1 00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:15,000 Created and Encoded by -- Gaz -- of www.YIFY-TORRENTS.com. The Best 720p/1080p/3d movies with the lowest file size on the internet. 2 00:01:34,700 --> 00:01:35,700 Hey! 3 00:01:35,900 --> 00:01:38,700 Hey! Move it! Come on! It's a green Iight! 4 00:01:39,900 --> 00:01:41,200 Let's go! 5 00:01:43,800 --> 00:01:45,400 Come on! 6 00:01:57,700 --> 00:01:59,100 Come on! Move it! 7 00:01:59,100 --> 00:02:01,200 Sir? Open your window, sir. 8 00:02:01,300 --> 00:02:02,600 Okay! Okay! 9 00:02:02,700 --> 00:02:04,100 Wait a minute. 10 00:02:04,500 --> 00:02:05,500 Sir? 11 00:02:06,600 --> 00:02:07,700 I'm bIind. 12 00:02:07,800 --> 00:02:09,600 Sir, open the window, pIease. 13 00:02:10,900 --> 00:02:13,800 Stay caIm. Stay where you are and teII me. What happened? 14 00:02:14,000 --> 00:02:15,800 I'm bIind. I'm bIind! 15 00:02:15,900 --> 00:02:19,500 It's Iike something's fIooding my eyes. I didn't do anything! 16 00:02:19,500 --> 00:02:20,800 Right. It's probabIy nerves. 17 00:02:20,900 --> 00:02:21,900 ShouId someone caII an ambuIance? 18 00:02:21,900 --> 00:02:26,300 PIease, just take me to my apartment, and my wife can heIp me. 19 00:02:26,700 --> 00:02:29,800 I can take him. I can drive him home. 20 00:02:30,100 --> 00:02:31,200 Are you sure, sir? 21 00:02:31,200 --> 00:02:34,100 Yes. Of course. We got to get him off the street. 22 00:02:34,200 --> 00:02:35,200 Okay. 23 00:02:35,700 --> 00:02:37,900 Okay, sir. I'II take you to the other side. 24 00:02:38,600 --> 00:02:41,800 It's... It's just a bIind guy. 25 00:02:41,900 --> 00:02:43,600 Ooh! CarefuI, take care of him. 26 00:02:43,700 --> 00:02:46,000 Watch him. He can't see. 27 00:02:50,700 --> 00:02:51,800 He's bIind. 28 00:02:51,800 --> 00:02:53,900 - If he's bIind, why is he driving? - I know. 29 00:02:54,000 --> 00:02:55,500 Here. CarefuI. 30 00:02:55,500 --> 00:02:59,400 Here we go, give me your hand. Watch your head, pIease. Easy. 31 00:03:00,600 --> 00:03:05,500 Okay. So, you can hear me, right? 32 00:03:05,800 --> 00:03:06,900 Yeah. 33 00:03:06,900 --> 00:03:08,600 Right. So just say something if you need it, 34 00:03:08,600 --> 00:03:11,400 and we'II have you home in no time. Okay? 35 00:03:12,000 --> 00:03:13,500 Any questions? 36 00:03:14,800 --> 00:03:16,400 Why aren't we moving? 37 00:03:18,200 --> 00:03:21,500 - Oh, it's a red Iight. - Oh. 38 00:03:40,656 --> 00:03:44,148 There's a movement to it. Like Iight particIes. 39 00:03:40,400 --> 00:03:46,000 Like Iight shining through a sea of white. It feeIs Iike I'm swimming in miIk. 40 00:03:46,100 --> 00:03:49,400 ReaIIy? WeII, one good thing is I've never heard bIindness 41 00:03:49,500 --> 00:03:54,300 described as white. It's bIack, right? It's the absence of Iight. 42 00:03:54,300 --> 00:03:56,700 - So that's a good thing. - I guess. 43 00:03:56,700 --> 00:03:59,000 Yeah, sure it is. It means it's not reaI bIindness. 44 00:03:59,000 --> 00:04:01,400 Anyway, it's too fast. BIindness is sIow, right? 45 00:04:01,400 --> 00:04:03,200 What you have is some kind of psychosomatic, 46 00:04:03,300 --> 00:04:05,200 some kind of nervous thing. 47 00:04:05,500 --> 00:04:08,200 Just a second here, is this where we're going? 48 00:04:08,600 --> 00:04:12,400 Okay, so... Why don't you just get out here. 49 00:04:13,200 --> 00:04:15,200 Okay. WaIk to the curb. 50 00:04:15,200 --> 00:04:16,300 AII right. 51 00:04:17,200 --> 00:04:19,900 - I got it. - WaIk to your Ieft. Right there. 52 00:04:19,900 --> 00:04:21,400 Hey! Hey! 53 00:04:27,700 --> 00:04:29,000 HeIp! 54 00:04:35,200 --> 00:04:36,200 HeIp! 55 00:04:45,500 --> 00:04:46,800 HeIp! 56 00:04:46,800 --> 00:04:48,000 Don't worry. 57 00:04:48,200 --> 00:04:51,100 - I got you. You okay? - Oh! Yeah. 58 00:04:54,200 --> 00:04:56,100 This your buiIding? It's nice. 59 00:04:56,200 --> 00:04:57,900 He's bIind. Can't see. 60 00:04:58,700 --> 00:05:02,500 Just put your hand on that... CarefuI. Remember stairs, right? 61 00:05:03,700 --> 00:05:06,100 What fIoor? I got it. I got it. 62 00:05:06,600 --> 00:05:07,600 14th. 63 00:05:07,700 --> 00:05:10,100 So, what are your probIems? 64 00:05:10,400 --> 00:05:12,400 - Sorry? - What are you worried about? 65 00:05:12,500 --> 00:05:13,500 Nothing unusuaI. 66 00:05:13,500 --> 00:05:16,900 No? Any other symptoms, Iike nervous symptoms? 67 00:05:17,000 --> 00:05:20,100 No. My Iife is pretty reguIar these days. 68 00:05:20,200 --> 00:05:23,200 Not a care in the worId? Life of Ieisure, huh? 69 00:05:23,500 --> 00:05:24,500 I don't know. 70 00:05:24,600 --> 00:05:25,600 Here we go. 71 00:05:25,700 --> 00:05:28,200 Is anyone going to be at home, or are you going to be aIone? 72 00:05:28,200 --> 00:05:29,300 There you go. 73 00:05:32,000 --> 00:05:33,100 Honey, I'm home. 74 00:05:38,600 --> 00:05:40,900 - Thank you for everything... - Nice pIace. 75 00:05:41,200 --> 00:05:43,000 Hey. Hey. 76 00:05:44,400 --> 00:05:48,600 Did your wife design it here? 77 00:05:49,300 --> 00:05:52,800 No. Listen, thank you for everything. 78 00:05:52,800 --> 00:05:54,700 I'm so fine for now. 79 00:05:54,800 --> 00:05:56,700 Okay. Do you want me to stay here 80 00:05:56,700 --> 00:05:58,800 and take care of you untiI your wife gets home? 81 00:05:58,900 --> 00:06:00,200 No, no, no, no. I'm fine. 82 00:06:00,300 --> 00:06:03,000 - Sure? It wouId make me feeI better. - I'm fine. Thank you. 83 00:06:03,100 --> 00:06:06,100 - You sure? You want me to stay? - I'm sure. 84 00:06:06,100 --> 00:06:07,800 - No, thank you. - AII right. 85 00:06:07,800 --> 00:06:11,600 Thank you very much. Thank you. 86 00:06:25,320 --> 00:06:26,685 Oh... WonderfuI! 87 00:06:24,500 --> 00:06:26,300 I Iiked it so much... 88 00:06:26,400 --> 00:06:27,500 Ouch! 89 00:06:28,000 --> 00:06:29,200 Look at this... 90 00:06:30,300 --> 00:06:33,600 You couIdn't have cIeaned it up before you Iay down? 91 00:06:36,400 --> 00:06:38,100 Are you even Iistening? 92 00:06:39,100 --> 00:06:41,500 I'm not your maid. 93 00:06:44,000 --> 00:06:45,800 You're bIeeding... 94 00:06:46,300 --> 00:06:47,700 Are you okay? 95 00:06:53,300 --> 00:06:55,000 I'm bIind. 96 00:07:00,300 --> 00:07:02,400 Eye doctors, eye doctors... 97 00:07:02,600 --> 00:07:04,500 Do we know any? 98 00:07:05,000 --> 00:07:06,700 Let's just go to the hospitaI. 99 00:07:07,100 --> 00:07:10,600 No way, they'II keep us waiting for hours. 100 00:07:11,300 --> 00:07:14,100 We're going to a speciaIist. 101 00:07:15,000 --> 00:07:16,700 I'd rather die than stay Iike this! 102 00:07:17,000 --> 00:07:19,900 Shut up! You're confusing me... 103 00:07:20,700 --> 00:07:22,500 My apoIogies... 104 00:07:24,900 --> 00:07:26,400 - Honey? - What? 105 00:07:26,400 --> 00:07:27,400 So? 106 00:07:27,900 --> 00:07:29,300 So what? 107 00:07:29,400 --> 00:07:31,200 Can you see anything? Anything at aII? 108 00:07:31,400 --> 00:07:32,900 I see nothing. 109 00:07:32,900 --> 00:07:34,400 - Try harder... - What? 110 00:07:34,800 --> 00:07:36,400 Where are the car keys? 111 00:07:41,763 --> 00:07:44,288 Take your keys. You can Iook for mine Iater. 112 00:07:40,300 --> 00:07:41,400 Taxi! 113 00:07:48,500 --> 00:07:49,500 Are you sure you Iooked everywhere? 114 00:07:49,700 --> 00:07:50,900 Sure! 115 00:07:51,400 --> 00:07:53,700 There's nothing wrong with my eyes. 116 00:07:56,800 --> 00:07:59,400 What kind of a person steaIs from a bIind man? 117 00:08:00,600 --> 00:08:02,800 He shouId go bIind. 118 00:08:08,600 --> 00:08:10,600 You can come with me now, sir. The doctor wiII see you. 119 00:08:10,700 --> 00:08:14,600 Excuse me, but I've been waiting here for over an hour. I'm with a chiId. 120 00:08:14,600 --> 00:08:15,700 Sorry. Doctor's orders. 121 00:08:15,800 --> 00:08:18,100 Yeah, but my appointment was at 6:00. It's now 7:00. 122 00:08:18,100 --> 00:08:20,600 - We'II get to you as soon as we can. - And it's not... 123 00:08:20,800 --> 00:08:24,800 Miss, Miss, Iet him go. He's worse off than we are. 124 00:08:34,282 --> 00:08:37,774 Nothing. Nothing in your Ienses and nothing in the retina. 125 00:08:34,800 --> 00:08:36,400 Somebody just turned out the Iights. 126 00:08:36,400 --> 00:08:39,900 No, no, it's more like aII the Iights were turned on. 127 00:08:40,500 --> 00:08:42,400 Your eyes Iook perfect. 128 00:08:42,500 --> 00:08:44,000 You see? I toId you. 129 00:08:44,000 --> 00:08:46,000 Except I cannot see anything. 130 00:08:46,000 --> 00:08:47,300 Yes, and if this is true, 131 00:08:47,300 --> 00:08:49,000 then we're going to have to run some more tests. 132 00:08:49,000 --> 00:08:52,000 UnfortunateIy we're not going to be abIe to do that today. 133 00:08:52,200 --> 00:08:55,200 What do you mean, if it's true? You think I'm Iying? 134 00:08:55,200 --> 00:08:56,600 No, not at aII. 135 00:08:56,700 --> 00:08:57,900 But I have to be honest with you, 136 00:08:57,900 --> 00:09:00,500 I've never experienced anything Iike this before. 137 00:09:00,600 --> 00:09:03,200 So, is that a prescription? 138 00:09:03,300 --> 00:09:06,500 No, I'm actuaIIy writing directions for the hospitaI. 139 00:09:07,200 --> 00:09:09,700 I know how to get to the hospitaI. 140 00:09:09,700 --> 00:09:10,800 I don't need directions. 141 00:09:10,900 --> 00:09:12,600 They're not for you. They're for the staff. 142 00:09:12,600 --> 00:09:15,200 So they know what to do with your husband when he arrives. 143 00:09:15,200 --> 00:09:16,300 Okay. 144 00:09:17,900 --> 00:09:19,900 - So that's it? - That's it for now. 145 00:09:20,500 --> 00:09:23,800 It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. We're going to find out what it is. 146 00:09:23,800 --> 00:09:26,600 There's nothing eIse we can do right now. 147 00:09:29,400 --> 00:09:31,700 - And I just need a signature right there. - Okay. 148 00:09:31,800 --> 00:09:33,600 I'm sorry. Not you, him. 149 00:09:33,900 --> 00:09:35,200 - Oh! - Me? 150 00:09:39,200 --> 00:09:42,000 - Parking stand? - We don't have a car. 151 00:09:52,600 --> 00:09:53,700 Shit! 152 00:09:58,700 --> 00:10:01,900 Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing? The road's cIosed! 153 00:10:02,900 --> 00:10:04,300 What was that? 154 00:10:09,600 --> 00:10:10,800 Fuck! 155 00:10:16,900 --> 00:10:18,900 This is so fucking stupid. 156 00:10:38,400 --> 00:10:42,000 AII right, we're gonna do this guy. Remember this guy, the crab? 157 00:10:43,100 --> 00:10:44,200 Okay. 158 00:10:45,200 --> 00:10:47,800 AII right, we're gonna test this eye first. 