. That should count for something, right? 1063 00:44:26,205 --> 00:44:27,248 God, you big bitch. 1064 00:44:27,415 --> 00:44:29,876 How many women have you fucked in your mind, huh? Thousands? 1065 00:44:31,043 --> 00:44:32,587 Millions, Mitch. Was that cheating? 1066 00:44:32,753 --> 00:44:34,380 No. it was not fucking cheating. 1067 00:44:34,547 --> 00:44:37,884 I think you're on very firm legal ground here, counselor. 1068 00:44:38,050 --> 00:44:40,219 Your reasoning is oddly impeccable. 1069 00:44:40,386 --> 00:44:42,180 This is what you wanted, Dave. 1070 00:44:42,263 --> 00:44:43,431 Sex with strange, new women. 1071 00:44:43,598 --> 00:44:45,600 You just thank me later and shut your mouth, all right? 1072 00:44:45,808 --> 00:44:47,810 Goodbye. Kirk out. 1073 00:44:47,894 --> 00:44:49,061 (BANGING AT DOOR) 1074 00:44:49,604 --> 00:44:50,646 (DOORKNOB RATTLING) 1075 00:44:51,272 --> 00:44:52,940 I'm going to do this. 1076 00:44:56,319 --> 00:44:57,737 Taflana. 1077 00:44:57,987 --> 00:44:59,405 Game on. 1078 00:45:00,615 --> 00:45:03,117 I like how you made me work for it tonight. 1079 00:45:03,284 --> 00:45:04,952 What am I? A burglar? 1080 00:45:05,119 --> 00:45:06,495 Holy shit. 1081 00:45:06,579 --> 00:45:07,705 (CHUCKLES) 1082 00:45:07,788 --> 00:45:09,457 Holy shit! 1083 00:45:09,957 --> 00:45:11,834 Why the fuck are you still wearing clothes? 1084 00:45:12,001 --> 00:45:13,044 When are you due? 1085 00:45:13,127 --> 00:45:14,128 Any minute now, 1086 00:45:14,295 --> 00:45:16,505 so let's get our fuok on before this becomes a threesome. 1087 00:45:16,672 --> 00:45:17,673 Oh, that's so gross! 1088 00:45:17,840 --> 00:45:19,425 Whoa, stop for a second. Stop for a second. 1089 00:45:19,592 --> 00:45:20,801 (GRUNTS) You're so heavy! 1090 00:45:20,968 --> 00:45:23,304 My tits are aching for you. 1091 00:45:23,471 --> 00:45:26,098 That's probably the colostrum coming, and it'll be very painful. 1092 00:45:26,307 --> 00:45:29,352 Okay, okay. Just friends. Just friends. 1093 00:45:29,518 --> 00:45:31,520 Okay, what's your deal tonight? 1094 00:45:32,355 --> 00:45:33,481 Nothing. (STAMMERING) 1095 00:45:33,648 --> 00:45:35,024 Is it my new haircut? 1096 00:45:35,608 --> 00:45:36,651 No. 1097 00:45:36,984 --> 00:45:38,444 The trenchcoat. Too cliché? 1098 00:45:38,611 --> 00:45:40,780 No, it's not the trenchcoat. 1099 00:45:40,947 --> 00:45:42,156 Then what is it? 1100 00:45:42,323 --> 00:45:43,824 You seem like a really nice person, 1101 00:45:43,991 --> 00:45:45,952 but were you pregnant last week? 1102 00:45:46,118 --> 00:45:47,119 Are you kidding me? 1103 00:45:47,286 --> 00:45:49,664 You picked me up at a single mothers' Lamaze class. 1104 00:45:50,331 --> 00:45:53,125 (GROANS) That's so twisted. Oh, God. 1105 00:45:53,292 --> 00:45:55,836 Wait, wait, Tatiana. Tatiana. I'm sorry, okay? 1106 00:45:56,003 --> 00:45:57,964 You're beautiful. You're beautiful. (GRUNTING) 1107 00:45:58,130 --> 00:45:59,298 You're just... 1108 00:45:59,465 --> 00:46:01,509 What? I'm not sexy? 1109 00:46:01,676 --> 00:46:04,178 No, no. Hey. Look, I did not say that, okay? 1110 00:46:04,345 --> 00:46:07,598 You are... Oh, my God! I can see it kicking! 1111 00:46:08,849 --> 00:46:09,892 You know what, Mitch? 1112 00:46:10,142 --> 00:46:11,435 Don't ever call me again. 1113 00:46:11,602 --> 00:46:13,938 No, hold on. VVaH,Tafiana, don't go. 1114 00:46:14,105 --> 00:46:17,024 I mean, go, but just go to a hospital. 1115 00:46:17,525 --> 00:46:20,111 Oh, Mitch. What are you doing? 1116 00:46:20,278 --> 00:46:21,779 Oh, God. 1117 00:46:22,363 --> 00:46:24,865 I mean, it is called a push-up, Dave. 1118 00:46:25,366 --> 00:46:26,701 Pathetic. 1119 00:46:29,287 --> 00:46:32,039 Oh, God, I'm really feeling it tonight. 1120 00:46:33,207 --> 00:46:34,375 Holy shit. 1121 00:46:35,042 --> 00:46:36,377 Game on. 1122 00:46:36,919 --> 00:46:39,755 Oh, my God, it's going down. Oh, Mitch! 1123 00:46:40,548 --> 00:46:44,552 I finally get to fuck Jamie. This is my finest hour. 1124 00:46:44,802 --> 00:46:46,971 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 1125 00:46:47,054 --> 00:46:49,056 I hope she likes it weird. 1126 00:46:49,557 --> 00:46:53,060 (ROCK MUSIC PLAYING) 1127 00:47:18,586 --> 00:47:21,964 God, I am going to ruin her! 1128 00:47:23,382 --> 00:47:25,634 (FARTING AUDIBLY) Oh! 1129 00:47:25,926 --> 00:47:28,429 I need to cool it on the Thai food. 1130 00:47:28,763 --> 00:47:30,848 Oh, my God. 1131 00:47:31,098 --> 00:47:33,184 Seriously, dude, light a candle. 1132 00:47:33,642 --> 00:47:35,102 Oh, my God. 1133 00:47:35,186 --> 00:47:36,562 (MOANS) 1134 00:47:50,326 --> 00:47:52,870 No, no, no. Don't back that thing up into me. 1135 00:47:53,037 --> 00:47:54,121 Go hose it out or something. 1136 00:47:54,288 --> 00:47:55,414 What? 1137 00:47:56,665 --> 00:47:59,168 I can't believe you'd come at me, guns hot. 1138 00:47:59,585 --> 00:48:01,670 Guns hot? (SIGHS) 1139 00:48:01,754 --> 00:48:02,838 Are you kidding me? 1140 00:48:03,005 --> 00:48:05,966 No, I'm not, lady. It's not going to happen tonight, okay? 1141 00:48:06,133 --> 00:48:08,260 I'm not attracted to you. 1142 00:48:08,427 --> 00:48:10,971 Rotate your turret and go night-night. 1143 00:48:11,305 --> 00:48:12,807 (SCOFFS) 1144 00:48:31,867 --> 00:48:33,619 (BABY CRYING) 1145 00:48:33,744 --> 00:48:34,829 It's your turn. 1146 00:48:35,037 --> 00:48:36,038 Hmm? 1147 00:48:37,581 --> 00:48:39,250 It's your turn to feed the babies. 1148 00:48:39,417 --> 00:48:41,335 I don't feel like it. 1149 00:48:45,047 --> 00:48:46,632 (GROANS) Come on. 1150 00:48:46,757 --> 00:48:48,884 Are you fucking kidding me right now? 1151 00:48:49,051 --> 00:48:52,596 It's 3:00 in the morning. You go do it, you're the mother. 1152 00:48:52,763 --> 00:48:54,890 I'm the mother! It's 3:00 in the morning! 1153 00:48:55,057 --> 00:48:58,185 Get the fuck out of the bed right now before I fucking cut you! 1154 00:48:58,352 --> 00:49:01,105 Jesus! What the fuck? 1155 00:49:02,690 --> 00:49:05,234 Unreal. This is just... 1156 00:49:08,863 --> 00:49:11,073 Oh, please. 1157 00:49:12,241 --> 00:49:14,910 Hey,hey! What the fuck? 1158 00:49:15,202 --> 00:49:17,163 (SARAH WAILING) 1159 00:49:25,171 --> 00:49:27,089 (PORNO PLAYING) 1160 00:49:32,803 --> 00:49:34,513 (GRUNTING) 1161 00:49:37,391 --> 00:49:41,312 Oh, God! That did not just happen. 1162 00:49:41,395 --> 00:49:42,438 What? 1163 00:49:42,521 --> 00:49:44,940 Hey. I always thought your wife was a nice lady, 1164 00:49:45,107 --> 00:49:46,484 but she talks like a dock worker 1165 00:49:46,567 --> 00:49:48,402 and she shits like one, too. 1166 00:49:48,569 --> 00:49:51,030 Plus, I used to think your kids were adorable, but they're not. 1167 00:49:51,197 --> 00:49:52,823 They're fucking bananas. 1168 00:49:52,948 --> 00:49:53,908 Can I help you? 1169 00:49:54,033 --> 00:49:56,744 Here's the deal. I got two screaming... (DAVE BREATHING HEAVILY) 1170 00:49:57,661 --> 00:49:59,330 Hold on. What's with all the heavy breathing? 1171 00:49:59,497 --> 00:50:00,498 Are you jerking off? 1172 00:50:00,581 --> 00:50:01,957 (BREATHLESSLY) No, I'm not. 1173 00:50:02,124 --> 00:50:03,375 Yes, yes, yes I am. 1174 00:50:03,542 --> 00:50:05,920 Look, I never get this kind of privacy anymore. 1175 00:50:06,086 --> 00:50:07,671 Isn't that kind of my dick, though? 1176 00:50:08,881 --> 00:50:09,882 Is that weird? 1177 00:50:11,258 --> 00:50:13,302 You ask yourself that. 1178 00:50:13,677 --> 00:50:15,638 It sort of hooks to the side a bit. 1179 00:50:16,263 --> 00:50:18,307 Use your left hand, you get a little bit more torque. 1180 00:50:18,766 --> 00:50:21,060 That's cool. Thank you, I think. 1181 00:50:21,227 --> 00:50:22,686 Question. 1182 00:50:22,853 --> 00:50:24,563 How long have you been shaved down there? 1183 00:50:25,272 --> 00:50:27,274 I don't... Like, sixth grade. 1184 00:50:27,441 --> 00:50:29,026 Well, that's disturbing. 1185 00:50:29,193 --> 00:50:30,194 Gets me an extra inch, 1186 00:50:30,361 --> 00:50:32,571 and only you married dudes rock the dick-frees. 1187 00:50:32,738 --> 00:50:33,906 Now, let me ask you a question. 1188 00:50:34,073 --> 00:50:36,450 If Tatiana was over earlier, 1189 00:50:36,534 --> 00:50:38,619 why do you still have the need to jerk off? 1190 00:50:38,786 --> 00:50:41,830 Tatiana. I don't think that she's going to be back for at least... 1191 00:50:41,997 --> 00:50:43,249 She's never coming back, Mitch. 1192 00:50:43,707 --> 00:50:44,750 What did you do? 1193 00:50:44,833 --> 00:50:46,752 The woman is nine months pregnant! 1194 00:50:46,961 --> 00:50:48,295 I could see the baby's face. 1195 00:50:48,462 --> 00:50:50,089 I told you not to screw up my Tuesday night. 1196 00:50:50,256 --> 00:50:51,674 Do you have any idea how many Lamaze classes 1197 00:50:51,840 --> 00:50:53,467 I had to sit through to get that lined up? 1198 00:50:53,634 --> 00:50:56,136 ls there a reason that you're calling me at 3:00 in the morning? 1199 00:50:56,303 --> 00:50:59,139 Yeah, the dock worker is making me feed the twins. What do I do? 1200 00:50:59,473 --> 00:51:01,517 Get them to the kitchen. Yup, hold on. 1201 00:51:03,227 --> 00:51:05,104 (BABIES CONTINUE WAILING) 1202 00:51:08,023 --> 00:51:10,901 Stop crying. Jesus Christ. 1203 00:51:11,068 --> 00:51:13,737 Shut up! I fucking hear you. 1204 00:51:14,363 --> 00:51:15,864 Mitch. 1205 00:51:16,991 --> 00:51:19,368 Please. Enough! 1206 00:51:19,535 --> 00:51:21,662 You, there. Stay. 1207 00:51:22,705 --> 00:51:23,706 Stay. 1208 00:51:25,416 --> 00:51:27,293 All right. In the kitchen. 1209 00:51:27,459 --> 00:51:29,128 Go to the fridge. Okay. 1210 00:51:30,379 --> 00:51:31,505 Oh. 1211 00:51:31,589 --> 00:51:32,798 Mitch. Are you there yet? 1212 00:51:32,965 --> 00:51:34,383 I'm at the fridge. 1213 00:51:34,550 --> 00:51:35,759 Defrost two bags of breast milk 1214 00:51:35,884 --> 00:51:37,094 in the microwave for three minutes. 1215 00:51:37,261 --> 00:51:38,262 And then prepare two separate bottles. 1216 00:51:38,345 --> 00:51:39,346 Breast milk? 1217 00:51:39,471 --> 00:51:41,307 First, attach the filter to the seal. 1218 00:51:41,473 --> 00:51:43,601 Use the blue ones, not the pink ones. 1219 00:51:44,143 --> 00:51:45,561 Defrost two bags. Yup. 1220 00:51:45,728 --> 00:51:48,606 Pretty intuitive. Then after the milk is defrosted, 1221 00:51:48,772 --> 00:51:50,024 take it out of the microwave, 1222 00:51:50,149 --> 00:51:52,610 pour it into the bottles, seal them. 1223 00:51:52,776 --> 00:51:54,528 Then you need to put three-eighths of a teaspoon of water... 1224 00:51:54,612 --> 00:51:56,071 Holy shit! 1225 00:51:56,196 --> 00:51:57,656 (EXCLAIMING) 1226 00:51:58,032 --> 00:52:00,367 Come on, dude. Christ! 