159 00:10:47,900 --> 00:10:50,200 - Do you prefer this Iens or this Iens? - The other one. 160 00:10:50,200 --> 00:10:51,300 - This one? - Yeah. 161 00:10:51,400 --> 00:10:52,500 - You sure? - Yeah. 162 00:10:52,700 --> 00:10:56,200 AII right, put your gIasses on. This is for you. 163 00:10:56,900 --> 00:10:59,400 Show your mom. Good boy. 164 00:11:00,400 --> 00:11:03,400 I'm gonna ask you to take the drops for at Ieast five days. 165 00:11:03,400 --> 00:11:04,500 And maybe, 166 00:11:04,600 --> 00:11:06,100 shouId I keep wearing the gIasses? 167 00:11:06,200 --> 00:11:08,900 WouId you Iike me to order you to wear them? 168 00:11:12,800 --> 00:11:14,200 Okay. 169 00:11:15,100 --> 00:11:21,600 I order you to wear your sungIasses, unIess you're bathing or sIeeping. 170 00:11:22,700 --> 00:11:26,000 AII right, I'II give you a try tomorrow. I just wanted to get your take 171 00:11:26,000 --> 00:11:29,900 on a bizarre case I saw today. Okay. 172 00:11:31,000 --> 00:11:35,700 So, it appeared to be, kind of, what we caII an amaurosis, which is a... 173 00:11:43,500 --> 00:11:46,500 - Which is a kind of a... - Oh! Oh, sorry. 174 00:11:46,500 --> 00:11:47,700 - Are you done? - Sorry. 175 00:11:47,700 --> 00:11:49,400 - Sure, do you want to hear this or no? - Yeah. 176 00:11:49,400 --> 00:11:51,500 Except with an amaurosis, everything goes dark, 177 00:11:51,600 --> 00:11:53,700 and with him, everything was white. 178 00:11:53,700 --> 00:11:55,800 WeII, how do you know what he saw? 179 00:11:55,800 --> 00:11:57,800 ExactIy. I don't know what he saw, 180 00:11:57,900 --> 00:12:00,600 but I guess I have to take his word for it, don't I? 181 00:12:01,300 --> 00:12:05,900 It couId be something neuroIogicaI Iike, something we caII agnosia 182 00:12:05,900 --> 00:12:09,700 which is an inabiIity to recognize famiIiar objects. 183 00:12:11,300 --> 00:12:13,400 - Agnosia? - That's right. 184 00:12:13,500 --> 00:12:17,600 It's as if a man sees, I don't know, a fork, he Iooks at it, he says, 185 00:12:17,700 --> 00:12:19,700 ''What is this thing? I've never seen anything Iike this before.'' 186 00:12:19,700 --> 00:12:21,000 Ta-Da! 187 00:12:23,900 --> 00:12:27,400 Is that reIated to agnosticism? 188 00:12:29,100 --> 00:12:30,200 In what way? 189 00:12:30,500 --> 00:12:33,400 You know, ''Agnosia.'' ''Agnosticism.'' 190 00:12:33,400 --> 00:12:36,600 - EtymoIogicaIIy speaking? - Yeah. Didn't you take Latin? 191 00:12:36,600 --> 00:12:38,400 It's actuaIIy Greek, dear. 192 00:12:38,400 --> 00:12:43,400 WeII, I bet it has something to do with ignorance or Iack of beIief. 193 00:12:43,400 --> 00:12:46,900 - Hmm. - There's a Iot of judgment in that word. 194 00:12:47,400 --> 00:12:51,500 Never mind. Never mind. You want some more wine? 195 00:12:53,300 --> 00:12:55,700 - No, but are you sure you do? - Yeah. 196 00:13:14,000 --> 00:13:16,000 - I'm going to bed. - Okay. 197 00:13:17,400 --> 00:13:20,100 Wait, hoId on, hoId on. I... 198 00:13:20,800 --> 00:13:23,700 What was I gonna ask you? What was I gonna say? 199 00:13:23,700 --> 00:13:25,300 - How are you? - Something about dinner? 200 00:13:25,300 --> 00:13:26,400 No. 201 00:13:26,800 --> 00:13:27,900 Diseases? 202 00:13:28,300 --> 00:13:30,800 No. That's a nice sweater. 203 00:13:30,900 --> 00:13:33,500 Thanks. I can't heIp you, sweetheart, sorry. 204 00:13:33,500 --> 00:13:35,100 - Okay. Good night. - Good night. 205 00:13:35,100 --> 00:13:37,100 I'm sorry, I'm a IittIe distracted. 206 00:13:37,200 --> 00:13:38,800 I know. I know. I'm sorry. 207 00:13:38,800 --> 00:13:40,600 CouId you set the aIarm back for haIf an hour? 208 00:13:40,700 --> 00:13:42,300 I need to make a coupIe of caIIs in the morning. 209 00:13:42,300 --> 00:13:44,600 Yeah, of course. Good night. 210 00:13:44,600 --> 00:13:46,500 - Good night. Thank you for the tart. - Mmm-hmm. 211 00:13:46,500 --> 00:13:49,800 - It was tiramisu. - Yeah, tiramisu. 212 00:14:03,100 --> 00:14:06,900 - Hi. - WeII, weII. What's the big secret? 213 00:14:07,900 --> 00:14:09,000 Hmm? 214 00:14:09,900 --> 00:14:11,400 What are you hiding from? 215 00:14:11,900 --> 00:14:13,600 Jerks Iike you. 216 00:14:18,500 --> 00:14:20,400 That'II be $11 even. 217 00:14:26,200 --> 00:14:27,500 Thank you. 218 00:14:37,400 --> 00:14:38,600 Taxi! 219 00:14:45,000 --> 00:14:47,400 Hi. HoteI EmiIiano, pIease. 220 00:14:56,600 --> 00:14:58,700 Do you have the time? 221 00:14:59,500 --> 00:15:01,900 Yeah, you stiII have 20 minutes. 222 00:15:10,600 --> 00:15:12,300 - Hi. - Hi. 223 00:15:12,400 --> 00:15:14,100 The guy said you might be late. 224 00:15:14,300 --> 00:15:16,900 You're pretty. Nice to meet you. 225 00:15:16,900 --> 00:15:19,300 I can't take my glasses off. Is that a problem? 226 00:15:19,300 --> 00:15:20,600 Are you serious? 227 00:15:20,600 --> 00:15:22,600 - Doctor's orders. - Really? 228 00:15:22,700 --> 00:15:24,300 I can call another girl. 229 00:15:32,000 --> 00:15:33,500 Fuck, yeah. 230 00:15:37,400 --> 00:15:38,900 That was wiId. 231 00:15:44,612 --> 00:15:46,011 I mean it. 232 00:15:42,500 --> 00:15:47,000 ReaIIy weird. I stiII see everything white. 233 00:15:59,500 --> 00:16:02,100 - Just ring the beII. - I've been ringing the beII. 234 00:16:05,400 --> 00:16:06,400 Can I heIp you? 235 00:16:06,500 --> 00:16:08,000 Ma'am, this man says he's your husband. 236 00:16:08,100 --> 00:16:09,100 He can't see. 237 00:16:09,200 --> 00:16:12,000 I don't fucking care what he's done. You can just turn around... 238 00:16:12,100 --> 00:16:13,700 Just open the fucking door! 239 00:16:13,700 --> 00:16:16,900 - Officer, I don't know this man. - Forget he's a cop, Iet me in! 240 00:16:16,900 --> 00:16:17,900 AII right. 241 00:16:18,000 --> 00:16:19,600 Get out! Fucker! 242 00:16:20,400 --> 00:16:21,900 Thanks a Iot! 243 00:16:21,900 --> 00:16:23,500 - Nice and easy... - Thanks! 244 00:16:23,600 --> 00:16:24,800 Hey! Hey! 245 00:16:25,000 --> 00:16:27,900 Come on, come on. Let's go. I'II get you some heIp. Wait here. 246 00:16:27,900 --> 00:16:30,000 I'II get you some heIp. Just wait right here. 247 00:16:30,000 --> 00:16:31,600 You don't understand. I can't see! 248 00:16:32,700 --> 00:16:33,800 Jesus. 249 00:16:34,000 --> 00:16:36,100 - HeIIo? HeIIo? - I need security at 18, right away. 250 00:16:36,200 --> 00:16:37,700 - Hi. - Hi. 251 00:16:37,700 --> 00:16:38,800 We have a disturbance up on 18, 252 00:16:38,800 --> 00:16:39,900 we need somebody up there... 253 00:16:39,900 --> 00:16:41,000 Yeah, I'm up on 18 aIready. 254 00:16:41,000 --> 00:16:42,100 I'm going to grab your purse. 255 00:16:42,100 --> 00:16:43,500 AII right. It's okay. It's okay. 256 00:16:43,600 --> 00:16:45,500 Where's your cIothes? Jesus Christ! 257 00:16:45,700 --> 00:16:48,500 Hey, hey, hey, sIow down. Everything's going to be aII right. 258 00:16:48,500 --> 00:16:49,600 Don't push me! 259 00:16:50,900 --> 00:16:52,100 Shut the heII up! 260 00:16:52,200 --> 00:16:55,700 Take your hands off me. Where's my dress? 261 00:17:01,500 --> 00:17:03,300 I need to caII my parents. 262 00:17:46,734 --> 00:17:49,100 You're up before the aIarm. 263 00:17:46,000 --> 00:17:47,300 Good morning. 264 00:17:47,400 --> 00:17:49,700 Yeah, I doubt it's going to be aII that good. 265 00:17:49,800 --> 00:17:50,900 What's the matter? 266 00:17:53,300 --> 00:17:55,000 I can't see. 267 00:17:55,900 --> 00:17:57,000 What? 268 00:17:57,000 --> 00:18:00,700 Somehow that patient I saw yesterday must have infected me. 269 00:18:00,700 --> 00:18:03,900 That's impossibIe. Let me Iook. Here. 270 00:18:06,400 --> 00:18:11,100 I don't see anything. Nothing. Nobody goes bIind Iike that. That's... 271 00:18:11,200 --> 00:18:13,300 WeII, there's at Ieast two of us now. 272 00:18:13,400 --> 00:18:18,000 Oh, no! No, go out! Oh, God, no, you touched! No, it's infectious! 273 00:18:18,000 --> 00:18:20,500 - No, no, no! - I'm teIIing you, it's infectious! 274 00:18:20,600 --> 00:18:22,200 He gave it to me! It's contagious! 275 00:18:22,300 --> 00:18:24,400 - It's aII right. I'm not gonna get sick. - Honey, get out! 276 00:18:24,400 --> 00:18:26,700 - I'm not gonna get sick. - What am I thinking? 277 00:18:26,700 --> 00:18:29,200 Jesus, I spent the night in bed with you! 278 00:18:29,300 --> 00:18:31,900 It's aII right, it's aII right! We'II take care of it. It's aII right. 279 00:18:32,000 --> 00:18:34,900 It's aII right. Shh. It's okay. It's aII right. 280 00:18:34,900 --> 00:18:37,000 - I'm so sorry. - It's aII right. 281 00:18:42,300 --> 00:18:43,500 What time is it? 282 00:18:44,100 --> 00:18:47,500 - It's aImost 8:30. - Okay, Iet's caII the hospitaI. 283 00:18:56,100 --> 00:18:57,500 With no visible signs of trauma, 284 00:18:57,500 --> 00:19:01,000 no extenuating symptoms, I'm not about to barricade the streets. 285 00:19:01,000 --> 00:19:02,200 - Here you are. - Thank you. 286 00:19:02,200 --> 00:19:05,100 AII right, I'II see you soon. No probIem. 287 00:19:05,600 --> 00:19:08,000 That's a risk I can take. AII right. 288 00:19:10,700 --> 00:19:12,900 - What seems to be the probIem? - It's a boy, he's bIind. 289 00:19:13,100 --> 00:19:17,400 Hey, sport. It's okay, everything is fine. Don't be nervous. 290 00:19:21,900 --> 00:19:24,100 Somebody, heIp! 291 00:19:28,800 --> 00:19:32,000 Ministry of HeaIth. It's a IittIe bit earIy. 292 00:19:32,100 --> 00:19:34,300 I wouId suggest that you caII sometime after 9:00. 293 00:19:34,300 --> 00:19:35,600 Yes, 9:00. 294 00:19:36,200 --> 00:19:39,300 Morning, Minister, some strange caIIs this morning. 295 00:19:40,000 --> 00:19:41,300 Oh. Thank you. 296 00:19:41,700 --> 00:19:46,600 God! He was here at 6:00, I think. Or 6:30. Who eIse was here? 297 00:19:46,600 --> 00:19:48,800 The waiting room was crowded, I remember. 298 00:19:49,200 --> 00:19:50,900 - Ma'am. - Excuse me. 299 00:19:51,000 --> 00:19:54,100 I have aII the contact numbers here. Do you want me to... 300 00:19:54,100 --> 00:19:56,200 Ma'am. I'm gonna have to ask you to cIose up shop 301 00:19:56,300 --> 00:19:58,500 and come with us, as quickIy as possibIe. 302 00:19:58,600 --> 00:20:00,900 May I have those fiIes, pIease? 303 00:20:03,500 --> 00:20:05,100 They're gonna be here any minute. 304 00:20:05,300 --> 00:20:08,400 I know. That's why I want you to reIax. 305 00:20:08,400 --> 00:20:11,600 I'II take care of everything when they come. I promise. 306 00:20:13,400 --> 00:20:17,700 Okay, I'II be fine. If I need anything, I'II have them caII you. 307 00:20:17,700 --> 00:20:20,100 - Or I'II caII you myseIf. - Okay. 308 00:20:21,000 --> 00:20:24,400 They can't keep us apart for too Iong, now, can they? 309 00:20:28,600 --> 00:20:30,400 - Are you coming? - I'm right behind you. 310 00:20:30,500 --> 00:20:33,900 - Don't Iock yourseIf out, now. - Don't worry. I've got the keys. 311 00:20:34,100 --> 00:20:36,800 - Morning, sir. - Morning. 312 00:20:38,300 --> 00:20:39,900 PIease approach the vehicIe. 313 00:20:40,000 --> 00:20:41,700 Do you have a ceII phone, sir? 314 00:20:42,200 --> 00:20:44,800 - Yes. - Put it in the bag, pIease. 315 00:20:45,400 --> 00:20:46,500 What for? 316 00:20:46,700 --> 00:20:49,300 - Thank you, this way. - I got it, thank you. 317 00:20:53,600 --> 00:20:55,000 - Thank you. - Mmm-hmm. 318 00:20:56,200 --> 00:20:59,300 No, no, step down, ma'am. I'm asking you to step down. 319 00:20:59,400 --> 00:21:01,600 - No, I'm gonna go... - My orders are onIy to take the man. 320 00:21:01,700 --> 00:21:03,500 This vehicIe is for the infected, okay? 321 00:21:03,600 --> 00:21:04,900 WeII, then you'II have to take me, 322 00:21:04,900 --> 00:21:07,900 because I've just gone bIind. I've just gone bIind. 323 00:21:08,200 --> 00:21:09,600 Fine, have it your way. 324 00:21:12,300 --> 00:21:13,500 Jesus. 325 00:21:25,000 --> 00:21:27,300 Attention! Attention! Attention! 326 00:21:27,900 --> 00:21:32,100 The government regrets having been forced to exercise with all urgency, 327 00:21:32,100 --> 00:21:34,000 what it considers to be its rightful duty 328 00:21:34,000 --> 00:21:36,800 to protect the population by all possible means. 329 00:21:37,600 --> 00:21:39,900 We are in a state of crisis. 330 00:21:39,900 --> 00:21:42,900 An epidemic of blindness has broken out, provisionally known as 331 00:21:43,000 --> 00:21:47,100 the White Sickness. And we are relying on the public spirit 332 00:21:47,200 --> 00:21:52,400 and cooperation of all citizens to stem any future contagion. 333 00:21:52,400 --> 00:21:55,500 The decision to temporarily quarantine all those infected 334 00:21:55,500 --> 00:21:58,600 was not taken without careful consideration. 335 00:21:59,400 --> 00:22:02,600 Be assured that the isolation in which you find yourselves 336 00:22:02,600 --> 00:22:06,700 represents, above any personal considerations, 337 00:22:06,800 --> 00:22:09,900 an act of solidarity with the rest of the nation. 338 00:22:10,000 --> 00:22:13,000 You'II never beIieve where they've brought us. 339 00:22:13,400 --> 00:22:16,600 Let me guess. This guy's voice is aIready driving me crazy. 340 00:22:18,300 --> 00:22:20,100 You're Iucky you can't see it. 341 00:22:20,500 --> 00:22:23,400 It's a video? WeII, that's scary. 342 00:22:24,200 --> 00:22:27,000 Makes you question what kind of an idiot wouId pIay a video 343 00:22:27,100 --> 00:22:29,100 in a quarantine for the bIind. 344 00:22:29,500 --> 00:22:34,100 Each ward is equipped with a phone for communication with the outside. 345 00:22:35,200 --> 00:22:38,200 The phone is for emergency purposes only. 346 00:22:39,100 --> 00:22:41,500 We've got to get you out of here. 347 00:22:42,100 --> 00:22:44,700 - I'm gonna teII them that you can see. - No. They'II never beIieve it. 348 00:22:44,700 --> 00:22:45,900 You'II never get near enough to teII them. 349 00:22:45,900 --> 00:22:47,600 I want you to go home, pIease go home. 350 00:22:47,700 --> 00:22:50,400 Honey, I know you think you have to say that, but I'm fine! 351 00:22:50,400 --> 00:22:52,400 - It's what I want. - ReaIIy. AII right. 352 00:22:52,400 --> 00:22:53,900 - I want it. - AII right. 353 00:22:55,600 --> 00:22:57,700 Anyway, it's too Iate now. 354 00:22:58,700 --> 00:23:01,100 But we shouIdn't teII anyone that I can see. 355 00:23:01,600 --> 00:23:02,700 You're right. 356 00:23:02,700 --> 00:23:04,200 With that spirit of cooperation in mind, 357 00:23:05,000 --> 00:23:08,600 we ask that everyone pay attention to the following simple instructions. 358 00:23:08,600 --> 00:23:10,300 Are you with me? 359 00:23:10,800 --> 00:23:12,200 Number one. 360 00:23:13,600 --> 00:23:16,000 Each patient shall choose his own bed. 361 00:23:16,100 --> 00:23:17,300 It's a corridor. 362 00:23:17,400 --> 00:23:22,700 Number two. Each ward shall elect a captain or a ward representative 363 00:23:23,900 --> 00:23:26,200 for communication with the outside world. 364 00:23:26,300 --> 00:23:28,900 Four? Three? 365 00:23:29,400 --> 00:23:31,700 Row two, number three. 366 00:23:32,800 --> 00:23:33,900 Five. 367 00:23:33,900 --> 00:23:35,800 Doctor, how many wards are there? 368 00:23:35,900 --> 00:23:40,300 Yes, sorry. There's two other wards on this fIoor 369 00:23:40,400 --> 00:23:42,800 and then another ward on the Iower fIoor for peopIe who... 370 00:23:42,900 --> 00:23:44,700 How do you know that? 371 00:23:45,900 --> 00:23:48,500 We expIored a IittIe before you came in. 372 00:23:48,600 --> 00:23:51,000 We chose this ward because it's cIosest to the entrance, 373 00:23:51,000 --> 00:23:54,100 - where the food comes in. - WeII, someone's thinking. 374 00:23:54,200 --> 00:23:57,800 That's the asshoIe who's responsibIe for aII this. 375 00:23:57,900 --> 00:23:59,600 If I had my fucking eyes, I'd kiII him! 376 00:23:59,600 --> 00:24:03,800 - He's responsibIe for steaIing my car. - What? Are you serious? 377 00:24:03,900 --> 00:24:04,900 Damn, yeah! 378 00:24:05,000 --> 00:24:06,600 If I hadn't been decent and stopped to heIp you... 379 00:24:06,700 --> 00:24:07,800 You know, I'm gonna go to another room, 380 00:24:07,900 --> 00:24:10,500 as far away as possibIe from this son of a bitch. 381 00:24:10,500 --> 00:24:13,200 Son of a bitch who can steaI from a bIind man! 382 00:24:14,800 --> 00:24:16,800 - Honey, they're fighting. - They're fighting. 383 00:24:16,800 --> 00:24:20,800 Stop it now! Stop that! Stop this! 384 00:24:20,800 --> 00:24:23,000 - Over here. - Stop this! 385 00:24:25,300 --> 00:24:30,200 Stop it, you're acting Iike chiIdren! Stop it, pIease! 386 00:24:33,900 --> 00:24:37,900 We're obviousIy aII aIone here, okay? We're on our own! 387 00:24:37,900 --> 00:24:39,800 So if you want to make this pIace a heII, 388 00:24:39,800 --> 00:24:42,000 you're going about it in absoIuteIy the right way. 389 00:24:42,000 --> 00:24:43,100 He stoIe my car! 390 00:24:43,200 --> 00:24:44,600 It doesn't matter! What are you gonna do with a car? 391 00:24:44,600 --> 00:24:46,000 You can't drive anyway! 392 00:24:46,000 --> 00:24:48,300 - He stoIe my sight! - Okay, stop that now! 393 00:24:48,300 --> 00:24:52,600 Look, Doc, whoever the fuck you are. We're aII equaI here, right? 394 00:24:52,600 --> 00:24:54,200 There's been no proper eIection. 395 00:24:54,300 --> 00:24:57,800 So, don't start ordering peopIe around with that tone of voice. 396 00:24:57,900 --> 00:25:01,200 I am not ordering anybody, I'm simpIy asking you to... 397 00:25:01,300 --> 00:25:04,000 I'm simpIy asking you to Ieave this man aIone. 398 00:25:04,100 --> 00:25:06,200 - Okay, fine! - Come on. 399 00:25:06,200 --> 00:25:11,400 Just be aware that I don't respond weII to that voice of authority. 400 00:25:12,300 --> 00:25:15,300 What I do respond to, in case you're wondering, 401 00:25:15,300 --> 00:25:19,300 is fIattery and peopIe sucking up to me. 402 00:25:20,300 --> 00:25:24,700 Everyone, cIose your eyes, Iadies. I'm gonna take off my cIothes now. 403 00:25:25,300 --> 00:25:27,900 And try out this bed here. 404 00:25:27,900 --> 00:25:29,600 Number three. 405 00:25:32,200 --> 00:25:33,700 Are you okay? 406 00:25:33,800 --> 00:25:36,800 If you need anything in the night, I'm right here. 407 00:25:36,900 --> 00:25:38,600 I gotta go pee. 408 00:25:39,400 --> 00:25:44,600 Doorway. So try to remember the route. How many doors. 409 00:25:44,700 --> 00:25:46,100 How many steps. 410 00:25:46,100 --> 00:25:49,700 I counted them when I first got here. And straight. 411 00:25:51,000 --> 00:25:52,100 Stop that! 412 00:25:52,900 --> 00:25:57,600 - Doorway. Right turn. I think. - Right turn. 413 00:25:58,800 --> 00:26:00,100 Straight. 414 00:26:02,000 --> 00:26:03,700 Another doorway. 415 00:26:06,300 --> 00:26:07,400 Ow! 416 00:26:07,400 --> 00:26:09,300 - Jesus! - What happened? 417 00:26:09,300 --> 00:26:12,300 Ow! What are you wearing for shoes, bitch? 418 00:26:12,300 --> 00:26:15,100 - Where's the wound? - Here? 419 00:26:15,100 --> 00:26:16,500 - Oh, fuck! - Okay. 420 00:26:16,500 --> 00:26:17,800 Crazy bitch stuck her heeI in me. 421 00:26:17,900 --> 00:26:20,100 I tripped, and watch your mouth. 422 00:26:20,100 --> 00:26:22,800 - I gotta go pee. - Just hoId it a IittIe whiIe. 423 00:26:22,800 --> 00:26:26,000 Everyone, stay put. We'II be right back. 424 00:26:26,100 --> 00:26:28,200 Okay, okay. 425 00:26:29,600 --> 00:26:31,600 I reaIIy gotta go pee! 426 00:26:42,800 --> 00:26:45,700 Ow! Jesus! A piece of skin or something. 427 00:26:45,800 --> 00:26:48,700 I found some dish toweIs but I don't know if they're cIean. 428 00:26:48,700 --> 00:26:51,100 Okay. Keep pressure on it. 429 00:26:51,100 --> 00:26:52,800 It's too dirty, I think. 430 00:26:52,800 --> 00:26:54,400 It's reaIIy bIeeding! It's reaIIy pouring out. 431 00:26:54,400 --> 00:26:57,300 What are you wearing? Give me your shirt. 432 00:26:57,300 --> 00:26:58,700 QuickIy. 433 00:26:59,500 --> 00:27:02,900 Thank God we have a reaI doctor here. SeriousIy. 434 00:27:03,600 --> 00:27:05,300 I was onIy fooIing around what I was saying back there. 435 00:27:05,400 --> 00:27:06,900 - ReIax. ReIax. ReIax now... - Ow! 436 00:27:07,000 --> 00:27:08,900 - CarefuI! - Here, here, Iet me! 437 00:27:09,000 --> 00:27:11,900 - CarefuI! - Let me do it. Let me do it. 438 00:27:17,600 --> 00:27:23,500 CarefuI with that. It's expensive. Expensive shirt of mine. 439 00:27:24,100 --> 00:27:29,500 Once, twice, three times. 440 00:27:29,800 --> 00:27:31,300 AII right? 441 00:27:32,800 --> 00:27:35,000 - That's fine. - That's good. 442 00:27:44,600 --> 00:27:47,100 I'm afraid it's gonna be infected. 443 00:27:50,400 --> 00:27:54,400 Doesn't surprise me. The fiIth from the street on that shoe. 444 00:28:03,600 --> 00:28:05,400 What time is it? 445 00:28:06,400 --> 00:28:07,700 1:30. 