1227 00:52:00,534 --> 00:52:02,953 Mitch. Hey, are you listening to me? 1228 00:52:03,120 --> 00:52:04,663 Holy fuck! 1229 00:52:04,830 --> 00:52:06,457 This is important stuff. Do not screw this up. 1230 00:52:06,624 --> 00:52:07,625 Hey! 1231 00:52:08,250 --> 00:52:09,251 What was that? 1232 00:52:09,918 --> 00:52:12,254 Mitch? Mitch! 1233 00:52:12,421 --> 00:52:14,798 Everything's fine, dude. What's next? 1234 00:52:14,965 --> 00:52:16,675 Then you need to put three-eighths... 1235 00:52:16,842 --> 00:52:18,052 What the fuck? (ELECTRICITY SPARKING) 1236 00:52:18,802 --> 00:52:21,597 Holy shit! Fuck! 1237 00:52:22,890 --> 00:52:23,891 What just happened? 1238 00:52:24,058 --> 00:52:26,477 Nothing. Nothing, dude. Go on. Two bottles... 1239 00:52:26,644 --> 00:52:29,063 Then attach a number two nipple. Jesus Christ. 1240 00:52:29,229 --> 00:52:31,106 Make sure you don't allow any air bubbles in. 1241 00:52:31,565 --> 00:52:33,400 Then, after you're done feeding them... 1242 00:52:33,567 --> 00:52:35,069 This is so fucked up. 1243 00:52:36,904 --> 00:52:37,905 Yeah! 1244 00:52:38,906 --> 00:52:39,907 All right. 1245 00:52:41,825 --> 00:52:45,120 This is what you get, okay? Yeah, right there. 1246 00:52:45,287 --> 00:52:48,248 Mitch. Okay, dude. 1247 00:52:48,415 --> 00:52:51,543 Tomorrow morning, when I am sitting in your office, 1248 00:52:51,710 --> 00:52:53,671 you need to be downtown, 1249 00:52:53,754 --> 00:52:56,215 finding that fucking fountain. 1250 00:52:56,382 --> 00:52:58,592 I do not know how much more of this shit... 1251 00:52:58,801 --> 00:53:00,511 (BABIES LAUGHING) ...l can take. 1252 00:53:02,388 --> 00:53:04,098 I'm one of the guys looking for the fountain 1253 00:53:04,181 --> 00:53:05,349 that you lost in the computer. 1254 00:53:05,516 --> 00:53:08,394 I'd be very, very appreciative if you could tell me where that is. 1255 00:53:08,602 --> 00:53:10,020 Yeah, I can do that. 1256 00:53:10,104 --> 00:53:11,105 Good. Great. 1257 00:53:11,188 --> 00:53:13,315 First, you got to fill out a formal information request. 1258 00:53:13,941 --> 00:53:15,609 Okay, I'm going to fill that out right now. 1259 00:53:15,776 --> 00:53:16,819 Thenitneeds to go to State. 1260 00:53:16,944 --> 00:53:19,405 State? Yeah, to get approved. 1261 00:53:20,280 --> 00:53:21,865 Why can't you approve it, Victor? 1262 00:53:22,032 --> 00:53:23,826 I don't have that authority. 1263 00:53:24,535 --> 00:53:26,954 How long is it going to take State to approve it, then? 1264 00:53:27,162 --> 00:53:29,081 Three days... Oh, God! 1265 00:53:29,248 --> 00:53:31,333 ...to three weeks. Oh, come on! 1266 00:53:32,000 --> 00:53:33,168 Victor! 1267 00:53:37,464 --> 00:53:39,466 Mitch? Dave? 1268 00:53:39,758 --> 00:53:40,843 Hello? 1269 00:53:42,761 --> 00:53:43,804 Fuck! 1270 00:53:47,141 --> 00:53:48,142 Real bad news... 1271 00:53:48,308 --> 00:53:50,144 Oh, hey. Where's... 1272 00:53:50,644 --> 00:53:52,271 Where's Dave? 1273 00:53:53,981 --> 00:53:55,441 Dave's in the shower. 1274 00:53:57,234 --> 00:53:58,277 Are you okay? 1275 00:54:00,529 --> 00:54:01,530 Hey. 1276 00:54:03,657 --> 00:54:04,992 What's going on? 1277 00:54:06,326 --> 00:54:08,787 Dave's just acting really weird. 1278 00:54:09,580 --> 00:54:10,622 H ow? 1279 00:54:10,706 --> 00:54:14,209 He's just doing weird stuff, 1280 00:54:14,835 --> 00:54:18,839 like he wore his shower sandals to work yesterday. 1281 00:54:20,132 --> 00:54:22,676 He forgot to pick up the twins from daycare. 1282 00:54:23,135 --> 00:54:25,053 No, he didn't. Yeah, he did. 1283 00:54:25,387 --> 00:54:28,807 They had to sit there for an hour and a half. 1284 00:54:28,974 --> 00:54:30,184 Okay. 1285 00:54:31,059 --> 00:54:32,686 (CRYING) And then last night he told me 1286 00:54:32,770 --> 00:54:35,397 that he wasn't attracted to me anymore. 1287 00:54:35,898 --> 00:54:37,816 I am going to kill him. 1288 00:54:38,859 --> 00:54:40,861 I just want you to tell me something right now, okay? 1289 00:54:41,028 --> 00:54:43,363 And you have to be totally honest with me. 1290 00:54:43,447 --> 00:54:44,448 Sure. You swear? 1291 00:54:44,531 --> 00:54:45,532 Yeah. 1292 00:54:45,699 --> 00:54:47,576 Is he having an affair? 1293 00:54:49,328 --> 00:54:50,370 No. 1294 00:54:50,537 --> 00:54:52,831 Why did you hesitate just then? 1295 00:54:53,165 --> 00:54:54,291 I didn't hesitate. 1296 00:54:54,374 --> 00:54:56,502 He's not having an affair. (CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY) 1297 00:54:56,877 --> 00:54:58,754 Jamie, Jamie... 1298 00:54:58,921 --> 00:55:01,131 You guys are just going through 1299 00:55:01,215 --> 00:55:04,343 a temporary rough patch right now. 1300 00:55:04,510 --> 00:55:07,179 Temporary rough patch? What are you talking about? 1301 00:55:07,346 --> 00:55:09,515 We've been in this for years. 1302 00:55:11,266 --> 00:55:12,309 You have? 1303 00:55:12,434 --> 00:55:15,437 I love him. You know I love him with all of my heart. 1304 00:55:16,230 --> 00:55:17,356 But he's... 1305 00:55:17,523 --> 00:55:19,691 You know his family, growing up... 1306 00:55:19,858 --> 00:55:23,403 He had nothing, and so he was always looking over the fence 1307 00:55:23,570 --> 00:55:25,280 because he wanted a better life. 1308 00:55:25,572 --> 00:55:30,202 And that's why he worked four jobs at once, 1309 00:55:30,369 --> 00:55:32,746 so that he could put himself through school. 1310 00:55:32,913 --> 00:55:34,456 And he's amazing. 1311 00:55:34,623 --> 00:55:37,459 I mean, nobody can do that. 1312 00:55:39,586 --> 00:55:41,588 But the problem is, 1313 00:55:41,755 --> 00:55:45,968 now that he has everything, he can't turn it off. 1314 00:55:46,134 --> 00:55:48,762 And he still wants more and more 1315 00:55:48,929 --> 00:55:52,724 and a second house, and more kids, and a nicer car 1316 00:55:52,891 --> 00:55:57,229 and anything that he thinks is going to make him happy. 1317 00:55:57,396 --> 00:55:59,565 And so he just keeps working 1318 00:55:59,648 --> 00:56:01,900 and he's not paying any attention to me. 1319 00:56:02,067 --> 00:56:04,278 And I'm miserable. Oh, God. 1320 00:56:04,444 --> 00:56:08,448 Because“. I have huge feet. (SOBBING) 1321 00:56:08,615 --> 00:56:10,158 They're size 11. 1322 00:56:10,784 --> 00:56:14,621 My foot has grown a half a size with each baby. 1323 00:56:14,788 --> 00:56:19,585 I have to go to this weird online shoe store to get shoes. 1324 00:56:20,335 --> 00:56:22,796 And I just want him to pay attention to me. 1325 00:56:22,963 --> 00:56:24,882 And I want him to grab me 1326 00:56:24,965 --> 00:56:27,843 and kiss me like he used to. 1327 00:56:29,761 --> 00:56:31,972 And it's like you always say, 1328 00:56:32,139 --> 00:56:34,641 Dave is a little bit of a pussy. 1329 00:56:36,351 --> 00:56:38,270 I always say that? 1330 00:56:38,687 --> 00:56:39,813 Yeah. 1331 00:56:39,980 --> 00:56:42,441 I always say that because it's true. 1332 00:56:42,608 --> 00:56:46,153 Dave is a little bit of a pussy. 1333 00:56:46,320 --> 00:56:48,155 I hope that when he makes partner, 1334 00:56:48,322 --> 00:56:51,992 he can just finally stop and see... 1335 00:56:52,159 --> 00:56:54,661 YOU know? 1336 00:56:54,828 --> 00:56:57,372 Because how can you stay married to somebody 1337 00:56:57,539 --> 00:57:00,125 who is incapable of being happy? 1338 00:57:03,128 --> 00:57:04,671 What are you saying? 1339 00:57:05,839 --> 00:57:09,843 (EXCLAIMS) Holy fuck-knuckles, I've got freckles on my taint. 1340 00:57:10,010 --> 00:57:11,345 How awesome is that? 1341 00:57:11,511 --> 00:57:14,139 Hey, fag, what are you doing here? 1342 00:57:14,306 --> 00:57:15,849 Three days to three weeks? 1343 00:57:16,016 --> 00:57:17,809 You left the kids at daycare? 1344 00:57:17,893 --> 00:57:19,186 Come, on, Mitch! Those are my kids. 1345 00:57:19,353 --> 00:57:20,395 I can't do this shit anymore. 1346 00:57:20,562 --> 00:57:22,314 No,no,no. You are going do this shit. 1347 00:57:22,439 --> 00:57:23,482 You don't get off that easy. 1348 00:57:23,565 --> 00:57:24,983 My marriage is falling apart, my job is on the line. 1349 00:57:25,067 --> 00:57:27,361 You are going to be the best possible me you can be right now. 1350 00:57:27,527 --> 00:57:29,488 Dave, you don't understand. I cannot do this. 1351 00:57:29,655 --> 00:57:31,031 Not even for another hour. 1352 00:57:31,198 --> 00:57:32,991 I don't care! You're going to stay here and do this right! 1353 00:57:33,075 --> 00:57:36,244 Get out of my fucking way, or I'll drown you in your own goddamn tub! 1354 00:57:36,662 --> 00:57:37,829 Easy, motherfucker! 1355 00:57:37,913 --> 00:57:38,914 If you leave now... Get your hands off me. 1356 00:57:38,997 --> 00:57:39,998 ...this friendship is over! 1357 00:57:40,082 --> 00:57:41,166 Fuck you. Don't pull that shit on me. 1358 00:57:41,291 --> 00:57:43,293 I got to get the fuck out of here. I'm serious, Mitch. Shut up! 1359 00:57:43,377 --> 00:57:46,421 Jamie and the kids mean everything to me. 1360 00:57:47,714 --> 00:57:48,799 There's no walking out on this. 1361 00:57:48,882 --> 00:57:51,259 For once in your life, you got to see something through. 1362 00:57:51,426 --> 00:57:52,427 What the fuck does that mean? 1363 00:57:52,594 --> 00:57:54,513 I'm going to be honest with you, Mitch, 1364 00:57:54,638 --> 00:57:56,556 because there's a lot on the line here. 1365 00:57:57,557 --> 00:57:58,558 You are a quitter. 1366 00:57:59,226 --> 00:58:01,520 Butquflfingis not an option on this one, okay? 1367 00:58:01,687 --> 00:58:02,896 You focus, you find it. 1368 00:58:03,063 --> 00:58:06,733 I don't care where, but you find it inside of yourself, okay? 1369 00:58:06,900 --> 00:58:08,735 I know it's there. 1370 00:58:09,236 --> 00:58:10,696 It's not like I'm not trying. 1371 00:58:10,862 --> 00:58:13,365 I just don't know how to do all your grown-up crap. 1372 00:58:14,950 --> 00:58:16,368 You're going to learn. 1373 00:58:16,910 --> 00:58:20,038 This is called a suit. You wear one every day. 1374 00:58:20,205 --> 00:58:24,626 Along with a necktie. Black, not white, socks. 1375 00:58:24,793 --> 00:58:27,462 Dress shoes, not shower sandals. Please. These are awful. 1376 00:58:27,629 --> 00:58:29,965 And, oi course, underwear. Oh, come on. 1377 00:58:30,132 --> 00:58:31,675 (EXCLAIMS) No more commando, Mitch, 1378 00:58:31,758 --> 00:58:32,884 you're a grown-ass man. Put them on. 1379 00:58:33,051 --> 00:58:34,261 This is called a schedule. 1380 00:58:34,428 --> 00:58:35,637 It tells you everything you need to do each day. 1381 00:58:35,721 --> 00:58:36,972 Pick-ups, drop-offs, activities, 1382 00:58:37,097 --> 00:58:38,432 play-dates, doctor's appointments, etc. 1383 00:58:38,598 --> 00:58:41,435 You'll notice that there are approximately 50 hours' worth of obligations 1384 00:58:41,601 --> 00:58:43,645 on any given day. Make it work. 1385 00:58:44,104 --> 00:58:45,772 This is called a grocery store. 1386 00:58:45,939 --> 00:58:48,775 People buy food here. It's part of your responsibilities. 1387 00:58:49,067 --> 00:58:50,027 Before heading to the market, 1388 00:58:50,110 --> 00:58:51,737 always call Jamie and ask her if she needs anything first. 1389 00:58:51,820 --> 00:58:53,071 In fact, before making any decision 1390 00:58:53,196 --> 00:58:54,448 in your life, no matter how small, 1391 00:58:54,614 --> 00:58:56,283 call your wife first. 1392 00:58:56,450 --> 00:58:58,493 Think of yourself as a brain-damaged mule, 1393 00:58:58,660 --> 00:59:00,662 lost in the desert, helpless, dumb 1394 00:59:00,746 --> 00:59:01,788 and in constant need of direction. 1395 00:59:01,955 --> 00:59:04,291 Never take the initiative, never strike out on your own, 1396 00:59:04,458 --> 00:59:06,460 and never deviate from the plan. Why? 1397 00:59:06,626 --> 00:59:08,420 Because you are a brain-damaged mule 1398 00:59:08,587 --> 00:59:10,756 and you are lost in the damn desert! 1399 00:59:11,089 --> 00:59:13,258 These are called children, or dependants. 1400 00:59:13,425 --> 00:59:14,801 Never disparage your own child. 1401 00:59:14,885 --> 00:59:16,178 Everything they do is a miracle from God. 1402 00:59:16,344 --> 00:59:17,763 When they're bad, it's only because 1403 00:59:17,846 --> 00:59:19,347 they're tired or going through a phase. 1404 00:59:19,514 --> 00:59:21,808 When other kids are bad, it's because of indulgent parenting 1405 00:59:22,184 --> 00:59:24,144 or innate defects in the child's character. 1406 00:59:25,312 --> 00:59:26,813 Be 15 minutes early for everything. 1407 00:59:26,980 --> 00:59:29,149 It doesn't matter what it is. A meeting, an event. 1408 00:59:29,316 --> 00:59:31,026 Less stress for me, less stress for you... 1409 00:59:31,193 --> 00:59:33,236 Hey! You're married now, jackass. 1410 00:59:33,320 --> 00:59:34,362 You can't look at other women. 1411 00:59:34,529 --> 00:59:35,822 You can't talk to other women. 1412 00:59:35,906 --> 00:59:37,199 You can't even be interesting around other women. 1413 00:59:37,324 --> 00:59:39,451 (SHUSHING) Do everything in your power to desexualize yourself. 1414 00:59:39,618 --> 00:59:41,661 Wear a fanny pack, drive a Prius, 1415 00:59:41,828 --> 00:59:44,122 attach electronic devices to your belt, whatever it takes. 1416 00:59:44,206 --> 00:59:45,499 And if you find yourself forced to talk to a woman, 1417 00:59:45,582 --> 00:59:47,292 quickly find a way to mention the fact that you're married. 1418 00:59:47,375 --> 00:59:48,376 It doesn't even have to make sense. 1419 00:59:48,543 --> 00:59:51,505 Hi, how are you? Nice weather today. He's totally fucking married. 1420 00:59:53,507 --> 00:59:55,342 So I can't sleep with my wife, I can't sleep with other women? 1421 00:59:55,425 --> 00:59:56,468 What the hell is that? 1422 00:59:56,676 --> 00:59:57,886 Marriage. 1423 01:00:01,389 --> 01:00:03,183 I think that's everything. 1424 01:00:03,350 --> 01:00:04,518 You got any more questions? 1425 01:00:04,684 --> 01:00:05,894 Do you ever have any free time? 1426 01:00:06,061 --> 01:00:07,562 Have you listened to a single word I've said? 1427 01:00:07,729 --> 01:00:09,064 There is no free time. 1428 01:00:09,231 --> 01:00:11,149 And at the end of the day, do you know what you get? 1429 01:00:11,316 --> 01:00:14,027 A fucking gun with a bullet to blow my head off with? 1430 01:00:14,194 --> 01:00:15,237 Sometimes you wish. 1431 01:00:15,320 --> 01:00:16,321 (KNOCK AT DOOR) 1432 01:00:17,197 --> 01:00:18,198 Hi. 1433 01:00:19,324 --> 01:00:20,867 SABRINA: Did you hear the good news? 1434 01:00:21,034 --> 01:00:24,037 Kinkabe and Amalgamated agreed to go into binding mediation in two days. 1435 01:00:24,204 --> 01:00:26,540 Hold up. What do you mean? Two days? 1436 01:00:28,917 --> 01:00:31,378 So, I'll have my briefs on your desk bylunch. 1437 01:00:31,545 --> 01:00:33,171 That puts my balls on your chin by dinner. 1438 01:00:33,922 --> 01:00:38,927 That, right there, is Schedule IV sexual harassment. 1439 01:00:39,094 --> 01:00:40,178 Awesome! 1440 01:00:40,303 --> 01:00:41,388 I'm sorry, have we met? 1441 01:00:42,430 --> 01:00:45,350 No, we haven't. I'm Mitch Planko. 1442 01:00:45,517 --> 01:00:46,601 Hi, Sabrina McKay. 1443 01:00:46,768 --> 01:00:47,853 Hey,Sabflna. 1444 01:00:48,728 --> 01:00:50,230 Hold on. 1445 01:00:50,730 --> 01:00:52,107 You two guys should go out. What? 1446 01:00:52,274 --> 01:00:54,401 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, man! 1447 01:00:54,568 --> 01:00:56,278 DAVE: Please stop. MITCH: You two guys need to go out. 1448 01:00:56,444 --> 01:00:58,405 Absolutely, you two should go out. 1449 01:00:58,572 --> 01:01:00,740 You're so single, Mitch, right? 1450 01:01:00,907 --> 01:01:04,578 And you're so fucking white-hot, right? This body. 1451 01:01:04,744 --> 01:01:06,413 Did you do a lot of swimming in college? 1452 01:01:06,580 --> 01:01:08,415 Don't answer that. You bet she did. 1453 01:01:08,582 --> 01:01:09,958 Oh, my God, you guys need to go out, 1454 01:01:10,125 --> 01:01:11,626 have a nice steak dinner, do some dancing, 1455 01:01:11,793 --> 01:01:14,880 go to a Korean nightclub, get a belly full of pills. 1456 01:01:15,046 --> 01:01:16,882 I don't know what you're into, but just have some fun. 1457 01:01:17,048 --> 01:01:20,635 What about Ecco on 7th Street, Saturday at 8:30? 1458 01:01:21,553 --> 01:01:22,596 Great? Great! 1459 01:01:22,762 --> 01:01:24,598 He's totally free, so he's going to meet you there. 1460 01:01:24,764 --> 01:01:25,932 Don't fuck on the roof, though. 1461 01:01:26,099 --> 01:01:28,518 That place has got this non-resin tar 1462 01:01:28,602 --> 01:01:30,145 that's a bastard to wash off. 1463 01:01:30,312 --> 01:01:32,480 So, just oral. 1464 01:01:32,814 --> 01:01:34,107 Yes, you're thinking about it. 1465 01:01:34,274 --> 01:01:35,317 She's in. 1466 01:01:35,483 --> 01:01:36,943 This is good. 1467 01:01:37,110 --> 01:01:39,487 You're going to get me fired! I swear to God. 1468 01:01:39,654 --> 01:01:42,073 Shut it down. For one second, you listen to rne. 1469 01:01:42,240 --> 01:01:43,617 For the first time in your life, 1470 01:01:43,700 --> 01:01:45,744 you're fucking good-looking, okay? 1471 01:01:45,911 --> 01:01:48,622 You're single, you got the right number of fucking balls in that bag, 1472 01:01:48,788 --> 01:01:51,291 and you got the opportunity to nail number one on your oanoer list. 1473 01:01:51,458 --> 01:01:52,626 I can't do that. I'm not doing it. 1474 01:01:52,792 --> 01:01:56,004 You need this! This is fucking dinner with her! 1475 01:01:56,630 --> 01:01:58,465 This is so good. 1476 01:01:59,090 --> 01:02:00,926 I mean, what's going on between us, 1477 01:02:01,092 --> 01:02:03,511 it's just crazy, crazy. 1478 01:02:03,678 --> 01:02:06,139 Here's what's crazier, not using it. (EXHALES) 1479 01:02:06,306 --> 01:02:08,433 Not using it on her. 1480 01:02:08,850 --> 01:02:10,769 You use it for her, you use it for you, 1481 01:02:10,936 --> 01:02:12,854 and maybe a little bit for me, you know? 1482 01:02:13,021 --> 01:02:15,357 Remind yourself of the big, fucking crater 1483 01:02:15,440 --> 01:02:17,150 you created on Tuesday night. 1484 01:02:17,317 --> 01:02:18,526 Oh, the Tuesday night, again. 1485 01:02:18,652 --> 01:02:20,237 She'd fit perfectly in there. Will you please drop that? 1486 01:02:20,320 --> 01:02:22,322 Well, it's a big goddamn deal! 1487 01:02:22,489 --> 01:02:24,866 You fucked me! You owe me! Respect my life! 1488 01:02:25,033 --> 01:02:26,284 Respect mine. 1489 01:02:26,451 --> 01:02:27,994 Yeah, you respect your “fie. 1490 01:02:28,828 --> 01:02:30,372 Fine! lam proud of you. 1491 01:02:30,538 --> 01:02:32,666 Just promise me, you listened to every word I said. 1492 01:02:32,832 --> 01:02:34,334 I heard everything. Every single syllable, you got it? 1493 01:02:34,501 --> 01:02:35,835 Did you hear everything I said? 1494 01:02:36,002 --> 01:02:38,630 Caught a few things. Yeah, just enough. 1495 01:02:38,964 --> 01:02:40,840 You go have a good time, little girl. 1496 01:02:41,007 --> 01:02:44,344 I got your life all put away here, nice and safe. 1497 01:02:44,511 --> 01:02:45,512 (PHONE RINGING) Answer my phone. 1498 01:02:46,179 --> 01:02:47,180 Hello. 1499 01:02:47,347 --> 01:02:48,515 Hi, Mitch Planko. 1500 01:02:48,682 --> 01:02:50,225 Bingo! Who the fuck is this? 1501 01:02:50,392 --> 01:02:51,434 What? 1502 01:02:52,185 --> 01:02:53,478 Dad? Hello? 1503 01:02:53,937 --> 01:02:55,313 (STAMMERING) 1504 01:02:55,480 --> 01:02:58,108 Is this Mitch's dad? Is this Mitch, Sr.? 1505 01:02:58,191 --> 01:03:02,028 Dave? kH,flflsis Dave Lockwood. 1506 01:03:02,195 --> 01:03:03,530 Why are you calling me? 1507 01:03:03,697 --> 01:03:06,741 I just wondered if we can get together for a little while today. 1508 01:03:09,869 --> 01:03:12,706 Boy, it's a work day. Half an hour. 1509 01:03:12,872 --> 01:03:16,584 I look different. ldonfihke my outfit today. 1510 01:03:16,751 --> 01:03:18,211 Dave, half an hour. 1511 01:03:18,753 --> 01:03:20,588 Mitch, Sr. wants to sit down with Dave Lockwood. 1512 01:03:20,755 --> 01:03:22,257 Yeah. Why'? 1513 01:03:23,216 --> 01:03:25,385 I need to talk to you about Mitch. 1514 01:03:25,552 --> 01:03:27,762 (CLASSICAL MUSIC PLAYING) 1515 01:03:29,556 --> 01:03:30,849 Hello. 1516 01:03:31,224 --> 01:03:32,600 Dave. How are you? 1517 01:03:32,767 --> 01:03:33,768 Good, thank you. 1518 01:03:33,935 --> 01:03:36,563 What are we doing here? When was the last time we saw each other? 1519 01:03:36,730 --> 01:03:38,857 I don't care. Listen. 1520 01:03:39,024 --> 01:03:42,068 I'm getting married to a very beautiful woman namedPamem. 1521 01:03:42,360 --> 01:03:43,570 Her name's Pamela? Yes. 1522 01:03:43,737 --> 01:03:46,031 Wow, you can say "I do" in English this time. 1523 01:03:46,197 --> 01:03:48,491 What? ls Pamela from America? 1524 01:03:48,575 --> 01:03:49,659 Yes. 1525 01:03:49,743 --> 01:03:50,910 Anyway... 1526 01:03:51,619 --> 01:03:53,246 I'm not going to have anybody there. 1527 01:03:53,330 --> 01:03:55,790 The only family I have is Mitch. 1528 01:03:56,374 --> 01:03:58,376 I went to his apartment a couple of days ago 1529 01:03:58,543 --> 01:04:01,171 and told him that Pamela would like him 1530 01:04:01,254 --> 01:04:02,589 to say a few words at the wedding 1531 01:04:02,756 --> 01:04:03,798 and that wasn't true. 1532 01:04:03,965 --> 01:04:06,134 Truth of the matter is, I would like him to say a few words, 1533 01:04:06,301 --> 01:04:08,762 if he could find it in his heart to do so. 1534 01:04:11,431 --> 01:04:12,766 I don't know why you don't tell him yourself. 