446 00:28:17,100 --> 00:28:22,100 You can't be responsibIe for everyone. You need to get some sIeep. 447 00:28:29,600 --> 00:28:31,200 Are you afraid to cIose your eyes? 448 00:28:31,300 --> 00:28:34,600 No. I'm afraid to open them. 449 00:28:35,200 --> 00:28:37,900 Afraid I'II go bIind in my sIeep. 450 00:28:46,900 --> 00:28:48,900 I'm gonna take a waIk. 451 00:28:57,600 --> 00:29:01,400 Opening the gate. PuII right up to the door. 452 00:29:06,100 --> 00:29:08,200 CIosing the gate! 453 00:29:11,000 --> 00:29:12,500 Locking up! 454 00:29:13,400 --> 00:29:14,500 Only the infected 455 00:29:14,500 --> 00:29:16,100 are permitted within these doors. 456 00:29:16,200 --> 00:29:21,200 Once inside, follow the corridor until you find the wards. All right, let's go. 457 00:29:22,000 --> 00:29:25,200 Four, three, two, one. 458 00:29:26,900 --> 00:29:32,200 Five, four, three, two, one. 459 00:29:34,800 --> 00:29:38,200 Five, four, three, two, one. 460 00:29:38,700 --> 00:29:43,500 HeIIo? HeIIo, can anyone hear us? Door. 461 00:29:43,900 --> 00:29:45,000 - Door. - Door? 462 00:29:45,100 --> 00:29:48,000 - HeIIo? HeIIo? - HeIIo? 463 00:29:48,100 --> 00:29:50,200 - Honey, wake up. - HeIIo? HeIIo? 464 00:29:50,300 --> 00:29:51,400 - HeIIo? HeIIo? HeIIo? - New peopIe. 465 00:29:51,400 --> 00:29:52,700 - How many? - Not many. 466 00:29:52,700 --> 00:29:54,200 Do you have any beds avaiIabIe in here? 467 00:29:54,200 --> 00:29:57,100 Yeah. We shouId. How many of you are there? 468 00:29:57,800 --> 00:30:00,100 - We don't know. - Okay. 469 00:30:00,200 --> 00:30:05,300 Maybe you couId count off, one by one, and introduce yourseIves. 470 00:30:05,900 --> 00:30:08,500 - I'm Number One, I'm a poIice officer. - Okay. 471 00:30:08,500 --> 00:30:11,700 I'm Number Two. I'm a taxi driver. 472 00:30:13,600 --> 00:30:16,000 Number Three. A pharmacist's assistant. 473 00:30:16,100 --> 00:30:18,000 Four. I'm a hoteI maid. 474 00:30:19,600 --> 00:30:22,600 - Five. FinanciaI advisor. - Okay. 475 00:30:23,200 --> 00:30:26,400 That's my wife! That's my wife! 476 00:30:28,300 --> 00:30:29,400 - Honey? - It's me. 477 00:30:29,400 --> 00:30:30,600 Honey? 478 00:30:30,700 --> 00:30:32,200 - Where are you? - Here. 479 00:30:32,400 --> 00:30:33,900 Say something. 480 00:30:34,700 --> 00:30:36,600 Keep taIking. 481 00:31:15,542 --> 00:31:17,169 That's great! 482 00:31:15,900 --> 00:31:17,600 Is my mom here? 483 00:31:18,400 --> 00:31:21,000 She'II be here, don't worry. Okay? 484 00:31:21,000 --> 00:31:22,200 Get off. 485 00:31:23,500 --> 00:31:26,500 That's them. I wanna catch them. QuickIy. 486 00:31:28,400 --> 00:31:30,400 It's occupied. Move on. 487 00:31:30,500 --> 00:31:32,400 Okay, everyone, try getting yourseIves settIed in. 488 00:31:32,500 --> 00:31:33,600 We'II be right back. 489 00:31:33,700 --> 00:31:35,000 Who was that guy taIking? 490 00:31:35,000 --> 00:31:38,000 That guy is our ward representative. AII right? 491 00:31:38,100 --> 00:31:40,300 PIease! Go. 492 00:31:40,300 --> 00:31:41,800 PIease! Stop! 493 00:31:42,600 --> 00:31:44,200 - Stop! Stop! - Stop! 494 00:31:44,300 --> 00:31:46,100 Hey, someone's coming. PIease wait! 495 00:31:46,100 --> 00:31:47,400 Excuse me! Wait! HaIt, turn back! 496 00:31:47,500 --> 00:31:50,400 - Wait? Where is he? - I'm sorry. You gotta get back. 497 00:31:50,400 --> 00:31:54,000 Excuse me, Iisten! We have a man here with an injured Ieg 498 00:31:54,000 --> 00:31:56,400 and he needs serious medicaI attention. 499 00:31:56,500 --> 00:31:59,700 He has an infection, he needs antibiotics. I'm a doctor. 500 00:31:59,800 --> 00:32:02,000 I can't Iet you Ieave. So pIease turn back. 501 00:32:02,000 --> 00:32:03,400 Okay. I'm not asking to Ieave. 502 00:32:03,500 --> 00:32:05,200 I'm simpIy trying to ask for some heIp here. 503 00:32:05,200 --> 00:32:08,600 Get the fuck back! Another step and I'm gonna shoot. 504 00:32:08,600 --> 00:32:11,900 This is ridicuIous. Now. I have a sick man here. 505 00:32:11,900 --> 00:32:13,900 - This isn't gonna work. - AII right, Iisten! 506 00:32:13,900 --> 00:32:16,100 I'm gonna count to three and if you don't turn back, 507 00:32:16,100 --> 00:32:18,200 I'm gonna shoot you! 508 00:32:23,200 --> 00:32:25,900 Can you taIk to your superior, pIease? 509 00:32:26,400 --> 00:32:28,500 - One! - You gotta be kidding me! 510 00:32:28,800 --> 00:32:30,700 - Two! - This is insanity! 511 00:32:30,900 --> 00:32:32,000 WiII you taIk to your supervisors? 512 00:32:32,100 --> 00:32:33,100 This is not going to work! 513 00:32:33,200 --> 00:32:36,800 - Three! I'm gonna fucking shoot you! - Let's go. 514 00:32:40,600 --> 00:32:41,800 Thank God. 515 00:32:41,800 --> 00:32:43,700 This is ridicuIous! 516 00:32:43,800 --> 00:32:46,200 Just forget it. They're not... 517 00:32:48,600 --> 00:32:51,300 I can't beIieve this is happening. 518 00:32:52,800 --> 00:32:54,100 - Three. - Stop. 519 00:32:54,100 --> 00:32:57,400 Each ward is equipped with a phone for communication with the outside. 520 00:32:58,500 --> 00:33:01,600 The phone is for emergency purposes only. 521 00:33:10,700 --> 00:33:12,000 WouId you Iike a drink? Coffee? 522 00:33:13,100 --> 00:33:14,900 Is there any coffee here? 523 00:33:15,000 --> 00:33:17,700 Is there any extra food at the end there? 524 00:33:21,800 --> 00:33:23,200 I don't know. The other tabIe needs one. 525 00:33:24,300 --> 00:33:27,800 I think I have one. An extra fruit cup. 526 00:33:27,800 --> 00:33:29,800 Does anybody need that? 527 00:33:31,300 --> 00:33:33,400 Anybody has a knife? 528 00:33:34,800 --> 00:33:36,300 Or a fork? 529 00:33:37,200 --> 00:33:38,900 I have a knife. 530 00:33:39,800 --> 00:33:41,400 Do you want to borrow mine? 531 00:33:41,400 --> 00:33:43,000 I'II wait, what about you? 532 00:33:43,000 --> 00:33:45,300 - We can share it. - No probIem. 533 00:33:46,700 --> 00:33:48,800 I'm stiII curious about what happened to that girI, though. 534 00:33:48,900 --> 00:33:50,000 What? 535 00:33:50,000 --> 00:33:52,800 There was this girI in 1806, 536 00:33:52,800 --> 00:33:56,600 screaming, naked, except for these sungIasses. 537 00:33:56,600 --> 00:33:58,700 Naked? She'd gone bIind? 538 00:33:58,700 --> 00:34:01,400 Yeah. She was the one that infected me. 539 00:34:02,400 --> 00:34:04,600 - Is it good, your food? - Yeah. 540 00:34:04,600 --> 00:34:09,900 Yes, I'II Ieave a message, my message is why is there an emergency number 541 00:34:10,000 --> 00:34:12,600 if there's no one there to answer it? 542 00:34:13,000 --> 00:34:15,100 We have a situation here in the bIind ward. 543 00:34:15,100 --> 00:34:18,300 ApparentIy you missed that because we don't have enough food. 544 00:34:18,300 --> 00:34:20,200 AIso, there's stiII my request from yesterday 545 00:34:20,200 --> 00:34:23,100 for an emergency medicaI suppIy kit. 546 00:34:24,200 --> 00:34:27,000 I hope you get this message before dinner. 547 00:34:28,200 --> 00:34:31,200 - PuII it up! - Six more coming! 548 00:34:32,600 --> 00:34:35,400 Number Five, security guard at a hoteI. 549 00:34:35,400 --> 00:34:36,900 Number six, engineer. 550 00:34:36,900 --> 00:34:39,000 I'm a receptionist at an ophthaImoIogist. 551 00:34:39,100 --> 00:34:40,800 I know your voice. 552 00:34:40,800 --> 00:34:42,600 Oh, my God, where are you? 553 00:34:42,600 --> 00:34:44,000 Here. Here. 554 00:34:44,100 --> 00:34:45,900 I'm Seven, I forgot to say Seven. 555 00:34:54,700 --> 00:34:57,600 Are you aII right? I've got you, okay. 556 00:34:57,700 --> 00:35:01,800 Left, Ieft, make a Ieft and straight. 557 00:35:03,200 --> 00:35:05,800 Straight. Keep going. 558 00:35:06,400 --> 00:35:08,900 - Do you need a hand? - No. I got it. 559 00:35:09,500 --> 00:35:10,900 That's it. 560 00:35:22,900 --> 00:35:25,200 First of all, welcome to the newcomers. 561 00:35:26,900 --> 00:35:29,200 We're Ward One. 562 00:35:31,500 --> 00:35:33,300 There's a few things I want to discuss. 563 00:35:33,300 --> 00:35:36,800 We have a guide Iine now that connects aII the wards to each other. 564 00:35:36,900 --> 00:35:40,700 It's an innovation made by my wife. We can thank her for that. 565 00:35:42,300 --> 00:35:44,700 There's another point. The toilets. 566 00:35:45,200 --> 00:35:47,100 They're absolutely disgusting. 567 00:35:47,200 --> 00:35:50,900 I'm going to need a team of people to go and see what's going on in there. 568 00:36:04,900 --> 00:36:07,000 I Iike the warm feeIing on my face 569 00:36:08,200 --> 00:36:09,200 The smeII too. 570 00:36:11,200 --> 00:36:13,600 You used to Iike it... 571 00:36:17,200 --> 00:36:21,200 Remember that New Year's when we went to the shrine? 572 00:36:25,700 --> 00:36:29,400 There were so many peopIe waiting in Iine. 573 00:36:29,600 --> 00:36:33,000 It was coId. 574 00:36:33,500 --> 00:36:36,000 The ceremoniaI fire 575 00:36:37,400 --> 00:36:39,700 was near the Iine. 576 00:36:40,700 --> 00:36:43,700 When we got cIose to it 577 00:36:43,900 --> 00:36:47,900 our bodies were warmed on one side... 578 00:36:48,800 --> 00:36:50,200 It feIt good. 579 00:37:00,900 --> 00:37:03,200 We didn't even know each other that weII... 580 00:37:03,200 --> 00:37:04,800 I don't want to Iisten. 581 00:37:11,600 --> 00:37:14,000 I don't want to Iisten. 582 00:37:15,500 --> 00:37:16,500 Why? 583 00:37:20,600 --> 00:37:23,200 I can't pretend. 584 00:37:33,500 --> 00:37:36,000 There's no... There's no soap. 585 00:37:36,800 --> 00:37:39,100 I guess it's better than nothing. 586 00:37:41,600 --> 00:37:42,600 You hear that? 587 00:37:42,700 --> 00:37:44,000 What? 588 00:37:51,900 --> 00:37:53,200 HeIIo. 589 00:37:54,000 --> 00:37:55,300 HeIIo. 590 00:37:56,600 --> 00:37:59,500 WouId you happen to have an extra bed in your dorm? 591 00:37:59,900 --> 00:38:01,700 I have a radio. 592 00:38:07,600 --> 00:38:10,200 There's not as many stations as there used to be. 593 00:38:10,900 --> 00:38:15,400 But I guess if you insist, I can give you an update. 594 00:38:15,800 --> 00:38:17,400 At Ieast we couId save on the batteries. 595 00:38:17,500 --> 00:38:18,600 PIease. 596 00:38:19,500 --> 00:38:22,000 In the first 24 hours there were hundreds of cases, 597 00:38:22,200 --> 00:38:23,800 or so the rumor says. 598 00:38:24,300 --> 00:38:28,600 AII the same. No pain. A sea of white. 599 00:38:31,100 --> 00:38:33,900 The government's response, as you know, was decisive. 600 00:38:34,200 --> 00:38:37,800 The first of the make-shift quarantines. 601 00:38:37,900 --> 00:38:42,400 But this decommissioned sanitarium didn't make for ideal public relations. 602 00:38:42,500 --> 00:38:45,600 Let's organize a massive internationaI medicaI conference of 603 00:38:45,600 --> 00:38:48,800 ophthaImoIogists and neuroIogists. We don't yet know if this is... 604 00:38:48,900 --> 00:38:53,100 And so, for days and days the helpless viewing public 605 00:38:53,200 --> 00:38:56,800 was subjected to seminars and endless roundtables 606 00:38:56,900 --> 00:39:00,600 with specialists from around the world proclaiming their general ignorance. 607 00:39:00,700 --> 00:39:03,800 ...that was pubIished in Infectious Disease International. 608 00:39:03,800 --> 00:39:06,400 How premature it was to talk of cures. 609 00:39:06,400 --> 00:39:09,800 How more research was needed, and more funding. 610 00:39:09,900 --> 00:39:13,100 A point that was at least once dramatically illustrated. 611 00:39:13,200 --> 00:39:15,600 I'm bIind! Oh, my God, I've gone bIind! Oh, my God! 612 00:39:16,800 --> 00:39:20,500 HeIp me! HeIp me! HeIp me! Someone pIease! PIease heIp me! 613 00:39:20,800 --> 00:39:22,000 Somebody! 614 00:39:22,200 --> 00:39:23,800 Shit! Shit! 615 00:39:23,900 --> 00:39:27,000 Shit. No, no, no! 616 00:39:27,100 --> 00:39:29,300 Weeks passed, and with time 617 00:39:29,400 --> 00:39:33,200 and the constant coverage, the city was bored back to work, 618 00:39:33,400 --> 00:39:36,100 oblivious to the evidence all around them 619 00:39:36,100 --> 00:39:39,200 that the disease was immune to bureaucracy. 620 00:39:42,100 --> 00:39:44,300 What about the roads and traffic? 621 00:39:45,900 --> 00:39:52,500 Chaos, as usuaI. But then reports came of a bus crash with 23 casuaIties. 622 00:39:55,700 --> 00:39:58,300 That same day, two pIanes coIIided. 623 00:39:58,800 --> 00:40:02,900 No one could really say if the disease was the cause of the accidents. 624 00:40:03,000 --> 00:40:04,900 But people were terrified. 625 00:40:04,900 --> 00:40:07,600 And either the panic spread the blindness, 626 00:40:10,500 --> 00:40:12,400 or the blindness spread the panic. 627 00:40:12,500 --> 00:40:16,800 Casualties multiplied, people decided to stay home. 628 00:40:16,900 --> 00:40:20,400 And the traffic problems were solved. 629 00:40:23,300 --> 00:40:27,100 My fellow citizens, friends, supporters. 630 00:40:27,400 --> 00:40:30,700 Like so many of you, I have gone bIind. 631 00:40:44,800 --> 00:40:47,700 Maybe we need some music after aII. 632 00:40:50,900 --> 00:40:52,500 Leave it there. 633 00:42:23,300 --> 00:42:25,000 Ladies and gentlemen, 634 00:42:25,000 --> 00:42:27,600 I need you to follow my voice. 635 00:42:28,600 --> 00:42:32,700 Come towards my voice, and as you do, please watch your step. 636 00:42:35,100 --> 00:42:38,200 Hold on to the person in front of you. 637 00:42:42,400 --> 00:42:43,600 Do not push. 638 00:42:43,600 --> 00:42:45,300 To the right! 639 00:42:51,000 --> 00:42:53,100 Number twelve. 640 00:42:53,100 --> 00:42:57,200 Anyone attempting to leave the premises will be forcibly corrected. 641 00:43:02,800 --> 00:43:04,800 - HeIIo? - Stay in Iine! 642 00:43:04,800 --> 00:43:06,300 Excuse me! Sir. 643 00:43:06,700 --> 00:43:09,100 We have permission to shoot! I repeat. 644 00:43:09,200 --> 00:43:12,400 Can we have some guidance, pIease? Sir? 645 00:43:12,600 --> 00:43:15,100 We have orders to shoot. 646 00:43:15,100 --> 00:43:16,300 Stay in Iine. 647 00:43:16,400 --> 00:43:17,400 PIease? 648 00:43:17,800 --> 00:43:19,400 Stay in Iine, IittIe man. 649 00:43:19,500 --> 00:43:23,800 HeIIo? Excuse me, sir? Someone? 650 00:43:25,400 --> 00:43:28,400 - We need some guidance, pIease. - Stay in Iine. 651 00:43:30,400 --> 00:43:31,400 Fuck! 652 00:43:33,600 --> 00:43:35,100 Okay, aII right, aII right. 653 00:43:55,400 --> 00:43:57,200 Attention. 654 00:43:57,300 --> 00:44:01,500 The shovel you requested is waiting in the yard. 655 00:44:02,700 --> 00:44:05,900 Choose one person to come and collect it. 656 00:44:06,000 --> 00:44:08,300 One person! 657 00:44:13,600 --> 00:44:14,800 Where is it? 658 00:44:15,800 --> 00:44:19,700 Straight ahead! Just come, come this way. 659 00:44:20,400 --> 00:44:22,600 Okay, good. You're fine. 660 00:44:22,600 --> 00:44:26,200 Next one's the ground, that's okay. Okay, keep coming. 661 00:44:26,300 --> 00:44:30,200 Warmer. Warmer. Keep coming! 662 00:44:31,100 --> 00:44:35,500 Colder. Stop. Okay. 663 00:44:36,300 --> 00:44:39,600 Turn to your right. 664 00:44:39,700 --> 00:44:46,400 Good, now keep going forward. Okay. Warmer. Warmer, colder! 665 00:44:46,700 --> 00:44:50,100 Stop. Now turn right again. 666 00:44:51,100 --> 00:44:56,800 Yeah. That's it, okay, good! Very good, now keep going forward. 667 00:44:57,400 --> 00:45:03,600 Go forward! Good, warmer, colder, colder, colder! 668 00:45:03,600 --> 00:45:05,100 Stop, stop, stop! 669 00:45:05,100 --> 00:45:08,200 Colder! Colder! 670 00:45:09,800 --> 00:45:12,800 Whoa! Did you see that? Sarge! 671 00:45:12,900 --> 00:45:14,100 Did you see that? 672 00:45:14,800 --> 00:45:16,700 The bIind adapt quickIy. 673 00:45:18,100 --> 00:45:20,100 Hello, Ward Three? 674 00:45:20,600 --> 00:45:25,200 Today, three of the newcomers were gunned down by the guards. 675 00:45:25,200 --> 00:45:28,000 So, I think that the best solution would be that 676 00:45:28,100 --> 00:45:32,400 each ward takes one body, takes turns with the shovel that we have 677 00:45:32,500 --> 00:45:34,900 and they bury their own share of the bodies. 678 00:45:35,000 --> 00:45:36,400 Fuck you. What do you mean ''our share''? 679 00:45:36,600 --> 00:45:38,100 They're not ours. 680 00:45:38,100 --> 00:45:42,100 WeII, yes, but some of them wouId have probabIy come to this ward. 681 00:45:42,700 --> 00:45:46,400 After they were turned away from yours, Iike I was. 682 00:45:47,500 --> 00:45:50,200 Our ward is fuII. 683 00:45:51,000 --> 00:45:52,100 Same here. 684 00:45:54,000 --> 00:45:57,000 Okay, so then we're aII in the same position, right? 685 00:45:58,700 --> 00:46:03,100 Listen, I don't wanna argue about this. 686 00:46:03,100 --> 00:46:06,700 I just simpIy wanna have these peopIe buried, and I think the fair thing to do 687 00:46:06,800 --> 00:46:10,700 is that each ward takes a body, and then the job is quickIy done! 688 00:46:11,100 --> 00:46:12,300 AII right? 689 00:46:14,100 --> 00:46:15,200 Good. 690 00:46:16,000 --> 00:46:19,200 Now, there's the matter of food rationing. 691 00:46:20,800 --> 00:46:24,700 It seems that one of the wards is taking more than their fair share. 692 00:46:24,700 --> 00:46:27,700 So I'm proposing that we put together some sort of a committee 693 00:46:27,700 --> 00:46:30,300 with a representative from each ward and... 694 00:46:30,300 --> 00:46:32,000 Who the fuck are you? 695 00:46:32,700 --> 00:46:34,800 Yeah, who the fuck are you? 696 00:46:36,000 --> 00:46:37,200 Excuse me? 697 00:46:38,200 --> 00:46:43,100 Yeah! Yeah, who do you think you are, giving aII these orders? 698 00:46:43,200 --> 00:46:46,300 I'm the chosen representative from Ward One, 699 00:46:46,400 --> 00:46:49,100 and I suggest that you peopIe choose your own representative. 700 00:46:49,200 --> 00:46:51,600 Otherwise, we're gonna be at each other's throats constantIy. 701 00:46:51,900 --> 00:46:53,400 So you wanna taIk to our Ieader, then? 702 00:46:53,500 --> 00:46:54,600 That's right. 703 00:46:54,600 --> 00:46:58,600 Yeah, yeah. Like in a dipIomatic mission, negotiate? Yeah? 704 00:46:59,200 --> 00:47:02,500 WeII, here we have a monarchy system, 705 00:47:02,600 --> 00:47:06,500 and I hereby decIare myseIf the King of Ward Three. 706 00:47:06,600 --> 00:47:09,500 - Long Iive the king! - ALL: Long Iive the King of Ward Three! 707 00:47:10,900 --> 00:47:12,200 Any objections? 708 00:47:12,300 --> 00:47:13,800 Long Iive the king! 709 00:47:14,700 --> 00:47:16,000 Get the fuck out of here! 710 00:47:16,000 --> 00:47:19,300 And for my first pronouncement I decIare that 711 00:47:19,400 --> 00:47:22,100 everyone in Ward Three wiII eat dinner 712 00:47:22,100 --> 00:47:25,300 before we think about getting or burying any dead. 713 00:47:28,100 --> 00:47:31,800 So, eat, eat, eat. Come on, eat. Don't worry. Don't worry. 714 00:47:34,500 --> 00:47:38,400 You can't sIeep Iike that. You're fiIthy. Give me your cIothes. 715 00:47:38,700 --> 00:47:41,200 I'II wash them tomorrow. 716 00:47:48,900 --> 00:47:50,000 Go to sIeep. 717 00:48:12,500 --> 00:48:14,400 How are you? 718 00:48:16,200 --> 00:48:18,600 You don't know what it's Iike. 719 00:48:19,000 --> 00:48:21,300 You gotta see it to beIieve it. 720 00:48:24,300 --> 00:48:26,300 If you want something done, you gotta do it yourseIf. 721 00:48:26,300 --> 00:48:32,300 Okay, okay. Just try to get some sIeep. You're so hot. 722 00:48:35,600 --> 00:48:37,100 I know you can see. 723 00:48:37,200 --> 00:48:39,100 No, I can't. I don't know why you think that. 724 00:48:39,100 --> 00:48:41,800 - Don't Iie to me. You trust me? - Uh-huh. 725 00:48:42,300 --> 00:48:45,200 You trust me, then why don't you teII me the truth? 726 00:48:46,100 --> 00:48:51,600 You can't trust a thief, right? I got a secret, too, you know what? 727 00:48:52,000 --> 00:48:55,300 I'm smart. And when I went bIind 728 00:48:56,200 --> 00:48:59,700 it made me think better. I got a Iot to contribute! 729 00:48:59,700 --> 00:49:00,900 Okay. 730 00:49:05,600 --> 00:49:08,400 I'm sorry for being such a burden! 731 00:49:20,600 --> 00:49:23,100 I can't take this! 732 00:49:30,400 --> 00:49:32,700 Come here and Iie down. Get some sIeep. 733 00:49:37,700 --> 00:49:39,700 What time is it? 734 00:50:01,800 --> 00:50:03,600 What? What? 735 00:50:04,600 --> 00:50:08,300 What's the matter? Have you Iost your sight? 736 00:50:11,300 --> 00:50:14,100 I forgot to wind my watch. 737 00:50:59,400 --> 00:51:02,000 Hey! Hey! 738 00:51:09,100 --> 00:51:11,000 Hey! Look at me! 739 00:51:11,000 --> 00:51:12,200 Did you hear that? 740 00:51:13,000 --> 00:51:14,600 I'm gonna check it out. 741 00:51:14,700 --> 00:51:15,900 Hey, fuckers! 742 00:51:16,300 --> 00:51:20,900 What the fuck song is that? It sucks. 743 00:51:21,000 --> 00:51:23,600 - You suck. - Whatever. 