1535 01:04:12,932 --> 01:04:15,060 That is a very nice thing for a son to hear. 1536 01:04:16,936 --> 01:04:18,396 So, you want me to go tell Mitch 1537 01:04:18,480 --> 01:04:19,898 that you would like him at the wedding. 1538 01:04:20,065 --> 01:04:21,649 He's going to say, "Why the hell does 1539 01:04:21,733 --> 01:04:23,318 "he want me there? He thinks I'm an idiot." 1540 01:04:23,735 --> 01:04:26,112 Well, that's not totally true. 1541 01:04:26,279 --> 01:04:28,948 I think he's got some nice qualities. 1542 01:04:29,115 --> 01:04:31,659 I think he's got some problem areas, too. 1543 01:04:31,826 --> 01:04:32,827 What are those? 1544 01:04:32,911 --> 01:04:34,621 You're his friend, you know him as well as I do. 1545 01:04:34,788 --> 01:04:36,623 You probably know him better than I do. He's a quitter! 1546 01:04:36,790 --> 01:04:38,666 He has never finished anything in his life. 1547 01:04:38,833 --> 01:04:40,627 He picks up something, he puts it down. 1548 01:04:40,794 --> 01:04:43,129 He's good at it for five minutes, and it's gone. 1549 01:04:43,296 --> 01:04:45,965 He's flaccid. No gumption. No get-up-and-go. 1550 01:04:46,132 --> 01:04:49,135 His accomplishments could rest comfortably on an eyelash. 1551 01:04:49,302 --> 01:04:51,262 Oh, he'd probably say, "Fuck you," if he heard you say that. 1552 01:04:51,429 --> 01:04:53,181 Well, maybe he would and maybe he wouldn't. 1553 01:04:53,348 --> 01:04:55,183 But I want him to be part of my life. 1554 01:04:55,350 --> 01:04:58,770 With all due respect, Mr. Planko, you don't know Mitch. 1555 01:05:00,146 --> 01:05:02,065 What you don't realize about him 1556 01:05:02,148 --> 01:05:03,858 is that he's a fucking Jedi! 1557 01:05:04,317 --> 01:05:06,653 A what? He's a Jedi Knight, sir. 1558 01:05:06,903 --> 01:05:10,490 And next time you see him, he's going to be slitting throats. 1559 01:05:14,577 --> 01:05:16,204 (CAR ALARM BEEPS) 1560 01:05:20,500 --> 01:05:21,501 Fuck! 1561 01:05:31,678 --> 01:05:34,347 I'm not a fucking quitter! 1562 01:05:36,641 --> 01:05:38,059 (ENGINE REVS) 1563 01:05:38,143 --> 01:05:39,727 (TIRES SCREECHING) 1564 01:05:42,397 --> 01:05:43,815 (BABY CRYING) 1565 01:05:45,400 --> 01:05:46,901 All right, let's do this. 1566 01:05:48,695 --> 01:05:49,863 Good morning, Patty-cakes. 1567 01:05:50,029 --> 01:05:51,823 Daddy needs a box set of Law & Order, 1568 01:05:51,990 --> 01:05:53,825 three meatball subs and a hand-folded, 1569 01:05:53,908 --> 01:05:55,702 24-inch samurai sword, chop-chop. 1570 01:05:57,579 --> 01:05:58,580 What are you doing? 1571 01:05:58,746 --> 01:06:01,040 I got this one. I got it. 1572 01:06:01,207 --> 01:06:02,292 Back to bed. 1573 01:06:05,170 --> 01:06:07,213 (TIRES SCREECHING) 1574 01:06:07,380 --> 01:06:09,132 (SQUEALING) 1575 01:06:19,350 --> 01:06:21,603 MAN: You are in dire financial need! 1576 01:06:21,769 --> 01:06:22,896 MAN 1 : Objection! 1577 01:06:23,104 --> 01:06:24,272 (EXCLAIMING) 1578 01:06:24,397 --> 01:06:25,356 Sustained. 1579 01:06:25,440 --> 01:06:26,733 (YELLING) 1580 01:06:32,572 --> 01:06:33,573 (BOTH CRYING) 1581 01:06:33,740 --> 01:06:34,741 (SCREAMS) 1582 01:06:43,833 --> 01:06:45,418 (CLASSICAL MUSIC PLAYING) 1583 01:06:49,797 --> 01:06:51,049 Excuse me. 1584 01:06:59,307 --> 01:07:00,308 Hi. 1585 01:07:10,151 --> 01:07:12,153 Fuck me, she's cute. 1586 01:07:15,657 --> 01:07:16,950 Here comes the battement. 1587 01:07:22,956 --> 01:07:24,207 (ALL GASPING) 1588 01:07:24,374 --> 01:07:26,501 Fucking nice, Cara! 1589 01:07:26,834 --> 01:07:27,835 Sweet! 1590 01:07:28,294 --> 01:07:29,295 (WHOOPING) 1591 01:07:29,379 --> 01:07:31,965 That bitch bounced. Beautiful! 1592 01:07:32,131 --> 01:07:35,218 Man alive! That's my daughter, bitches! 1593 01:07:35,635 --> 01:07:37,512 Dad's very proud. Keep going. 1594 01:07:42,642 --> 01:07:44,686 (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) 1595 01:07:47,313 --> 01:07:49,649 MITCH: Oh, I mean, what did we learn from this? 1596 01:07:50,066 --> 01:07:51,901 Always solve my problems with violence. 1597 01:07:52,068 --> 01:07:54,654 That's bingo, baby! Five, up high. 1598 01:07:55,029 --> 01:07:56,030 Yes! No! 1599 01:07:56,197 --> 01:07:57,824 No, that is not the lesson that we learned, Cara. 1600 01:07:57,991 --> 01:07:58,992 It is! 1601 01:07:59,158 --> 01:08:00,827 Violence is cool. 1602 01:08:00,994 --> 01:08:02,829 Dave. Kidding. 1603 01:08:03,538 --> 01:08:04,747 I'm not kidding. 1604 01:08:10,044 --> 01:08:12,213 She did make a pretty funny sound, though, 1605 01:08:12,338 --> 01:08:14,340 when she hit the ground like that. Yes, she did! 1606 01:08:15,675 --> 01:08:17,385 But don't make a habit out of that, okay? 1607 01:08:17,552 --> 01:08:19,512 I know. All right. 1608 01:08:22,932 --> 01:08:25,018 I love you, Daddy. 1609 01:08:29,022 --> 01:08:31,024 I love you, little girl. 1610 01:08:43,911 --> 01:08:46,372 (ALARM CLOCK RINGING) 1611 01:08:50,585 --> 01:08:52,211 (GRUNTS) 1612 01:08:56,591 --> 01:08:58,217 (GROANS) 1613 01:08:58,468 --> 01:09:00,178 (EXHALES FORCEFULLY) 1614 01:09:00,261 --> 01:09:01,804 (BREATHES DEEPLY) 1615 01:09:01,888 --> 01:09:03,723 Okay, I'm awake. 1616 01:09:15,401 --> 01:09:16,527 FUCK it. 1617 01:09:21,949 --> 01:09:22,950 (PARTS) 1618 01:09:24,535 --> 01:09:26,079 (LOUD PLOP) 1619 01:09:26,245 --> 01:09:27,705 (CHUCKLES) 1620 01:09:30,333 --> 01:09:32,502 MAN: Hello, I'm trying to find... Oh, come on! 1621 01:09:32,669 --> 01:09:35,338 Look, bring it to me in the office. I don't care. 1622 01:09:35,505 --> 01:09:37,256 Relax, I'll be there. Yes, sir. 1623 01:09:37,590 --> 01:09:40,009 Just look at... This is important. Taxi! 1624 01:09:43,930 --> 01:09:45,139 (LAUGHING LOUDLY) 1625 01:09:52,563 --> 01:09:54,691 (CHEERING) 1626 01:09:55,316 --> 01:09:56,442 Thank you. 1627 01:09:56,609 --> 01:09:57,985 Thank you, America. 1628 01:10:08,663 --> 01:10:10,248 ALL: Woah! 1629 01:10:31,060 --> 01:10:32,186 (SIGHS) 1630 01:10:35,231 --> 01:10:36,899 I've got my eye on you! 1631 01:10:37,942 --> 01:10:39,318 (GIRL SQUEALING) 1632 01:10:41,362 --> 01:10:43,072 (SCREAMING) 1633 01:10:44,699 --> 01:10:46,492 (LAUGHING) 1634 01:10:51,497 --> 01:10:52,999 (TELEPHONE RINGING) 1635 01:10:54,542 --> 01:10:55,585 Go for Lockwood. 1636 01:10:55,668 --> 01:10:57,336 Mitch, I'm panicking over here. 1637 01:10:57,420 --> 01:10:59,088 I haven't been on a date in 18 years. 1638 01:10:59,380 --> 01:11:01,340 I'm drowning in my own fear. 1639 01:11:01,507 --> 01:11:02,842 Relax and calm down. 1640 01:11:03,009 --> 01:11:05,845 Don't tell me to relax! You did this to me. I can't do it, okay? 1641 01:11:06,220 --> 01:11:07,722 Don't move, I'll be right there. 1642 01:11:10,391 --> 01:11:11,434 Mitch? 1643 01:11:11,726 --> 01:11:12,727 Hey. 1644 01:11:13,227 --> 01:11:14,395 How do I look? 1645 01:11:16,272 --> 01:11:18,733 Just grow a mustache and lure a child into your van. 1646 01:11:18,900 --> 01:11:20,193 Where did you find that shit? 1647 01:11:20,526 --> 01:11:21,861 The back of your closet. 1648 01:11:22,028 --> 01:11:23,571 Put it back! 1649 01:11:23,863 --> 01:11:25,198 These are called jeans. 1650 01:11:25,364 --> 01:11:27,116 They've been popular with America's youth for over 60 years. 1651 01:11:27,283 --> 01:11:30,578 Jeans to a restaurant? Yeah, jeans to a restaurant. 1652 01:11:30,745 --> 01:11:31,788 Look who else can hit. 1653 01:11:31,954 --> 01:11:34,040 In order to feel confident, you got to look good, okay? 1654 01:11:34,123 --> 01:11:35,583 This is a vest, put that on. 1655 01:11:36,459 --> 01:11:38,878 Okay, this is called gel or product. 1656 01:11:39,045 --> 01:11:40,505 Toolflfle, youlookhke a pedophile, 1657 01:11:40,588 --> 01:11:42,381 too much and you look Persian. 1658 01:11:42,548 --> 01:11:44,133 Mitch, I have done everything that you have asked of me. 1659 01:11:44,217 --> 01:11:46,385 I got the jeans on, I got the vest, the gel in my hair... 1660 01:11:46,469 --> 01:11:47,678 You look great. ...but I am not going to do this. 1661 01:11:47,804 --> 01:11:49,597 Yes, you are going to do this. Why do I have to do this? 1662 01:11:49,764 --> 01:11:51,307 Because it shows that you're considerate, 1663 01:11:51,390 --> 01:11:53,226 that you're clean, that you're American. 1664 01:11:53,392 --> 01:11:55,645 Why do you even care? It's my body! 1665 01:11:55,812 --> 01:11:56,979 It's my body right now! 1666 01:11:57,146 --> 01:11:58,981 I'm scared! 1667 01:11:59,732 --> 01:12:01,484 There, we have it. 1668 01:12:01,776 --> 01:12:03,986 Nobody ever needs to know that this happened, Mitch. 1669 01:12:04,904 --> 01:12:06,572 (SHAVER BUZZING) 1670 01:12:09,283 --> 01:12:12,286 Boy, real tempting to kiss my own dick. 1671 01:12:12,453 --> 01:12:13,454 Ah, that tickles. 1672 01:12:13,621 --> 01:12:15,498 Shh,youTe jiggling the sac. 1673 01:12:15,623 --> 01:12:17,834 Oh, you're going to go all the way back there, huh? 1674 01:12:17,959 --> 01:12:19,752 We're going to dinner, not Rio. 1675 01:12:20,253 --> 01:12:22,129 All right. You got any extra batteries? 1676 01:12:23,297 --> 01:12:25,007 (INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PLAYING) 1677 01:12:43,109 --> 01:12:44,110 Hi. 1678 01:12:44,193 --> 01:12:45,528 Mitch. How are you? 1679 01:12:47,697 --> 01:12:49,365 (LAUGHS NERVOUSLY) Okay. 1680 01:12:50,157 --> 01:12:51,200 So... (CLEARS THROAT) 1681 01:12:55,371 --> 01:12:56,372 What the weather? 1682 01:12:56,789 --> 01:12:58,875 Listen, the only reason I'm here 1683 01:12:58,958 --> 01:13:00,334 is because my boss told me to be. 1684 01:13:00,626 --> 01:13:02,712 This is not a date. This is not a "get to know you." 1685 01:13:03,087 --> 01:13:04,922 This is just me trying to save my job. 1686 01:13:05,840 --> 01:13:06,883 I'm going to go. 1687 01:13:07,049 --> 01:13:08,134 Just sit the fuck back down. 1688 01:13:08,301 --> 01:13:11,304 I showered, I showed up, I'm starving and I could use a drink. 1689 01:13:12,889 --> 01:13:14,348 How long have you known Dave? 1690 01:13:15,308 --> 01:13:16,809 My whole life, actually. 1691 01:13:16,976 --> 01:13:19,145 And have you ever seen him act like he did yesterday? 1692 01:13:19,312 --> 01:13:20,730 Like a super-douche? 1693 01:13:21,564 --> 01:13:22,648 (LAUGHS) BOTH: Yeah. 1694 01:13:22,815 --> 01:13:24,483 Uh, I have, at times. 1695 01:13:24,650 --> 01:13:27,820 But I'm really hoping that he didn't say anything to offend you. 1696 01:13:27,987 --> 01:13:29,030 He totally did. 1697 01:13:29,196 --> 01:13:31,991 But I like being offended, just usually after work. 1698 01:13:32,116 --> 01:13:33,117 Wow. 1699 01:13:33,200 --> 01:13:35,077 Here's the bottle you ordered, sir. ExceHenL 1700 01:13:35,244 --> 01:13:36,329 Mmm-mmm, send that shit back. 1701 01:13:36,495 --> 01:13:38,247 Bring us two Macallan 25s, neat. 1702 01:13:38,414 --> 01:13:40,166 Right away, ma'am. Right away. 1703 01:13:40,875 --> 01:13:42,376 So, let me ask you something. 