744 00:51:45,500 --> 00:51:46,700 Fuck! 745 00:51:50,000 --> 00:51:53,700 Did you get him? BIood! There's bIood, man, step back! 746 00:51:53,800 --> 00:51:57,100 It couId be infected, step back! 747 00:51:57,100 --> 00:51:59,200 Sarge is gonna fucking kiII me! 748 00:52:09,500 --> 00:52:11,500 Is this the right way to go? 749 00:52:11,500 --> 00:52:13,100 Yeah. 750 00:52:25,100 --> 00:52:27,000 You know, he toId me he knew I couId see. 751 00:52:27,000 --> 00:52:30,000 - Shh! - He toId me that, and I did nothing! 752 00:52:30,100 --> 00:52:32,700 What eIse couId you possibIy do? You did everything you couId. 753 00:52:32,800 --> 00:52:34,800 - I think I have to teII them, and then... - And then what? 754 00:52:34,900 --> 00:52:36,000 - And maybe... - Become their sIave? 755 00:52:36,000 --> 00:52:38,000 - ...I couId heIp. I couId heIp. - It's bad enough as it is. 756 00:52:38,100 --> 00:52:39,400 I can handIe it! 757 00:52:39,500 --> 00:52:43,500 No. I'm not taIking about you, I'm taIking about us! Us! 758 00:52:45,100 --> 00:52:46,300 What? 759 00:52:48,200 --> 00:52:51,700 You dressing me, bathing me, wiping my ass, for Christ sakes! 760 00:52:51,700 --> 00:52:53,000 It's hard enough to think of you as... 761 00:52:53,000 --> 00:52:55,900 As? As what? 762 00:52:55,900 --> 00:53:01,000 As a wife. Instead of my mother or a nurse! 763 00:53:05,800 --> 00:53:10,200 WeII, you'II just have to get used to it, won't you? 764 00:53:12,500 --> 00:53:16,300 Because I don't have any choice. 765 00:53:17,100 --> 00:53:21,800 Okay, you're right, I'II get used to it. I guess I just have to get used to it. 766 00:53:21,800 --> 00:53:23,600 Do not teII a souI. 767 00:53:31,300 --> 00:53:32,500 Come on! 768 00:53:32,600 --> 00:53:34,300 Attention! Attention! 769 00:53:35,200 --> 00:53:37,800 The government regrets having been forced to exercise... 770 00:53:37,800 --> 00:53:39,100 Fuck you! 771 00:53:40,500 --> 00:53:45,100 HeIIo! HeIIo. HeIIo. HeIIo. 772 00:53:45,200 --> 00:53:47,000 Hey, hey, hey! 773 00:53:47,100 --> 00:53:48,600 Hello. Hello. 774 00:53:48,700 --> 00:53:52,800 Attention! Attention! Attention! 775 00:53:52,800 --> 00:53:56,200 That's the last we're gonna hear from that asshole. 776 00:53:56,200 --> 00:54:00,300 We are taking over this shit hole now. I'm the King of Ward Three. 777 00:54:00,400 --> 00:54:02,100 And there's gonna be a lot of changes around here! 778 00:54:02,100 --> 00:54:03,500 What the fuck is that? 779 00:54:03,500 --> 00:54:07,800 Number one. If you wanna eat, you'll have to pay for it. 780 00:54:09,400 --> 00:54:12,500 And that's pretty much it, I guess. 781 00:54:13,500 --> 00:54:16,500 Okay, and now for our grand finale, 782 00:54:16,600 --> 00:54:19,300 a little song that comes from the bottom of my heart. 783 00:54:19,900 --> 00:54:23,000 And it goes something like this. 784 00:54:23,000 --> 00:54:29,000 I just called to say I love you 785 00:54:29,200 --> 00:54:30,200 Yeah, come on. 786 00:54:31,700 --> 00:54:34,100 I just called to say I'm on my... 787 00:54:34,100 --> 00:54:35,500 I'm turning it off. 788 00:54:37,800 --> 00:54:38,800 Hey, no, no, no, no, no. 789 00:54:39,900 --> 00:54:41,200 Okay. Okay. 790 00:54:41,200 --> 00:54:46,900 I just called to say how much I care 791 00:54:48,000 --> 00:54:54,700 I just called to say I love you 792 00:55:08,800 --> 00:55:10,700 Hey! Stop it! 793 00:55:11,400 --> 00:55:13,900 Don't push. Stop it. 794 00:55:18,600 --> 00:55:20,300 Shut up! Shut up! 795 00:55:21,700 --> 00:55:23,600 Shut up! Shut up! 796 00:55:23,700 --> 00:55:27,200 Or I'II just keep on shooting straight tiII somebody gets hit. Okay? 797 00:55:29,000 --> 00:55:30,800 God, you bIind peopIe are stupid. 798 00:55:30,800 --> 00:55:34,300 Screaming and crying Iike babies. Makes me ashamed to be one of you. 799 00:55:34,500 --> 00:55:35,600 Listen up! 800 00:55:35,600 --> 00:55:38,600 Ward Three is going to take charge of the food right now. 801 00:55:38,900 --> 00:55:40,800 - What? - Like in a store. 802 00:55:40,800 --> 00:55:43,700 And Iike the reaI worId, we're gonna guard our store! 803 00:55:43,700 --> 00:55:45,800 So don't even think of breaking in, okay? 804 00:55:45,800 --> 00:55:47,700 So how do we pay for it? 805 00:55:47,700 --> 00:55:50,500 Excuse me, did I ask for any questions? 806 00:55:51,700 --> 00:55:55,700 He means expIain your ruIes. What do you want us to do? 807 00:55:55,700 --> 00:55:58,000 Do you want us to come one at a time or aII together, what? 808 00:55:58,000 --> 00:55:59,400 - What do you want? - He said shut up! 809 00:55:59,400 --> 00:56:00,900 Okay, okay, okay. I'II teII you what. 810 00:56:00,900 --> 00:56:05,200 We're gonna piIe up the food and we'II Iet you know the ruIes Iater, okay? 811 00:56:06,100 --> 00:56:08,500 Now go back to your wards and get your money ready, okay! 812 00:56:08,500 --> 00:56:10,300 You know we don't have any money! 813 00:56:10,400 --> 00:56:12,000 WeII, then whatever you got, Iady! 814 00:56:12,100 --> 00:56:14,700 Shoot her right now. One Iess mouth to feed. 815 00:56:14,800 --> 00:56:16,900 If I had eyes, she'd be dead aIready, I teII you. 816 00:56:17,900 --> 00:56:20,900 Now. JeweIry, Iady. 817 00:56:21,000 --> 00:56:23,200 For exampIe, watches. 818 00:56:23,500 --> 00:56:25,900 EIectronic shit, anything. Anything you think we might Iike. 819 00:56:25,900 --> 00:56:27,500 - Excuse me. - Yes, yes. 820 00:56:27,500 --> 00:56:29,200 How much is it for a meaI? 821 00:56:29,400 --> 00:56:31,700 WeII, man, it's... I don't know! 822 00:56:31,800 --> 00:56:34,400 You know? Just get your stuff together 823 00:56:34,400 --> 00:56:36,600 and we'II Iet you know what you deserve, okay? 824 00:56:36,800 --> 00:56:39,500 Hey! And by the way, don't hide anything. 825 00:56:39,600 --> 00:56:41,200 AII right? Understood? 826 00:56:42,400 --> 00:56:48,400 Go, go! Oh, Iady, Iady! Lady! I'II never forget your voice. 827 00:56:48,500 --> 00:56:50,500 And I won't forget your face. 828 00:56:57,783 --> 00:57:01,651 What the fuck! Fuck. 829 00:56:57,600 --> 00:56:58,700 This is wrong, man. 830 00:56:58,800 --> 00:57:00,300 It's wrong, but what eIse can we do? 831 00:57:00,400 --> 00:57:03,200 We can stick together, we can stick together and just teII them no. 832 00:57:03,300 --> 00:57:04,800 We're going to stick together. 833 00:57:04,800 --> 00:57:08,400 I'm not giving my stuff up because a nigger says I have to. 834 00:57:08,500 --> 00:57:10,400 We don't know what race he is, man. 835 00:57:10,400 --> 00:57:13,000 I can teII, I can teII by the sound of his voice! 836 00:57:13,100 --> 00:57:14,600 Fuck you. 837 00:57:15,100 --> 00:57:16,900 Who the heII are these peopIe? 838 00:57:16,900 --> 00:57:18,100 This is absoIute buIIshit! 839 00:57:18,200 --> 00:57:19,800 We don't have to do whatever the fuck they say! 840 00:57:19,800 --> 00:57:21,200 Just because they make an announcement! 841 00:57:21,200 --> 00:57:23,900 Forget it! We don't have to back down! We can stand up to these guys! 842 00:57:23,900 --> 00:57:25,800 You're right! AbsoIuteIy! 843 00:57:25,900 --> 00:57:27,800 We don't have a choice. We have no choice! 844 00:57:27,800 --> 00:57:28,900 What? 845 00:57:28,900 --> 00:57:30,600 They have a weapon. They have a gun! 846 00:57:30,700 --> 00:57:32,800 But the point is, they can't shoot us aII! 847 00:57:32,800 --> 00:57:34,200 Yeah, exactIy! 848 00:57:34,700 --> 00:57:37,300 Yes, but if they kiII one of us, then it's too many! 849 00:57:37,300 --> 00:57:40,300 I'm going to coIIect the vaIuabIes! 850 00:57:40,500 --> 00:57:42,700 No one has to give if they don't want to. 851 00:57:42,700 --> 00:57:46,100 But don't expect to be fed at the expense of the rest of us. 852 00:57:46,200 --> 00:57:49,000 - Here. - I don't have anything. 853 00:57:49,100 --> 00:57:53,100 Don't worry. I'II be Iike your mom, okay? I'II pay for us both. 854 00:57:53,100 --> 00:57:54,600 What if you don't have anything? 855 00:57:54,700 --> 00:57:58,600 It's just jeweIry, everybody, what can we do with it in here, anyway? 856 00:57:58,600 --> 00:58:01,300 Each give according to what they have and aII that. 857 00:58:01,300 --> 00:58:02,400 Thank you. 858 00:58:03,700 --> 00:58:05,900 WeII, they better come through with the food. 859 00:59:04,300 --> 00:59:07,500 This is what, pIastic? So much junk. 860 00:59:09,000 --> 00:59:13,500 You know, I thought I toId someone to just teII them 861 00:59:13,600 --> 00:59:16,800 not to even bother putting the pIastic in because it's just a waste of my time. 862 00:59:16,900 --> 00:59:18,400 I'II teII them. 863 00:59:18,400 --> 00:59:20,200 These have some weight. These are rings. 864 00:59:20,200 --> 00:59:22,900 That's goId. 865 00:59:22,900 --> 00:59:24,800 Two rings, possibIy a diamond. 866 00:59:24,900 --> 00:59:27,500 Yeah? That's good. 867 00:59:28,400 --> 00:59:32,100 Oh, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Got something here. 868 00:59:32,100 --> 00:59:33,700 We're fine with these peopIe. 869 00:59:33,800 --> 00:59:35,800 Okay, good. That was cIose. 870 00:59:35,800 --> 00:59:38,600 - It was actuaIIy, but it's okay. - AII right. 871 00:59:39,600 --> 00:59:42,000 - AII right, one. - One. 872 00:59:42,000 --> 00:59:43,400 - Two. - Two. 873 00:59:43,400 --> 00:59:45,100 - And three. - Three. 874 00:59:45,100 --> 00:59:46,400 - That's it. - Three? 875 00:59:46,500 --> 00:59:47,800 We normaIIy get four when we go by ourseIves. 876 00:59:47,800 --> 00:59:51,600 WeII, now you get three. You keep whining, you'II get two! Next! 877 00:59:51,900 --> 00:59:53,100 We're coming! 878 00:59:53,400 --> 00:59:56,300 - Next! AII right. - We're here. 879 00:59:58,000 --> 00:59:59,500 We're from Ward One. 880 00:59:59,900 --> 01:00:02,200 - Ward One. - Don't handIe me! 881 01:00:03,400 --> 01:00:04,700 Okay. 882 01:00:07,000 --> 01:00:09,500 We're not gonna hurt you here. Want your food? 883 01:00:10,800 --> 01:00:14,200 Watch your manners. AII right, it's here, it's here. 884 01:00:14,600 --> 01:00:17,900 I wonder. Can I touch this? Is that okay? 885 01:00:18,900 --> 01:00:20,600 Shit. FeII down. 886 01:00:22,700 --> 01:00:26,600 Fuck! NaiI poIish, naiI poIish. Fuck. 887 01:00:26,700 --> 01:00:28,700 We got some good stuff here. 888 01:00:28,900 --> 01:00:31,400 - Yeah? - Looking pretty good so far. 889 01:00:31,500 --> 01:00:33,100 Yeah? Yeah, we're good. 890 01:00:35,100 --> 01:00:38,300 AII right. Take it, take it. 891 01:00:49,081 --> 01:00:50,639 You're bIind. 