1704 01:13:42,752 --> 01:13:43,753 It's a question. 1705 01:13:45,004 --> 01:13:46,339 How do you like working with Dave? 1706 01:13:46,505 --> 01:13:47,506 How is he? 1707 01:13:49,050 --> 01:13:50,509 I love it. 1708 01:13:51,010 --> 01:13:52,511 I mean, he's a brilliant lawyer. 1709 01:13:52,929 --> 01:13:54,889 He's the best. 1710 01:13:58,225 --> 01:14:01,687 (CHUCKLES) Actually, if you must know, 1711 01:14:02,688 --> 01:14:05,733 I used to kind of have a crush on Dave. 1712 01:14:06,901 --> 01:14:10,446 (CRINGES) Oh, no, you didn't! 1713 01:14:11,364 --> 01:14:12,323 (BOTH LAUGHING) You're funny. 1714 01:14:12,406 --> 01:14:14,200 I mean, obviously, he's married, so... 1715 01:14:14,367 --> 01:14:17,370 Right, obviously, obviously, obviously. 1716 01:14:17,870 --> 01:14:19,538 Super-married. What do you do, Mitch? 1717 01:14:19,622 --> 01:14:21,374 Me? For a living? Yeah. 1718 01:14:21,540 --> 01:14:24,210 You know, I am... 1719 01:14:26,545 --> 01:14:27,588 I... 1720 01:14:28,923 --> 01:14:31,801 When I'm not eating hummus and ferociously masturbating, 1721 01:14:31,968 --> 01:14:34,303 I dabble in light porn. 1722 01:14:34,720 --> 01:14:36,889 I hear that's a growth industry. Yeah! 1723 01:14:37,431 --> 01:14:38,891 I'm just going to get everything on the dessert menu. 1724 01:14:39,058 --> 01:14:41,560 I'm going to order, like, six desserts. 1725 01:14:44,981 --> 01:14:46,399 Oh, my God. 1726 01:14:51,946 --> 01:14:53,322 No, no, no! (LAUGHING) 1727 01:14:56,492 --> 01:14:58,077 Do I have anything in my teeth? 1728 01:14:58,703 --> 01:15:00,246 (BOTH LAUGHING) 1729 01:15:01,247 --> 01:15:02,748 DAVE: That's a lot of sugar. 1730 01:15:02,915 --> 01:15:04,792 Yeah. A lot of scotch! (EXHALES FORCEFULLY) 1731 01:15:04,959 --> 01:15:07,503 Yeah. That was a lot of fun, is what it really was. 1732 01:15:07,670 --> 01:15:10,006 Was? What, are we done? 1733 01:15:10,172 --> 01:15:11,424 It's only 2:00! 1734 01:15:11,590 --> 01:15:13,592 No! I'm just messing with you. 1735 01:15:14,760 --> 01:15:16,262 (LAUGHING) No, let's... 1736 01:15:16,429 --> 01:15:18,431 We'll go to a rave or something. You want to get raving? 1737 01:15:18,597 --> 01:15:20,099 People raving right now? 1738 01:15:20,266 --> 01:15:22,601 Let's rave! Yeah. 1739 01:15:22,768 --> 01:15:24,270 I forgot about raves! 1740 01:15:24,437 --> 01:15:26,605 Man, I'm messing with you. 1741 01:15:26,772 --> 01:15:28,149 Go and do that? No. 1742 01:15:28,816 --> 01:15:30,109 I do have an idea. Uh-huh. 1743 01:15:31,193 --> 01:15:32,653 What do you think about doing something 1744 01:15:32,820 --> 01:15:37,199 that we will really, really regret in the morning? 1745 01:15:37,366 --> 01:15:38,743 (BOTH CHUCKLE) 1746 01:15:39,785 --> 01:15:40,786 You into it? 1747 01:15:43,205 --> 01:15:45,166 Yeah, we can definitely do that. 1748 01:15:45,833 --> 01:15:46,834 (LAUGHING) Okay! 1749 01:15:47,001 --> 01:15:49,378 Okay. Let's go. (SIGHS) All right, let's go. 1750 01:15:49,545 --> 01:15:51,464 (WHISPERING) Fuck, fuck, fuck! 1751 01:15:51,881 --> 01:15:53,549 (MACHINE BUZZING) (SABRINA MOANING) 1752 01:15:53,632 --> 01:15:55,968 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. 1753 01:15:57,636 --> 01:15:59,430 (CONTINUES MOANING) 1754 01:16:03,142 --> 01:16:04,810 (GROANING) 1755 01:16:06,520 --> 01:16:07,521 Oh, God! 1756 01:16:09,231 --> 01:16:10,483 Oh. Wow. Really? 1757 01:16:10,649 --> 01:16:12,318 Are you sure that's what you want? 1758 01:16:12,485 --> 01:16:14,320 Absolutely. I like that. 1759 01:16:14,487 --> 01:16:18,407 You're okay with that being on your body for, like, forever? 1760 01:16:18,574 --> 01:16:20,659 I feel pretty good about it. 1761 01:16:20,826 --> 01:16:21,911 How is yours down there? 1762 01:16:22,078 --> 01:16:23,370 It's good. 1763 01:16:23,537 --> 01:16:24,580 It tickles a little. 1764 01:16:25,081 --> 01:16:26,540 Rico. Yo. 1765 01:16:26,707 --> 01:16:27,708 What do you think of this turn, man? 1766 01:16:30,544 --> 01:16:31,545 I don't know, man. 1767 01:16:32,338 --> 01:16:33,839 Ask Tommy. Tommy! 1768 01:16:34,173 --> 01:16:35,257 TOMMY: Yeah, man. 1769 01:16:35,341 --> 01:16:36,967 Check this out, man. 1770 01:16:37,051 --> 01:16:38,552 (GIGGLING) 1771 01:16:38,761 --> 01:16:39,929 (CLEARS THROAT) 1772 01:16:40,012 --> 01:16:42,348 You never did tell me aboutyourchfldhood. 1773 01:16:42,723 --> 01:16:44,558 Really? Now? 1774 01:16:44,725 --> 01:16:46,685 With the Sons of Anarchy between your... 1775 01:16:46,852 --> 01:16:48,437 Um, let's see here... 1776 01:16:48,604 --> 01:16:50,064 Tommy, Rico. Hey, guys. 1777 01:16:50,231 --> 01:16:51,357 We are sightseeing now. 1778 01:16:51,524 --> 01:16:53,943 Let's move it along, please. Come on. 1779 01:16:54,276 --> 01:16:55,528 You are such a gentleman. 1780 01:16:55,694 --> 01:16:58,030 Now you only have one ponytailed ex-oonviot between your legs, 1781 01:16:58,197 --> 01:16:59,198 so everything is fine. 1782 01:16:59,281 --> 01:17:00,699 (SABRINA LAUGHS) 1783 01:17:01,617 --> 01:17:03,536 I'm kidding. I was absolutely joking. 1784 01:17:04,078 --> 01:17:06,831 I love your ponytail. And that little pirate beard. 1785 01:17:06,997 --> 01:17:08,290 Still kidding. (EXHALES) 1786 01:17:11,252 --> 01:17:14,713 (CHATTING INDISTINCTLY) 1787 01:17:16,757 --> 01:17:18,384 That's me, there. 1788 01:17:18,551 --> 01:17:20,261 This is you. Mmm-hmm. 1789 01:17:20,427 --> 01:17:22,680 Yeah, that is nice. Thanks. 1790 01:17:22,847 --> 01:17:23,889 Yeah. 1791 01:17:33,691 --> 01:17:34,859 Well, good night. 1792 01:17:36,777 --> 01:17:37,945 Good night. 1793 01:17:45,286 --> 01:17:46,328 Hey, Mitch? 1794 01:17:46,662 --> 01:17:47,746 Yeah. 1795 01:17:48,581 --> 01:17:50,499 Are you going to call me? 1796 01:17:53,127 --> 01:17:55,254 I thought you said this wasn't a date. 1797 01:17:57,298 --> 01:17:58,966 Things change. 1798 01:18:04,180 --> 01:18:05,848 (BIRDS CHIRPING) 1799 01:18:06,807 --> 01:18:08,809 That's a cute tie. Thank you. 1800 01:18:09,476 --> 01:18:11,270 You should wear that to the party. 1801 01:18:11,437 --> 01:18:12,730 What party? 1802 01:18:13,731 --> 01:18:15,107 Our anniversary party. 1803 01:18:19,028 --> 01:18:21,906 Our anniversary party? Why the fuck wasn't I... 1804 01:18:23,032 --> 01:18:24,200 What about Mitch? 1805 01:18:24,366 --> 01:18:25,659 What about Mitch? 1806 01:18:25,826 --> 01:18:27,870 You said you didn't want him to come. 1807 01:18:28,871 --> 01:18:30,915 I did? Yeah. 1808 01:18:31,165 --> 01:18:33,959 You said you were really embarrassed of him. 1809 01:18:34,835 --> 01:18:36,003 That's why I didn't invite him. 1810 01:18:36,170 --> 01:18:37,838 I can't believe I don't remember that. 1811 01:18:38,005 --> 01:18:39,548 You also said that you thought 1812 01:18:39,632 --> 01:18:41,258 that he would get hammered 1813 01:18:41,425 --> 01:18:43,302 and hit on all of our married friends, be mean to my grandma 1814 01:18:43,469 --> 01:18:45,262 and turn the whole thing into a key party. 1815 01:18:45,554 --> 01:18:46,555 Once, that happened. 1816 01:18:46,722 --> 01:18:49,350 And you said he would force everyone to do Kamikaze shots, 1817 01:18:49,516 --> 01:18:51,602 spike the punch with ecstasy, 1818 01:18:51,685 --> 01:18:53,187 give all the girls breast exams and... 1819 01:18:53,354 --> 01:18:54,897 That was the same party. 1820 01:18:56,190 --> 01:18:57,191 Hmm. Weird. 1821 01:18:57,274 --> 01:18:59,610 Maybe we should talk about your bad memory at Dialogue Night. 1822 01:18:59,777 --> 01:19:02,696 Stilton Coffee House tonight. Don't forget. 1823 01:19:04,281 --> 01:19:05,616 Okay- okay? 1824 01:19:06,784 --> 01:19:07,785 Bye. 1825 01:19:23,676 --> 01:19:25,177 (LAUGHS) 1826 01:19:26,637 --> 01:19:28,430 (MOBILE PHONE RINGING) 1827 01:19:28,514 --> 01:19:29,848 (GRUNTS) 1828 01:19:31,850 --> 01:19:32,977 Hello. 1829 01:19:33,143 --> 01:19:35,813 This is District Manager Carla Nelson 1830 01:19:35,896 --> 01:19:37,606 from the Atlanta Department of Parks. 1831 01:19:37,773 --> 01:19:38,774 Oh, yeah. 1832 01:19:38,941 --> 01:19:42,361 Well, we have found that fountain. 1833 01:19:42,528 --> 01:19:45,781 It's been moved to 1100 Peachtree Boulevard. 1834 01:19:45,948 --> 01:19:47,992 You found it. Okay, well... 1835 01:19:48,617 --> 01:19:51,078 (STAMMERS) Okay, we'll be there soon. 1836 01:19:51,245 --> 01:19:53,789 All righty, then. Have a good day. 1837 01:19:53,956 --> 01:19:54,957 Thank you. 1838 01:20:04,842 --> 01:20:06,218 Hi. Hi. 1839 01:20:06,802 --> 01:20:07,845 How are you? 1840 01:20:07,928 --> 01:20:10,431 Good. Just on my way to see Dave. 1841 01:20:10,597 --> 01:20:11,598 Actually, 1842 01:20:13,225 --> 01:20:15,978 all the senior staff is going to be at the mediation tomorrow. 1843 01:20:16,145 --> 01:20:18,647 So,lsnagged Flemming's seats 1844 01:20:18,731 --> 01:20:20,858 to the Marlins-Braves game. 1845 01:20:21,025 --> 01:20:23,485 You, me, beer, baseball. 1846 01:20:23,652 --> 01:20:24,737 What more could a guy want? 1847 01:20:25,362 --> 01:20:26,530 (GROANS) 1848 01:20:28,157 --> 01:20:30,534 Don't take this the wrong way. 1849 01:20:30,701 --> 01:20:33,078 I would really love to go to that game with you, but I don't... 1850 01:20:33,245 --> 01:20:35,122 (ANGRILY) Are you breaking up with me? 1851 01:20:38,417 --> 01:20:39,918 What? I'm messing with you. (LAUGHING) 1852 01:20:40,419 --> 01:20:41,754 Oh! 1853 01:20:42,546 --> 01:20:44,048 Look, it is just a baseball game. 1854 01:20:44,214 --> 01:20:45,591 They're dugout seats. 1855 01:20:45,924 --> 01:20:48,927 Whatever you have to do, cancel it. 1856 01:21:02,441 --> 01:21:03,442 Hey. 1857 01:21:04,610 --> 01:21:05,611 They found the fountain. 1858 01:21:05,778 --> 01:21:07,821 Yeah, they did. She called me, too. 1859 01:21:08,572 --> 01:21:09,573 Yeah. 1860 01:21:10,991 --> 01:21:11,992 So... 1861 01:21:12,910 --> 01:21:14,161 Good news. 1862 01:21:14,328 --> 01:21:16,205 Yeah, it's good news. 1863 01:21:17,664 --> 01:21:18,999 Awesome. 1864 01:21:19,416 --> 01:21:21,919 We should probably go, you know, take a piss. 1865 01:21:22,378 --> 01:21:24,713 Yeah, yeah, let's do it. 1866 01:21:25,130 --> 01:21:26,131 Yeah. 1867 01:21:26,715 --> 01:21:28,926 Except... Except? 1868 01:21:29,176 --> 01:21:32,429 Except, the mediation is tomorrow, 1869 01:21:32,596 --> 01:21:34,139 and I've been working my ass off on that. 1870 01:21:34,306 --> 01:21:35,933 Yeah, you've been working real hard on that. 1871 01:21:36,100 --> 01:21:37,893 And I want to prove to myself 1872 01:21:38,060 --> 01:21:39,895 and to people 1873 01:21:39,978 --> 01:21:41,814 that I can see that through. 