892 01:00:46,600 --> 01:00:48,200 Oh, thank you, professor. 893 01:00:48,200 --> 01:00:53,900 You're using a BraiIIe writer. You're a normaI bIind person. 894 01:00:54,000 --> 01:00:55,300 - Yeah. - No, he's not normaI. 895 01:00:55,400 --> 01:00:58,100 He was born bIind. That makes him some kind of superhero 896 01:00:58,100 --> 01:01:01,400 in a worId Iike this. So you better watch out. 897 01:01:01,500 --> 01:01:03,700 You of aII peopIe, born bIind, 898 01:01:03,700 --> 01:01:06,600 shouId understand empathy and human decency. 899 01:01:06,700 --> 01:01:08,300 Shut up! Shut up! 900 01:01:08,300 --> 01:01:12,000 He's bIind! That's aII. That doesn't make him good or bad. 901 01:01:12,000 --> 01:01:13,300 That just makes him bIind. 902 01:01:13,400 --> 01:01:15,300 And now he's bIind with a purpose, 903 01:01:15,300 --> 01:01:18,800 'cause he's Iooking out for the sick and the hungry of his own ward. 904 01:01:18,800 --> 01:01:20,000 That's right. 905 01:01:20,000 --> 01:01:21,800 How do you sIeep with yourseIf? 906 01:01:24,300 --> 01:01:26,500 That's aII we get, is two boxes? 907 01:01:26,600 --> 01:01:27,600 Yeah, that's it. 908 01:01:28,600 --> 01:01:29,900 But the others got a third box! 909 01:01:29,900 --> 01:01:32,600 How are we supposed to survive on onIy two boxes? 910 01:01:32,600 --> 01:01:35,700 That's it! That's it, no more. 911 01:01:38,000 --> 01:01:40,000 It's immoraI! A bIind man... 912 01:01:40,100 --> 01:01:42,200 Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! 913 01:01:43,300 --> 01:01:44,600 - Shut up. - Okay. 914 01:01:44,600 --> 01:01:49,900 Fuck off with the sermon. Okay? Okay! Get your food! Get out. 915 01:01:52,000 --> 01:01:55,500 And say thank you for what you got! Understand? 916 01:01:57,700 --> 01:02:00,400 Understand? Understand? 917 01:02:01,600 --> 01:02:03,000 I understand. 918 01:02:03,000 --> 01:02:05,700 Okay, okay. Now say thank you. 919 01:02:10,200 --> 01:02:11,600 Thank you. 920 01:02:16,902 --> 01:02:18,130 Okay. 921 01:02:17,100 --> 01:02:21,500 - AII right. - Out. Out! 922 01:02:23,700 --> 01:02:25,000 Don't Iet them get to you. 923 01:02:25,000 --> 01:02:27,300 No, it's fine, it's fine! This fucking guy, you know? 924 01:02:28,800 --> 01:02:30,100 He wants more. 925 01:02:30,100 --> 01:02:32,500 How many peopIe are in Ward One now? 926 01:02:32,500 --> 01:02:34,000 35. 927 01:02:34,100 --> 01:02:36,500 We onIy have 24 meaIs, so everyone is gonna have to share. 928 01:02:36,500 --> 01:02:37,600 What! 929 01:02:42,794 --> 01:02:44,887 I'm sorry, this is aII they gave us. 930 01:02:41,000 --> 01:02:42,800 Quit shoving, everybody! ReIax! 931 01:02:44,200 --> 01:02:46,900 Just find a partner! Find a partner! 932 01:02:47,000 --> 01:02:49,100 Two peopIe to a meaI. PIease! 933 01:02:49,400 --> 01:02:52,000 Just don't push, okay? Just wait in Iine, okay? 934 01:02:52,100 --> 01:02:54,400 Guys! Guys, stop pushing! 935 01:02:54,400 --> 01:02:57,200 And he put you,our own doctor, to be our Ieader. 936 01:02:57,600 --> 01:02:59,600 Perhaps he wants to get a second opinion. 937 01:02:59,600 --> 01:03:01,900 - You wanna eat something? - Stop. 938 01:03:02,100 --> 01:03:04,300 You have to eat something. You have to eat a IittIe something. 939 01:03:04,700 --> 01:03:05,900 Stop it! 940 01:03:17,600 --> 01:03:19,600 Do you have any pepper? 941 01:03:38,300 --> 01:03:40,000 Doctor. 942 01:03:41,100 --> 01:03:43,400 - Are you here? - Yes, I'm here. 943 01:03:47,500 --> 01:03:49,100 Here. 944 01:03:50,500 --> 01:03:52,100 Here. 945 01:03:54,500 --> 01:03:55,600 I brought you some food. 946 01:03:55,700 --> 01:03:58,700 No. Jesus Christ, no. This pIace is a toiIet. 947 01:03:58,700 --> 01:04:01,100 It's not your fauIt. You did everything you couId. 948 01:04:01,100 --> 01:04:06,000 No, no, I didn't. The son of a bitch, he had his gun right in my throat. 949 01:04:06,000 --> 01:04:07,100 ExactIy. 950 01:04:07,100 --> 01:04:08,300 No. I couId've reached and taken it, but... 951 01:04:08,300 --> 01:04:10,900 And then what? And then what? 952 01:04:12,700 --> 01:04:14,300 I don't know. 953 01:04:14,300 --> 01:04:16,800 If you'd have kiIIed him, it wouId've been way worse. 954 01:04:16,800 --> 01:04:19,900 You wouId've started a war for sure. A reaI war. 955 01:04:22,800 --> 01:04:24,400 You're right. 956 01:04:25,500 --> 01:04:29,400 Yeah, you're right. I'II pretend Iike I thought that one through. 957 01:04:29,600 --> 01:04:32,000 And it's not easy knowing that you've kiIIed someone. 958 01:04:32,100 --> 01:04:33,400 Like I did. 959 01:06:26,800 --> 01:06:28,200 Oh, God. 960 01:06:29,300 --> 01:06:30,800 Oh, no. 961 01:06:41,466 --> 01:06:43,730 - HeIIo? - Don't say anything. 962 01:06:41,600 --> 01:06:44,600 It'II be easier for me to understand. 963 01:06:46,000 --> 01:06:48,200 I'm sorry, it's my fauIt. I wanted... 964 01:06:48,200 --> 01:06:49,800 Oh, Jesus! 965 01:06:50,400 --> 01:06:54,100 Let's be quiet. Let's aII be quiet. 966 01:07:02,600 --> 01:07:04,000 I can see. 967 01:07:05,400 --> 01:07:09,200 I knew that. At Ieast, I think I knew. 968 01:07:09,200 --> 01:07:11,500 Shh. It's a secret. 969 01:07:40,300 --> 01:07:46,400 So, it's been like a week or so, and you people have nothing left to offer. 970 01:07:48,400 --> 01:07:51,300 So at Ward Three we came up with a new plan. 971 01:07:52,900 --> 01:07:57,900 Bring us your women. Women for food. 972 01:08:00,000 --> 01:08:01,500 Have a good day. 973 01:08:09,800 --> 01:08:13,300 What's going on? We haven't eaten in three days. 974 01:08:15,700 --> 01:08:19,400 We gave you all the food we have. It's up to you to ration it. 975 01:08:19,700 --> 01:08:22,400 Distribution is your problem. 976 01:08:25,700 --> 01:08:26,700 AsshoIe! 977 01:08:26,800 --> 01:08:28,400 Forget it! Fuck that! We're not doing that! 978 01:08:28,500 --> 01:08:33,700 I'm not. I'm not. I'm not going! I'm not gonna go! No! 979 01:08:33,700 --> 01:08:34,900 BuIIshit! 980 01:08:34,900 --> 01:08:36,700 No one's asking you to go. 981 01:08:36,700 --> 01:08:37,800 What? 982 01:08:38,000 --> 01:08:41,800 CertainIy not the men from this ward, so you can't bIame us. 983 01:08:42,000 --> 01:08:44,200 I think she brings up a good point. 984 01:08:44,500 --> 01:08:46,800 And I think we shouId ask if there are any voIunteers. 985 01:08:46,800 --> 01:08:48,100 VoIunteers? 986 01:08:48,100 --> 01:08:49,600 What are you taIking about? 987 01:08:49,600 --> 01:08:51,100 Most ridicuIous thing I've ever heard! 988 01:08:51,200 --> 01:08:52,600 Look, if there are any voIunteers, 989 01:08:52,600 --> 01:08:54,400 I think they shouId say so now. 990 01:08:54,400 --> 01:08:57,900 I wonder how many voIunteers wouId we have if he said send us your men? 991 01:08:57,900 --> 01:08:59,300 It's not the same. 992 01:08:59,300 --> 01:09:01,500 - Like, it's obviousIy not the same. - Oh, reaIIy? And why's that? 993 01:09:01,500 --> 01:09:03,300 'Cause it's just not. 994 01:09:03,400 --> 01:09:06,300 -'Cause there's no fags here! - Yeah, weII there's no whores, either! 995 01:09:06,300 --> 01:09:08,000 Yeah. That's debatabIe. 996 01:09:08,000 --> 01:09:09,500 I gave myseIf to you out of pity, 997 01:09:09,600 --> 01:09:12,300 and now you think I'm some sort of goddamn whore? 998 01:09:14,000 --> 01:09:15,400 Doctor. 999 01:09:15,400 --> 01:09:18,500 What? Are you asking me for a deIiberation here? 1000 01:09:18,500 --> 01:09:24,400 I mean, my God! Of course I wouId rather that my wife didn't go. 1001 01:09:24,500 --> 01:09:28,800 But what I want reaIIy doesn't matter. It's compIeteIy up to her. 1002 01:09:28,900 --> 01:09:30,800 My maIe pride, of course, is gonna be hurt. 1003 01:09:30,900 --> 01:09:33,900 But if that even exists in here, what does it matter anyway? 1004 01:09:34,000 --> 01:09:36,300 We're aII starving to death. 1005 01:09:37,400 --> 01:09:39,800 So I just think that peopIe shouId do whatever they feeI Iike doing 1006 01:09:39,800 --> 01:09:43,400 according to whatever moraIity it is that they have Ieft. 1007 01:09:45,100 --> 01:09:49,400 - There's nobody, forget it! - Just anybody. 1008 01:10:03,100 --> 01:10:04,200 I'II go. 1009 01:10:04,600 --> 01:10:06,700 No. Oh, my God. 1010 01:10:08,000 --> 01:10:09,900 - No. - I'II go with her. 1011 01:10:11,900 --> 01:10:13,300 Me, too. 1012 01:10:15,200 --> 01:10:19,900 - AII right. I'II go, too. - I'II go, too. 1013 01:10:21,700 --> 01:10:26,200 WeII, you do whatever you Iike, but my wife is going nowhere. 1014 01:10:27,100 --> 01:10:29,100 Dignity has no price. 1015 01:10:30,400 --> 01:10:33,000 No one knows how many women are here. 1016 01:10:33,200 --> 01:10:35,400 You can do what you Iike, and we'II feed you both. 1017 01:10:35,500 --> 01:10:38,600 And then you can taIk to me about dignity. 1018 01:10:38,700 --> 01:10:42,800 - No, that's not the point. I just want... - I'm no different than the rest. 1019 01:10:43,700 --> 01:10:46,000 - What? - I'II do what they do. 1020 01:10:48,100 --> 01:10:50,400 You'II do what I teII you to do! 1021 01:10:53,100 --> 01:10:54,900 Don't order me! 1022 01:10:57,400 --> 01:10:59,100 There's nothing worse. 1023 01:10:59,600 --> 01:11:01,600 No. It's disgusting! 1024 01:11:01,800 --> 01:11:03,700 From now on, you don't eat. 1025 01:11:05,400 --> 01:11:09,300 How Iong do we wait before they come and get us? 1026 01:11:23,900 --> 01:11:25,800 Get out of the way! 1027 01:11:29,600 --> 01:11:32,400 - Good evening! - How many Iadies? 1028 01:11:36,700 --> 01:11:37,900 Eight. 1029 01:11:38,500 --> 01:11:41,500 - Nine. - Nine, onIy nine? 1030 01:11:41,500 --> 01:11:44,400 WeII, you nine wiII have to do doubIe duty tonight. 1031 01:11:50,942 --> 01:11:54,469 If any of you is on the rag, we don't want you. 1032 01:11:50,800 --> 01:11:53,000 We wiII get you some other time. 1033 01:11:53,100 --> 01:11:54,500 No one's on the rag. 1034 01:11:54,500 --> 01:11:56,700 WeII then, get yourseIves aII gussied up 1035 01:11:56,800 --> 01:11:59,500 and come over at your Ieisure. We'II be waiting. 1036 01:11:59,600 --> 01:12:03,000 And the food wiII foIIow, if we're happy. 1037 01:12:03,000 --> 01:12:08,900 In the meantime, I have brought you a IittIe bit of bread to tide you over. 1038 01:12:11,300 --> 01:12:13,100 I think I have one more. 1039 01:12:15,900 --> 01:12:17,300 There you go. 1040 01:12:18,300 --> 01:12:19,600 Let's go. 1041 01:12:57,608 --> 01:13:01,044 There's no point in trying to run. They have guards. 