1874 01:21:41,980 --> 01:21:43,357 And you should. Yeah. 1875 01:21:43,524 --> 01:21:44,691 You deserve that. 1876 01:21:44,858 --> 01:21:45,943 What are you saying? 1877 01:21:46,985 --> 01:21:48,570 We could wait. 1878 01:21:48,737 --> 01:21:50,572 You want to wait? We could wait a day. 1879 01:21:50,739 --> 01:21:52,199 Push it a day? Or a week? 1880 01:21:52,366 --> 01:21:54,535 We should wait to switch. We can do it... 1881 01:21:54,701 --> 01:21:55,702 A month? Yeah. 1882 01:21:55,869 --> 01:21:56,870 It's time. 1883 01:21:56,954 --> 01:21:58,580 Really, what is time? 1884 01:21:58,747 --> 01:21:59,790 Come here, Dave. 1885 01:21:59,873 --> 01:22:01,333 Come on, buddy. (BOTH GROAN) 1886 01:22:01,959 --> 01:22:04,002 This went so well. Yeah, it did. 1887 01:22:04,378 --> 01:22:05,421 It's kind of surprising. 1888 01:22:05,587 --> 01:22:06,797 Very surprising. 1889 01:22:06,964 --> 01:22:11,093 If they offer you one red cent over $700 million, 1890 01:22:11,260 --> 01:22:12,469 you accept that. Got it? 1891 01:22:12,803 --> 01:22:14,054 Yes, of course. Why wouldn't I? 1892 01:22:14,221 --> 01:22:15,222 Why wouldn't you? 1893 01:22:15,389 --> 01:22:16,723 Great! Good! 1894 01:22:16,890 --> 01:22:18,559 What's the worst that can happen? Nothing can happen! 1895 01:22:19,017 --> 01:22:20,185 I think it's fine. 1896 01:22:20,352 --> 01:22:21,353 (THUNDER RUMBLING) 1897 01:22:37,035 --> 01:22:38,704 (TELEPHONE RINGING) 1898 01:22:39,621 --> 01:22:40,706 Dave Lockwood. 1899 01:22:40,873 --> 01:22:42,040 Did you forget something? 1900 01:22:43,167 --> 01:22:45,586 Who is this? Your wife. 1901 01:22:45,752 --> 01:22:46,753 Oh. 1902 01:22:46,837 --> 01:22:50,716 Ummm. Did I forget something? I don't know. What? 1903 01:22:51,008 --> 01:22:52,050 Never mind. 1904 01:22:52,217 --> 01:22:55,304 It's the mediation tomorrow, so I'm under it. 1905 01:22:55,471 --> 01:22:56,763 I can't play. 1906 01:22:59,558 --> 01:23:01,643 So, how did it go? How much money is it? 1907 01:23:01,810 --> 01:23:04,062 Just two hours, so, 14 bucks. 1908 01:23:04,229 --> 01:23:05,230 Great. 1909 01:23:06,190 --> 01:23:07,483 Sorry you got stood up. 1910 01:23:09,443 --> 01:23:10,777 He just forgot. 1911 01:23:11,195 --> 01:23:12,988 Yeah, that's what I meant. (LAUGHS) 1912 01:23:13,822 --> 01:23:16,366 He forgot me at the coffee shop 1913 01:23:16,533 --> 01:23:19,703 when all I wanted to do was go and talk to him. 1914 01:23:19,870 --> 01:23:22,456 Which isn't a lot to ask, do you think? 1915 01:23:22,623 --> 01:23:24,208 What do you want me to say? 1916 01:23:24,374 --> 01:23:26,210 Well, have you ever been stood up by a man? 1917 01:23:27,169 --> 01:23:28,587 Not really. Uh-huh. 1918 01:23:28,754 --> 01:23:30,797 Our parents drive us places, though, so... 1919 01:23:30,964 --> 01:23:32,174 Bottom line, Katie, 1920 01:23:32,341 --> 01:23:35,677 is work always comes first, 1921 01:23:35,761 --> 01:23:37,221 and we always come second. 1922 01:23:37,387 --> 01:23:39,556 And I don't think that's ever going to change. 1923 01:23:40,474 --> 01:23:41,934 I've got to go home now 1924 01:23:42,017 --> 01:23:43,602 because I have this Spanish test, so... 1925 01:23:43,769 --> 01:23:45,270 I can write you a note. 1926 01:23:45,437 --> 01:23:47,356 I guess deep down, 1927 01:23:47,439 --> 01:23:50,317 I'm afraid that I'll keep compromising 1928 01:23:50,484 --> 01:23:53,445 until getting the shit end feels normal. 1929 01:23:53,612 --> 01:23:56,073 And then I'll be so beaten down by life 1930 01:23:56,448 --> 01:24:00,035 that, just for a second, I will consider asking 1931 01:24:00,202 --> 01:24:03,121 the homeless guy at the car wash who looks like Kris Kristofferson 1932 01:24:03,288 --> 01:24:04,456 to rub my shoulders. 1933 01:24:04,623 --> 01:24:06,792 And I will, and he will. 1934 01:24:06,959 --> 01:24:09,127 And you know what? It'll be wonderful. 1935 01:24:10,003 --> 01:24:11,463 And I'll love it. 1936 01:24:11,630 --> 01:24:13,048 Because why not? 1937 01:24:13,215 --> 01:24:16,510 (CRYING) I mean, I'm not getting anything here. 1938 01:24:16,677 --> 01:24:18,804 Nobody's fucking me here. 1939 01:24:19,304 --> 01:24:23,141 You know, Katie, this is exactly why people get divorced. 1940 01:24:24,476 --> 01:24:26,270 I'm so sorry. 1941 01:24:26,436 --> 01:24:30,065 I'm so sorry. That was way out of line. 1942 01:24:33,527 --> 01:24:35,404 Do you want some ice cream? 1943 01:24:35,904 --> 01:24:38,740 I'm not getting any closer to leaving, am I? 1944 01:24:39,491 --> 01:24:40,492 No. 1945 01:24:40,784 --> 01:24:42,953 (ORGAN PLAYING GAME TUNES) 1946 01:24:45,205 --> 01:24:47,916 (ALL CHEERING LOUDLY) 1947 01:24:58,302 --> 01:24:59,386 It's looking good out there. 1948 01:24:59,553 --> 01:25:01,930 Hudson loves the sinker. He's been crushing them all year. 1949 01:25:02,097 --> 01:25:04,099 Listen to you, you are a big basebaflfanl 1950 01:25:04,182 --> 01:25:05,183 Yeah, huge. 1951 01:25:05,267 --> 01:25:06,518 I didn't know that about you. 1952 01:25:06,685 --> 01:25:09,813 I was Phil Niekro for Halloween three years in a row as a kid. 1953 01:25:09,980 --> 01:25:12,816 No way! Phil Niekro is my number one favorite of all time! 1954 01:25:12,983 --> 01:25:14,401 Why is my voice so high? 1955 01:25:14,484 --> 01:25:15,485 (LAUGHING) 1956 01:25:29,958 --> 01:25:31,168 WOMAN: Thank you for coming in today. 1957 01:25:31,335 --> 01:25:32,586 My name is Erin Walsh, 1958 01:25:32,669 --> 01:25:34,046 and I'll be mediating your claim. 1959 01:25:34,212 --> 01:25:37,716 Any and all agreements made during this mediation are binding 1960 01:25:37,883 --> 01:25:39,593 and carry with them the full rights 1961 01:25:39,676 --> 01:25:41,261 and responsibilities of the law 1962 01:25:41,428 --> 01:25:45,474 as stated in Federal Code 325 A, Section 4. 1963 01:25:49,061 --> 01:25:51,396 Kinkabe agrees in principle to the terms of the sale 1964 01:25:51,563 --> 01:25:54,941 and valuates your company at $625 million. 1965 01:25:55,108 --> 01:25:56,818 This is their best and final offer. 1966 01:26:00,280 --> 01:26:02,532 TED: There is no way we can make this deal. 1967 01:26:02,699 --> 01:26:04,785 FLEMMING: Six-twenty-five is not the end of the world. 1968 01:26:04,951 --> 01:26:07,579 You've just got to know when it's time to quit. 1969 01:26:07,746 --> 01:26:10,040 Fuck that noise. We are not quitting. 1970 01:26:10,207 --> 01:26:12,042 I think you can do better, Ted. 1971 01:26:12,459 --> 01:26:13,460 I beg your pardon. 1972 01:26:13,627 --> 01:26:15,253 I don't see anybody headed for the door. 1973 01:26:15,754 --> 01:26:18,256 This is just like trying to fuck a Catholic girl who keeps saying, 1974 01:26:18,423 --> 01:26:21,176 "No, I don't want to. I'm really drunk and you're circumcised." 1975 01:26:21,343 --> 01:26:22,803 But she keeps on making outwith you, 1976 01:26:22,886 --> 01:26:24,054 she's not leaving your Fiero... 1977 01:26:24,221 --> 01:26:25,430 it means she really wants to. 1978 01:26:25,764 --> 01:26:27,516 She just needs a little bit of a nudge. 1979 01:26:27,599 --> 01:26:29,101 A little bit of a coax, little bit of a tickle. 1980 01:26:29,184 --> 01:26:30,852 Just to rationalize it to herself, to her God. 1981 01:26:30,936 --> 01:26:31,978 Do you know what I mean? 1982 01:26:33,897 --> 01:26:37,693 No, Dave. We most definitely do not know what you mean. 1983 01:26:37,859 --> 01:26:39,611 Okay. What I mean is, 1984 01:26:39,778 --> 01:26:42,322 they want to spend more, they just don't know it, all right? 1985 01:26:42,489 --> 01:26:43,657 If this really was their final offer, 1986 01:26:43,782 --> 01:26:44,991 they'd be leaving, but they're not. 1987 01:26:45,075 --> 01:26:47,411 They're sticking around. They've got more money to spend. 1988 01:26:49,079 --> 01:26:51,373 She wants to unroll that rubber at the bottom of her purse 1989 01:26:51,540 --> 01:26:53,583 that she put in there three semesters ago. 1990 01:26:57,504 --> 01:26:59,339 How much more do you think we can get out of them? 1991 01:27:00,340 --> 01:27:01,717 Ten million? Fifteen? 1992 01:27:02,050 --> 01:27:05,721 Pull those panties to the side, Ted, and take a hundred more. 1993 01:27:06,054 --> 01:27:07,055 What? 1994 01:27:08,014 --> 01:27:11,268 Do not listen to him, Ted. He is beyond reckless. 1995 01:27:11,435 --> 01:27:14,980 If we make too large a counter offer, we risk driving them away. 1996 01:27:15,147 --> 01:27:16,523 Ted, it doesn't hurt to ask. 1997 01:27:17,149 --> 01:27:18,358 You would not believe the nasty shit 1998 01:27:18,442 --> 01:27:19,901 I get these girls to do, just by asking. 1999 01:27:19,985 --> 01:27:21,653 Honestly, it's revolting. 2000 01:27:23,989 --> 01:27:25,866 It does seem odd that they're not leaving. 2001 01:27:26,032 --> 01:27:27,534 Punch her in the seat. 2002 01:27:35,625 --> 01:27:38,336 You can tell Kinkabe we want an extra 100 million. 2003 01:27:38,503 --> 01:27:41,214 And that is our final offer, because we're leaving. 2004 01:27:41,381 --> 01:27:42,591 Fuel the jet, let's go. 2005 01:27:52,392 --> 01:27:54,853 For the record, I did not support that decision. (ERIN SHOUTING) 2006 01:27:54,978 --> 01:27:55,979 Sir! 2007 01:27:59,107 --> 01:28:02,235 Sir, Mr. Kinkabe has agreed to $725 million. 2008 01:28:02,402 --> 01:28:03,487 The deal is closed! 2009 01:28:03,570 --> 01:28:04,988 (WHOOPING) 2010 01:28:05,071 --> 01:28:06,072 Oh, my God! 2011 01:28:07,282 --> 01:28:09,534 (ALL CHEERING) 2012 01:28:12,162 --> 01:28:13,163 What did I tell you? 2013 01:28:15,248 --> 01:28:17,250 (ALL CHATTERING) 2014 01:28:19,920 --> 01:28:21,505 (LAUGHING) 2015 01:28:30,430 --> 01:28:32,224 (CROWD CHEERING) 2016 01:28:32,474 --> 01:28:33,475 (EXCLAIMING) Oh, my God! 2017 01:28:34,518 --> 01:28:35,727 Oh, my God! 2018 01:28:35,852 --> 01:28:37,062 Oh, my God! 2019 01:28:37,229 --> 01:28:38,271 Wow. 2020 01:28:38,355 --> 01:28:39,523 Are you glad you came now? 2021 01:28:39,689 --> 01:28:41,942 Am I glad I came? It's like the greatest day of my life! 2022 01:28:42,025 --> 01:28:43,193 (LAUGHING) (THUNDER RUMBLING) 2023 01:28:43,276 --> 01:28:44,653 Where did that come from? 2024 01:28:44,820 --> 01:28:47,572 Hang on, hang on, I got it. 2025 01:28:47,739 --> 01:28:49,908 Oh, no, they are going to call it. 2026 01:28:51,034 --> 01:28:53,870 MITCH: Man, this is amazing. I c:an't believe they're making me partner. 2027 01:28:54,037 --> 01:28:55,497 I'm the greatest lawyer, ever. 2028 01:28:55,664 --> 01:28:57,165 What a day. (LAUGHS) 2029 01:28:58,542 --> 01:29:00,377 So, now you can be happy. 2030 01:29:00,544 --> 01:29:01,670 Do you think they are going to give me a medal? 2031 01:29:02,045 --> 01:29:03,964 Could you imagine an engraved sword? 2032 01:29:04,130 --> 01:29:06,424 Honestly, I'd be happy with anything engraved. 2033 01:29:06,591 --> 01:29:08,677 A sword or a spear. 2034 01:29:08,844 --> 01:29:10,053 Even a shield would be good. 2035 01:29:10,220 --> 01:29:13,306 Slap it, Cara. Cara. 2036 01:29:14,349 --> 01:29:15,642 FLEMMING: We are gathered here tonight 2037 01:29:15,809 --> 01:29:19,145 to celebrate the newest partner in our esteemed firm. 2038 01:29:19,312 --> 01:29:21,439 David Andrew Lockwood 2039 01:29:21,523 --> 01:29:24,818 was born on March 25th, 1974. 2040 01:29:24,985 --> 01:29:27,320 By all accounts, Dave was a sweet, 2041 01:29:27,445 --> 01:29:29,823 diligent, hardworking little boy. 2042 01:29:30,991 --> 01:29:32,826 (LAUGHING) 2043 01:29:35,078 --> 01:29:36,079 Wow. 2044 01:29:36,162 --> 01:29:37,622 Yeah, I know. 2045 01:29:37,789 --> 01:29:38,915 I love it. 2046 01:29:39,374 --> 01:29:40,375 Why? 2047 01:29:41,293 --> 01:29:42,294 It reminds me of high school. 2048 01:29:42,460 --> 01:29:45,338 I feel like I'm about to lose my virginity. 2049 01:29:45,505 --> 01:29:46,548 (LAUGHS) Bathroom? 2050 01:29:46,715 --> 01:29:48,383 Yeah, right there. 2051 01:29:49,759 --> 01:29:51,094 (MOUTHING) 2052 01:29:55,473 --> 01:29:56,975 Do you want a drink or something? 2053 01:29:57,142 --> 01:29:59,436 (STAMMERS) Or warm clothes or I can get you a drink? 2054 01:29:59,603 --> 01:30:00,979 No, it's okay. We'll have one after. 2055 01:30:02,230 --> 01:30:04,733 Okay. After what? 2056 01:30:04,983 --> 01:30:07,986 Relax, Mitch, you're going to get laid tonight. (LAUGHS) 2057 01:30:08,570 --> 01:30:12,866 FLEMMING: In high school, Dave graduated first in his class. 2058 01:30:13,033 --> 01:30:16,077 After winning a full scholarship to Princeton, 2059 01:30:16,244 --> 01:30:20,457 Dave, amazingly, graduated in just three years. 2060 01:30:21,458 --> 01:30:25,170 And after graduating from Yale Law School with honors, 2061 01:30:25,629 --> 01:30:27,923 Dave clerked for Justice Souter 2062 01:30:28,048 --> 01:30:30,342 on the United States Supreme Court. 2063 01:30:33,678 --> 01:30:34,930 Work is hard. 2064 01:30:35,096 --> 01:30:37,349 I like going to baseball games 2065 01:30:37,515 --> 01:30:40,435 and drinking too much, and getting tattoos at 3:00 in the morning. 2066 01:30:41,186 --> 01:30:42,228 Yeah. 2067 01:30:42,437 --> 01:30:45,190 Boot. Take it off. 2068 01:30:48,944 --> 01:30:52,364 We were not put on this earth to work, breed and die. 2069 01:30:52,530 --> 01:30:54,324 No, we were not... Don't interrupt me, handsome. 2070 01:30:55,325 --> 01:30:58,036 We are here to have fun. 2071 01:30:58,286 --> 01:31:00,121 Right? Yeah. 2072 01:31:02,332 --> 01:31:03,333 Boot. 2073 01:31:06,878 --> 01:31:09,339 I just think there's too many rules. 2074 01:31:10,507 --> 01:31:13,718 Think about all the amazing experiences that we miss out on 2075 01:31:13,885 --> 01:31:16,346 because we're so worried about what other people will think. 2076 01:31:17,013 --> 01:31:20,725 Why can't I be a professional, successful woman 2077 01:31:20,892 --> 01:31:23,812 who sleeps with someone she just met? 2078 01:31:24,229 --> 01:31:25,563 You know? 2079 01:31:25,730 --> 01:31:27,023 I haven't heard a word you said 2080 01:31:27,107 --> 01:31:28,733 since you took your pants off. 2081 01:31:29,234 --> 01:31:30,235 Shirt. 2082 01:31:31,653 --> 01:31:32,654 Shirt. 2083 01:31:35,740 --> 01:31:36,741 You smell like lemons. 2084 01:31:37,867 --> 01:31:39,744 (LAUGHS) I do smell like lemons. 2085 01:31:40,370 --> 01:31:42,747 Oh, God, you're nervous. I like that. 2086 01:31:44,541 --> 01:31:45,834 Your leg is shaking. 2087 01:31:46,001 --> 01:31:47,043 That's not my leg. 2088 01:31:47,585 --> 01:31:49,504 Take off my bra. 2089 01:31:49,671 --> 01:31:50,672 All Of it? 2090 01:31:50,839 --> 01:31:52,257 Just the parts covering the breasts. 2091 01:31:52,424 --> 01:31:54,217 That's a good start. 2092 01:31:55,760 --> 01:31:57,804 (DAVE GRUNTS) 2093 01:31:59,931 --> 01:32:01,599 Oh, that's great. 2094 01:32:02,767 --> 01:32:03,768 At the end of the day... 2095 01:32:03,935 --> 01:32:04,936 Holy shit! 2096 01:32:05,103 --> 01:32:07,605 ...I am just tired of over-thinking things. 2097 01:32:08,189 --> 01:32:09,774 I'm tired of over-thinking things, too. 2098 01:32:09,941 --> 01:32:12,068 We should just do what we want to do. 2099 01:32:12,235 --> 01:32:13,611 Let's do it. Let's just do it. 2100 01:32:13,695 --> 01:32:16,865 FLEMMING: The only thing Dave loves more than the law 2101 01:32:16,948 --> 01:32:19,784 is his beautiful wife, Jamie. 2102 01:32:20,285 --> 01:32:22,662 Their life is like a fairy tale 2103 01:32:22,829 --> 01:32:26,249 made even more perfect by their three adorable children. 2104 01:32:26,458 --> 01:32:29,461 (DISTANTLY) So, as we celebrate one partnership tonight... 2105 01:32:39,971 --> 01:32:41,806 Look, Daddy, it's you and me. 2106 01:32:53,777 --> 01:32:56,488 ...would bring most men to their knees, 2107 01:32:56,654 --> 01:32:58,031 but not Dave. 2108 01:32:58,615 --> 01:33:00,658 He excelled on all fronts, 2109 01:33:00,825 --> 01:33:02,494 putting the rest of us to shame. 2110 01:33:03,620 --> 01:33:04,621 I didn't earn this. 2111 01:33:04,788 --> 01:33:09,000 The law may be the first thing on Dave's mind, 2112 01:33:09,167 --> 01:33:13,546 but his family has always been the first thing in his heart. 2113 01:33:14,964 --> 01:33:16,508 What should we do with each other, Mitch? 2114 01:33:16,674 --> 01:33:18,009 Oh, God, everything. 2115 01:33:18,176 --> 01:33:19,177 (LAUGHS) 2116 01:33:19,344 --> 01:33:20,678 We could... 2117 01:33:24,015 --> 01:33:25,016 Is that a... 2118 01:33:36,194 --> 01:33:38,029 Is that a many-spotted skipperling? 2119 01:33:38,488 --> 01:33:39,489 Yeah. 2120 01:33:44,536 --> 01:33:45,662 Mmm. 2121 01:33:46,579 --> 01:33:49,249 You can have whatever you want. 2122 01:33:53,211 --> 01:33:54,420 What do you want to do? 2123 01:33:57,423 --> 01:33:58,883 I want to go home. 2124 01:34:00,552 --> 01:34:01,553 What? 2125 01:34:03,096 --> 01:34:04,639 I want to go home. 2126 01:34:06,224 --> 01:34:07,559 What? I don't... 2127 01:34:08,226 --> 01:34:09,769 I got a meeting. I got to go. 2128 01:34:13,898 --> 01:34:15,275 (MOBILE PHONE RINGING) 2129 01:34:15,817 --> 01:34:16,818 Lockwood residence. 2130 01:34:16,901 --> 01:34:17,902 Where is Dave? 2131 01:34:18,069 --> 01:34:20,155 Dave is at the country club. They made him partner. 2132 01:34:22,907 --> 01:34:24,784 (CARS HONKING) 2133 01:34:24,909 --> 01:34:26,411 (TIRES SCREECHING) 2134 01:34:26,953 --> 01:34:29,372 FLEMMING: A brilliant attorney, 2135 01:34:29,497 --> 01:34:30,790 loving husband, 2136 01:34:30,957 --> 01:34:32,959 devoted father. 2137 01:34:35,461 --> 01:34:38,006 It is my distinct honor 2138 01:34:38,089 --> 01:34:39,674 to introduce to you, 2139 01:34:40,008 --> 01:34:43,094 our newest partner, David Lockwood. 2140 01:34:54,689 --> 01:34:56,191 Way to go, Dave. 2141 01:34:58,610 --> 01:35:00,028 Congratulations, Dave. 2142 01:35:00,278 --> 01:35:01,946 You deserve it. 2143 01:35:02,864 --> 01:35:04,657 This is not my life. 2144 01:35:07,785 --> 01:35:09,120 (TIRES SCREECHING) 2145 01:35:33,478 --> 01:35:34,896 Is she kissing the wrong guy? 2146 01:35:35,188 --> 01:35:36,981 I know it's weird. Just go with it. 2147 01:35:59,170 --> 01:36:00,380 We tried to tell you. 2148 01:36:00,838 --> 01:36:01,839 You ready to take a piss? 2149 01:36:02,006 --> 01:36:03,049 You bet your ass I am. 2150 01:36:03,925 --> 01:36:04,926 I love you, pumpkin. 2151 01:36:11,975 --> 01:36:13,184 (EXHALES) 2152 01:36:17,855 --> 01:36:19,357 (HORNS BLARING) 2153 01:36:27,615 --> 01:36:28,866 Are you sure this is the address? 2154 01:36:29,117 --> 01:36:30,535 Yeah, this is the place. 2155 01:36:44,257 --> 01:36:46,217 You got to be kidding me. Oh, wow. 2156 01:36:49,887 --> 01:36:51,764 Jesus Christ, it's like the whole city is in here tonight. 2157 01:36:51,931 --> 01:36:55,059 Okay, let's just do this. Come on. 2158 01:37:02,775 --> 01:37:03,901 How are we supposed to get this done? 2159 01:37:04,068 --> 01:37:06,112 You just be super cool... 2160 01:37:06,279 --> 01:37:07,905 (BOTH UNZIPPING) ...and don't draw attention to yourself. 2161 01:37:11,909 --> 01:37:12,952 Why aren't you peeing? 2162 01:37:13,119 --> 01:37:14,245 I got a lot of people around me. 2163 01:37:14,412 --> 01:37:15,580 Don't yell at me. I'm all locked up. 2164 01:37:15,747 --> 01:37:17,081 No one is even looking at us. We're fine. 2165 01:37:17,248 --> 01:37:21,252 Mommy, that man is peeing in the fountain! 2166 01:37:22,920 --> 01:37:24,005 (ALL MURMURING) 2167 01:37:24,088 --> 01:37:25,256 Oh, my God. 2168 01:37:25,423 --> 01:37:27,175 The cat is out of the bag, buddy. You got to go now. 2169 01:37:27,258 --> 01:37:28,259 Why don't you take a picture? MitCh! 2170 01:37:28,343 --> 01:37:29,344 Come on! 2171 01:37:29,427 --> 01:37:31,429 It's snipped. Mitch! Mitch! 2172 01:37:31,596 --> 01:37:35,433 By the way, why didn't you invite me to your anniversary party? 2173 01:37:37,977 --> 01:37:40,355 Okay, look... 2174 01:37:41,272 --> 01:37:42,565 I feel really bad about that 2175 01:37:42,648 --> 01:37:43,983 but can we talk about that at another time? 2176 01:37:44,150 --> 01:37:45,526 There is a girl scout staring at my penis. 2177 01:37:45,693 --> 01:37:47,111 I want to talk about it right now. 2178 01:37:47,278 --> 01:37:48,279 Really? 2179 01:37:48,613 --> 01:37:50,281 Are you embarrassed of me? 2180 01:37:50,990 --> 01:37:54,827 I'm sorry. Yeah. Yeah, I was. 2181 01:37:55,453 --> 01:37:56,829 But I'm not anymore. 2182 01:37:58,289 --> 01:37:59,999 I'm actually proud of you, Mitch. 2183 01:38:01,834 --> 01:38:02,877 Really? 2184 01:38:03,628 --> 01:38:04,796 Really. 2185 01:38:06,297 --> 01:38:07,590 (GROANS IN RELIEF) 2186 01:38:07,799 --> 01:38:09,092 (CROWD GASPING) 2187 01:38:09,175 --> 01:38:10,343 Atta boy! 2188 01:38:10,510 --> 01:38:12,011 I think that's what had me all locked up. 2189 01:38:12,178 --> 01:38:13,179 Hey! 2190 01:38:14,347 --> 01:38:16,182 Shit, we got security on us. 2191 01:38:16,265 --> 01:38:17,475 We got to do this right now. 2192 01:38:17,642 --> 01:38:19,143 Three, two, one... 2193 01:38:19,310 --> 01:38:20,686 BOTH: lwish I had my old life back! 2194 01:38:20,853 --> 01:38:21,854 What did they say? 2195 01:38:22,313 --> 01:38:24,732 Do you feel any different? No, go again. 2196 01:38:24,899 --> 01:38:27,360 BOTH: lwish I had my old life back! 2197 01:38:28,569 --> 01:38:30,238 Oh, shit! Come on, guy! 2198 01:38:30,405 --> 01:38:32,573 We are running out of time here. Three, two, one... 2199 01:38:32,740 --> 01:38:34,742 BOTH: lwish I had my old life back! 2200 01:38:35,326 --> 01:38:38,079 MITCH: Bingo! DAVE:Nme! Let's go, this way! 2201 01:38:38,246 --> 01:38:39,705 I'm peeing all over people, slow down! 2202 01:38:39,872 --> 01:38:41,082 WOMAN: Watch it! 2203 01:38:41,207 --> 01:38:42,417 MITCH: Excuse me, I'm sorry. Pardon me. 2204 01:38:45,837 --> 01:38:48,464 (ALL MURMURING) 2205 01:38:52,593 --> 01:38:53,594 (THUNDER RUMBLING) 2206 01:38:58,182 --> 01:39:01,018 (BABY CRYING) 2207 01:39:11,571 --> 01:39:12,572 Oh, my God. 2208 01:39:16,451 --> 01:39:18,244 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. 2209 01:39:19,078 --> 01:39:22,165 Oh, thank God. Oh, thank God. 2210 01:39:22,248 --> 01:39:24,292 Pumpkin! Pumpkin, I'm back. 2211 01:39:24,459 --> 01:39:26,711 Pumpkin, wake up. 2212 01:39:26,878 --> 01:39:29,130 Can you wake up, baby? I'm back, I'm back. 2213 01:39:29,297 --> 01:39:32,216 Oh, my God, I missed you so much. Oh, honey. 2214 01:39:32,383 --> 01:39:34,302 Okay, I owe you an explanation for last night. 2215 01:39:34,469 --> 01:39:36,554 I owe you an apology for this week. 2216 01:39:37,138 --> 01:39:39,932 And most importantly, I owe you a fix for the last five years. 2217 01:39:40,099 --> 01:39:41,809 Honey, things are changing, I promise. 2218 01:39:42,226 --> 01:39:45,980 You and the kids mean everything to me. Nothing is more important. 2219 01:39:46,147 --> 01:39:48,065 In fact, I'm going to quit my job. 2220 01:39:48,232 --> 01:39:50,401 I'm going to work today, I'm going to quit my job. 2221 01:39:50,568 --> 01:39:54,071 I'm going to apply to Kinko's, all right? 2222 01:39:54,238 --> 01:39:56,574 Or maybe Chiok-fil-A or Waffle House? Whoa, whoa, whoa! 2223 01:39:56,741 --> 01:39:58,409 Hold on, just a second. Foot Looker? 2224 01:39:58,576 --> 01:40:01,078 It is the middle of the night. Shh. 2225 01:40:02,413 --> 01:40:06,584 All right, I don't know what's going on with you two dorks. 2226 01:40:06,918 --> 01:40:08,294 That's enough. 2227 01:40:09,170 --> 01:40:10,588 I don't want you to quit your job. 2228 01:40:10,671 --> 01:40:11,964 What are you talking about? 2229 01:40:12,131 --> 01:40:15,760 You love your job and you love the law. 2230 01:40:16,135 --> 01:40:18,137 I love that about you. 2231 01:40:19,096 --> 01:40:20,640 I just want you to come home for dinner. 2232 01:40:20,806 --> 01:40:22,767 I know. And Dialogue Night. 2233 01:40:23,267 --> 01:40:24,852 And to see the kids. 2234 01:40:26,938 --> 01:40:28,856 And I want you to want to be here. 2235 01:40:29,023 --> 01:40:31,776 I do. You have no idea. 2236 01:40:34,195 --> 01:40:36,113 You don't have to get all, like, 2237 01:40:36,197 --> 01:40:37,615 ullm to quit mYi°b-" 2238 01:40:39,075 --> 01:40:40,952 (BABY RESUMES CRYING) 2239 01:40:41,327 --> 01:40:43,037 It's my turn. No,no,no. 2240 01:40:43,204 --> 01:40:44,664 Back to bed. They're mine. 2241 01:40:46,832 --> 01:40:48,000 I love you. 2242 01:40:48,167 --> 01:40:49,877 I love you. 2243 01:40:52,713 --> 01:40:53,965 Hi! 2244 01:40:54,799 --> 01:40:56,634 Look who's up. 2245 01:40:56,801 --> 01:40:58,177 Good morning. 2246 01:40:58,344 --> 01:41:00,137 Hi, my little man. 2247 01:41:02,890 --> 01:41:05,685 (LAUGHING) And how are you this morning, little princess? 2248 01:41:06,644 --> 01:41:08,145 Good morning. 2249 01:41:08,980 --> 01:41:10,356 How was your sleep? 2250 01:41:10,523 --> 01:41:12,149 Yeah, I know. 2251 01:41:12,316 --> 01:41:13,526 Okay, she's first. 2252 01:41:13,693 --> 01:41:15,528 She's a little bit more vocal. 2253 01:41:15,695 --> 01:41:16,696 Right? 2254 01:41:17,071 --> 01:41:19,532 Are you trying to tell me you've got a little surprise? 2255 01:41:20,324 --> 01:41:21,867 Did you make me something special? 2256 01:41:22,034 --> 01:41:23,035 Daddy. 2257 01:41:23,494 --> 01:41:26,831 Hi, sugarbug, come here. 2258 01:41:28,749 --> 01:41:30,376 Give me a hug, sweetie. 2259 01:41:31,335 --> 01:41:32,503 (GROANS) Good morning. 2260 01:41:33,754 --> 01:41:35,756 You smell like a pillow. 2261 01:41:35,923 --> 01:41:39,051 Stay here, talk to me. Sit on that chair. 2262 01:41:39,218 --> 01:41:40,261 Tell me about school. 2263 01:41:40,344 --> 01:41:42,179 I want to know what you learned yesterday, okay? 2264 01:41:42,346 --> 01:41:43,681 And I want to hear everything. 2265 01:41:44,181 --> 01:41:48,019 Did you know that atoms are smaller than a grain of sand? 2266 01:41:48,185 --> 01:41:49,604 How amazing is that? 2267 01:41:49,770 --> 01:41:50,771 So amazing! 2268 01:41:50,938 --> 01:41:54,066 And everything on this planet is made out of atoms. 2269 01:41:54,233 --> 01:41:56,694 Which is kind of strange 2270 01:41:56,861 --> 01:41:59,905 because I think that means that I'm the same as a piece of fruit 2271 01:42:00,072 --> 01:42:01,365 or a fish 2272 01:42:01,532 --> 01:42:03,034 or this chair! 2273 01:42:17,840 --> 01:42:18,966 (GASPS) 2274 01:42:25,514 --> 01:42:28,684 I'm me. God, I'm me. Thank you. Thank you. 2275 01:42:28,851 --> 01:42:31,145 God, look at that. Gorgeous! 2276 01:42:31,604 --> 01:42:33,230 God, it's so good to be back! 2277 01:42:34,857 --> 01:42:35,900 Welcome home. I missed you. 2278 01:42:36,067 --> 01:42:39,487 Look at that, two perfectly shorn balls. 2279 01:42:39,862 --> 01:42:40,988 (KNOCK ON DOOR) 2280 01:42:44,492 --> 01:42:45,743 (ZIPPING UP) 2281 01:42:48,037 --> 01:42:49,038 Hi. 2282 01:42:51,874 --> 01:42:54,293 I left my purse. I would have called but... 2283 01:42:54,460 --> 01:42:56,045 But you left your phone in your purse. 2284 01:42:56,212 --> 01:42:58,172 Yeah. Right. 2285 01:42:58,339 --> 01:43:01,884 I just wanted to apologize, because I know 2286 01:43:02,051 --> 01:43:06,055 that I probably came off a little aggressive last night, 2287 01:43:06,222 --> 01:43:08,307 and I just wanted to say sorry. 2288 01:43:10,601 --> 01:43:11,602 No. 2289 01:43:11,769 --> 01:43:13,938 Don't apologize. I apologize. 2290 01:43:14,105 --> 01:43:16,148 I probably came off a little gay last night. 2291 01:43:16,816 --> 01:43:19,902 I hope you will allow me the opportunity to straighten things out for you. 2292 01:43:20,069 --> 01:43:22,446 Hey, guess what? It's breakfast time. 2293 01:43:22,613 --> 01:43:23,614 Do you want to get some breakfast? 2294 01:43:24,949 --> 01:43:25,950 Yeah. 2295 01:43:26,033 --> 01:43:27,034 (BOTH CHUCKLE) 2296 01:43:29,870 --> 01:43:32,456 Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God 2297 01:43:32,623 --> 01:43:35,042 to unite this man and this woman in the... 2298 01:43:35,126 --> 01:43:36,377 (TIRES SCREECH) 2299 01:43:43,634 --> 01:43:45,511 Mitch, you came. 2300 01:43:45,678 --> 01:43:47,179 I'm very, very touched. Thank you. 2301 01:43:47,430 --> 01:43:48,431 You're welcome, Dad. 2302 01:43:49,473 --> 01:43:50,474 Ooh! 2303 01:43:50,558 --> 01:43:52,518 Fuck me! This must be my new mom. 2304 01:43:52,685 --> 01:43:54,145 Hi, Mitch Planko. 2305 01:43:54,311 --> 01:43:55,896 Good. Thank you. 2306 01:43:56,063 --> 01:43:57,273 She's holding onto me. 2307 01:43:57,356 --> 01:43:59,066 Okay, good, let go. 2308 01:43:59,233 --> 01:44:01,694 Keep away from him. The man's a pervert. 2309 01:44:06,824 --> 01:44:10,369 ALL: Happy anniversary, Jamie and Dave! 2310 01:44:15,332 --> 01:44:17,334 For those of you who don't know me, my name is Mitch Planko. 2311 01:44:17,501 --> 01:44:19,879 I was that nut sack's best man 10 years ago. 2312 01:44:19,962 --> 01:44:20,963 Here we go. 2313 01:44:21,046 --> 01:44:25,092 When we were kids, Dave and I, we had a lot of big plans. 2314 01:44:25,259 --> 01:44:27,636 Dave, he was going to be an astronaut, 2315 01:44:27,803 --> 01:44:31,849 and I was going to sell dolphins on the black market. 2316 01:44:32,016 --> 01:44:33,100 (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) (SCOFFS) Astronaut! 2317 01:44:33,517 --> 01:44:35,728 There's a reason I'm not selling dolphins. 2318 01:44:36,145 --> 01:44:38,898 We live in Atlanta, they're tough to find. 2319 01:44:39,064 --> 01:44:42,109 And those things, they don't sleep, 2320 01:44:42,276 --> 01:44:44,069 which also makes it real hard to catch them. 2321 01:44:45,237 --> 01:44:47,490 But I think that we all know 2322 01:44:47,656 --> 01:44:51,327 that life doesn't always turn out exactly how you plan it. 2323 01:44:51,577 --> 01:44:53,329 Sometimes, 2324 01:44:53,496 --> 01:44:55,039 just sometimes, 2325 01:44:55,206 --> 01:44:56,540 it turns out better. 2326 01:44:57,291 --> 01:44:58,626 Dave, I think there's a reason 2327 01:44:58,709 --> 01:45:00,711 that you're not walking on the moon right now. 2328 01:45:01,170 --> 01:45:03,464 It's because you belong here, 2329 01:45:04,298 --> 01:45:05,883 in your life, 2330 01:45:06,050 --> 01:45:08,219 with that incredible woman sitting beside you. 2331 01:45:13,015 --> 01:45:16,393 Can we please raise our Kamikaze shots 2332 01:45:16,477 --> 01:45:18,020 to my two best friends, please? 2333 01:45:19,563 --> 01:45:20,564 To Dave and Jamie. 2334 01:45:20,731 --> 01:45:22,566 ALL: Dave and Jamie! 2335 01:45:22,733 --> 01:45:24,068 Happy anniversary. 2336 01:45:24,235 --> 01:45:26,487 ALL: Happy anniversary! 2337 01:45:30,241 --> 01:45:32,243 How did I do? You're such a poet. 2338 01:45:32,409 --> 01:45:34,078 You're Robert Frost. Who? 2339 01:45:34,245 --> 01:45:35,830 It doesn't matter. God, you're good looking. 2340 01:45:35,913 --> 01:45:36,914 Yeah. 2341 01:45:36,997 --> 01:45:38,666 I'm going to meet you in five minutes. All right. 2342 01:45:38,833 --> 01:45:39,875 Okay. 2343 01:45:41,502 --> 01:45:42,753 I took care of you guys, huh? 2344 01:45:43,921 --> 01:45:44,922 We love you. 2345 01:45:45,422 --> 01:45:46,632 Oh... (LAUGHS) 2346 01:45:46,924 --> 01:45:48,175 Come on. Really? 2347 01:45:49,593 --> 01:45:51,387 Hey, buddy. I love you. 2348 01:45:51,554 --> 01:45:52,847 I love you, man. 2349 01:45:54,431 --> 01:45:56,350 How are things going at home? Good? 2350 01:45:56,767 --> 01:45:59,436 Yeah. I mean, come on. 2351 01:45:59,603 --> 01:46:02,731 Yeah. Yeah, it's great. It's fantastic. 2352 01:46:02,898 --> 01:46:04,108 Good. Yeah. 2353 01:46:04,275 --> 01:46:05,776 What about you? What about Sabrina? 2354 01:46:06,235 --> 01:46:10,072 Good. It's good. We're taking things slow, but it's good. 2355 01:46:14,910 --> 01:46:16,453 Is it weird that I miss your penis? 2356 01:46:16,954 --> 01:46:19,248 Come on. It would be weird if you didn't. 2357 01:46:19,331 --> 01:46:22,126 (ROCK MUSIC PLAYING) 2358 01:47:48,253 --> 01:47:49,713 MITCH: Oh, God! 2359 01:47:50,047 --> 01:47:51,382 (BOTH MOANING) 2360 01:47:51,465 --> 01:47:52,466 (MITCH EXCLAIMING) 2361 01:47:53,050 --> 01:47:54,385 SABRINA: Oh, my God! 2362 01:47:54,551 --> 01:47:56,220 Ow! What the hell was that? Oh. 2363 01:47:56,387 --> 01:47:57,888 Explain yourself! 2364 01:47:58,055 --> 01:47:59,932 You've never heard of the Bryant Gumbel? 2365 01:48:01,475 --> 01:48:02,601 (PANTING) Let's do that again. 2366 01:48:02,726 --> 01:48:04,269 (SABRINA GIGGLING)