1042 01:12:57,300 --> 01:13:00,800 At Ieast it wouId be faster. We'd be dead by now. 1043 01:13:00,800 --> 01:13:03,300 No one's gonna die, come on. 1044 01:13:23,100 --> 01:13:26,100 They're coming! 1045 01:13:47,500 --> 01:13:49,000 Hey, weIcome. 1046 01:13:49,000 --> 01:13:52,100 GirIs, okay, don't be afraid! We're here to Iove you! 1047 01:13:52,900 --> 01:13:56,800 We're not going to hurt you, aII right? Guys, don't get too excited, aII right? 1048 01:13:56,800 --> 01:13:59,300 Everyone's gonna get their own girI, okay? 1049 01:13:59,300 --> 01:14:03,200 If we don't, weII, we share! That's how we do things here, aII right? 1050 01:14:03,200 --> 01:14:06,600 Okay. I want you aII in order from hot to coId, okay. 1051 01:14:06,600 --> 01:14:10,500 The hottest come here and the coIdest go to the back of the Iine. 1052 01:14:10,500 --> 01:14:12,600 What's wrong with you? 1053 01:14:14,600 --> 01:14:16,400 She's a bit of a dead fish. Take care of her, yeah. 1054 01:14:16,400 --> 01:14:18,100 Give her some Iife. 1055 01:14:20,300 --> 01:14:23,700 Oh, man, where have you been aII my Iife? 1056 01:14:25,000 --> 01:14:26,700 Do I know you? 1057 01:14:27,400 --> 01:14:29,700 Okay. Yeah, take your turn. 1058 01:14:29,700 --> 01:14:33,700 Why are you trembIing? Why are you trembIing? Why are you trembIing? 1059 01:14:34,600 --> 01:14:38,500 No, easy, okay. You two are coming with me. 1060 01:14:38,800 --> 01:14:41,200 Are you bIonde? Are you bIonde? 1061 01:14:42,300 --> 01:14:44,500 Okay. AII right. 1062 01:14:46,000 --> 01:14:50,200 AII right. Okay, a bit on the mature side, 1063 01:14:50,200 --> 01:14:54,400 but that's more Iike it. You Iike this? 1064 01:14:56,000 --> 01:14:57,500 That's my gun. 1065 01:14:59,700 --> 01:15:01,300 - You Iike it? - No, I don't. 1066 01:15:03,800 --> 01:15:06,600 Lady. Lady. 1067 01:15:07,800 --> 01:15:12,200 Now, that's a surprise, Iady. AII right, you're coming with me. 1068 01:15:12,200 --> 01:15:15,800 And if you Iet go, I'II bite your nippIes off, aII right? 1069 01:15:16,000 --> 01:15:19,700 - Come on. Now suck! Come on. - No. 1070 01:15:21,400 --> 01:15:25,700 I'm not asking, aII right? Come on! Come on! 1071 01:15:25,800 --> 01:15:28,000 - I couId bite it off. - Try it! 1072 01:15:28,000 --> 01:15:30,800 I'II bIow your fucking head off! You and your friend! 1073 01:15:30,900 --> 01:15:34,800 AII right? Or I'II tear you to pieces. Come on! 1074 01:15:35,300 --> 01:15:39,600 AII right, Iady! Hey! Wait! 1075 01:15:40,000 --> 01:15:43,600 AII right! AII right, way to go! Okay, okay. 1076 01:15:49,213 --> 01:15:53,479 Okay, Iet's just take your time, now. There you go. 1077 01:15:51,900 --> 01:15:55,100 It's okay, don't worry. You're so tense. PIease sit down. 1078 01:15:55,600 --> 01:15:57,600 Get the fuck out of here! 1079 01:15:57,700 --> 01:16:02,400 LittIe bit tense, there we go! May I suck on your nippIes? 1080 01:16:03,000 --> 01:16:04,100 No. 1081 01:16:04,200 --> 01:16:07,000 Just a IittIe bit. Here we go. 1082 01:16:14,638 --> 01:16:19,473 There we go. That wasn't so bad. Just a IittIe tickIe. TickIe, tickIe. 1083 01:16:19,600 --> 01:16:22,200 Come on, dead fish! Move for me! 1084 01:16:22,200 --> 01:16:23,800 Come on! 1085 01:16:25,100 --> 01:16:26,700 Move now! 1086 01:16:46,200 --> 01:16:48,100 WiII someone go get the food? 1087 01:16:57,400 --> 01:17:01,700 What happened? What happened? 1088 01:18:39,200 --> 01:18:40,900 - Are you okay? - Mmm-hmm. 1089 01:18:42,200 --> 01:18:43,500 You want another story? 1090 01:18:43,500 --> 01:18:47,400 The women of Ward Two. Tonight is the big night. 1091 01:18:47,600 --> 01:18:49,900 - How many Iadies? - Seven. 1092 01:18:50,000 --> 01:18:53,300 Seven? You sure that's it? Count them again. 1093 01:18:54,100 --> 01:18:56,100 - Seven! - AII right, weII, if you've got seven... 1094 01:18:56,100 --> 01:18:59,300 How about, ''The boy with the magic powers''? 1095 01:18:59,400 --> 01:19:01,000 - You Iike that one, don't you? - Yeah. 1096 01:19:01,000 --> 01:19:03,400 Okay, so where did we Ieave off? Do you remember? 1097 01:19:03,400 --> 01:19:05,700 - This boy wasn't ordinary. - No. 1098 01:19:05,700 --> 01:19:09,300 He couId turn invisibIe, he had speciaI powers. 1099 01:19:09,300 --> 01:19:11,700 And he turned invisibIe when they weren't Iooking. 1100 01:19:11,700 --> 01:19:13,500 - Right. - 'Cause when they Iooked, 1101 01:19:13,500 --> 01:19:14,700 he wasn't there and they thought he got away. 1102 01:19:14,800 --> 01:19:16,600 Good afternoon, Iadies. 1103 01:19:18,600 --> 01:19:21,200 I just wanted to make sure that you've aII recovered 1104 01:19:21,200 --> 01:19:23,800 from the fun that we had the other night. 1105 01:19:29,433 --> 01:19:30,923 SeriousIy, I just wanted to touch base 1106 01:19:26,900 --> 01:19:29,500 with any of you who might be feeIing a IittIe bit of jeaIousy. 1107 01:19:29,600 --> 01:19:32,600 I know that tonight is not your night, but I assure you 1108 01:19:32,700 --> 01:19:35,300 that our hearts are stiII with you. 1109 01:19:36,100 --> 01:19:39,300 You men foIk shouId be very proud of your Iadies. 1110 01:19:39,400 --> 01:19:43,400 Very proud! WeII, one of them was kind of a dead fish, 1111 01:19:44,200 --> 01:19:46,200 but the other ones performed Iike reaI pros. 1112 01:19:46,300 --> 01:19:48,500 There are onIy eight of us now. 1113 01:19:48,800 --> 01:19:51,900 - What happened, did someone die? - Yeah. 1114 01:19:53,700 --> 01:19:56,600 It's not a big deaI, though. She was kind of a dead fish. 1115 01:20:12,300 --> 01:20:14,800 I'm gonna finish the story Iater, okay? 1116 01:20:14,900 --> 01:20:17,700 - Aw... - No, I promise, I'II finish it Iater. 1117 01:20:17,700 --> 01:20:18,800 Okay. 1118 01:21:06,600 --> 01:21:09,000 Who's that? Where you going? 1119 01:21:43,500 --> 01:21:45,331 It's you, isn't it? 1120 01:21:52,309 --> 01:21:53,367 What happened? 1121 01:21:51,200 --> 01:21:54,200 Hey, hey, hey! 1122 01:21:55,900 --> 01:21:58,300 What the fuck is going on? Hey! 1123 01:22:00,600 --> 01:22:01,800 I know you're here! 1124 01:22:01,900 --> 01:22:03,300 You don't even know my name. 1125 01:22:03,400 --> 01:22:04,700 No. I know your voice! 1126 01:22:04,700 --> 01:22:06,900 Just say one more word. I dare you! 1127 01:22:06,900 --> 01:22:09,000 Your dead friend said the same thing! 1128 01:22:16,900 --> 01:22:18,231 Don't Iet them Ieave! 1129 01:22:14,700 --> 01:22:17,100 Do not Iet them Ieave! You idiots! 1130 01:22:17,200 --> 01:22:18,600 Come this way. Come this way. Go! 1131 01:22:18,700 --> 01:22:20,100 Do not Iet them Ieave! 1132 01:22:21,300 --> 01:22:23,300 You fucking jerks, stop them! 1133 01:22:24,500 --> 01:22:27,600 Come back! Get back here! 1134 01:22:29,100 --> 01:22:31,300 That's it! That's it for you! 1135 01:22:31,300 --> 01:22:33,300 Ladies, no more food for you! 1136 01:22:33,300 --> 01:22:38,000 Every day we go without food, one of your men wiII die! 1137 01:22:38,600 --> 01:22:41,000 We coIIect from now on. 1138 01:22:46,697 --> 01:22:48,130 You missed! 1139 01:22:52,436 --> 01:22:55,701 He's dead! He's dead! 1140 01:22:57,241 --> 01:23:00,039 What's going on? Where are you? Where are you? 1141 01:22:56,700 --> 01:22:58,800 - Are you okay? - Go get the food. 1142 01:22:59,800 --> 01:23:02,100 They toId me a man was kiIIed. 1143 01:23:04,000 --> 01:23:06,300 I kiIIed him. 1144 01:23:07,400 --> 01:23:11,300 Now there's gonna be a war. They're going to want revenge. 1145 01:23:11,300 --> 01:23:13,600 We're gonna have to barricade our doors. 1146 01:23:13,600 --> 01:23:17,500 - We'II use our beds Iike they did. - Whatever you say. I'II get the food. 1147 01:23:36,700 --> 01:23:38,100 Oh, shit. 1148 01:23:38,300 --> 01:23:41,100 - Barricade it! Barricade it! - You got the door? 1149 01:23:41,900 --> 01:23:43,000 Two beds! 1150 01:23:43,000 --> 01:23:45,200 So fucking what if we send the women there twice a month? 1151 01:23:45,200 --> 01:23:46,300 We'II get fucking fed! 1152 01:23:46,300 --> 01:23:47,700 Stand it up! Barricade the thing! 1153 01:23:47,700 --> 01:23:48,900 Come on. 1154 01:23:49,200 --> 01:23:52,400 What I suggest we do is we find out who kiIIed their Ieader 1155 01:23:52,400 --> 01:23:54,500 and offer them up Iike a peace offering. 1156 01:23:54,500 --> 01:23:55,700 No, not now! 1157 01:23:55,800 --> 01:23:57,500 We don't know what kind of thing they're gonna do! 1158 01:23:57,500 --> 01:24:00,600 In exchange for food! They have a stockpiIe. 1159 01:24:00,700 --> 01:24:02,000 We're in a state of war. 1160 01:24:02,000 --> 01:24:03,900 And we started it. Yeah. ExactIy. 1161 01:24:03,900 --> 01:24:07,800 And I suggest we find out who kiIIed their Ieader and... 1162 01:24:18,500 --> 01:24:20,700 Look! Look. 1163 01:24:21,400 --> 01:24:25,200 If they won't give us food, I say Iet's get it ourseIves! 1164 01:24:25,300 --> 01:24:26,500 Yeah, Iet's do it! I agree. 1165 01:24:26,500 --> 01:24:28,800 Then Iet's go! Okay, I think he's right. 1166 01:24:28,900 --> 01:24:32,700 If anyone's wiIIing to go, I think you shouId raise your hand. 1167 01:24:32,700 --> 01:24:34,100 What? What? 1168 01:24:34,300 --> 01:24:37,800 That's about the most ridicuIous thing I've ever suggested. 1169 01:24:43,480 --> 01:24:46,677 How about, whoever doesn't wanna fight, simpIy sIip away right now. 1170 01:24:42,700 --> 01:24:46,700 And no one wiII know you were here! And for those of us that are Ieft, 1171 01:24:46,800 --> 01:24:49,400 gather around me, and we'II make a pIan. 1172 01:24:51,900 --> 01:24:53,100 Here. 1173 01:24:54,100 --> 01:24:55,300 Here. 1174 01:24:57,900 --> 01:25:00,000 Okay, how many of us are there? 1175 01:25:01,300 --> 01:25:04,900 One, two, three... 1176 01:25:05,000 --> 01:25:08,600 1 2. I can see 1 2 of us. 1177 01:25:09,100 --> 01:25:10,400 What? 1178 01:25:27,700 --> 01:25:29,600 Don't touch my fucking bed! 1179 01:25:41,600 --> 01:25:44,200 Do it! Come on. Do it! 1180 01:26:14,371 --> 01:26:15,429 Hey! 1181 01:26:11,400 --> 01:26:13,500 - I heard something! - Someone's here! 1182 01:26:13,600 --> 01:26:14,600 Who's there? 1183 01:26:14,700 --> 01:26:16,000 I heard somebody. Who's there? 1184 01:26:16,100 --> 01:26:17,300 I heard somebody! 1185 01:26:21,800 --> 01:26:23,400 I have a chair over here. 1186 01:26:33,600 --> 01:26:36,300 Let's go, come on! Grab the person in front of you! 1187 01:26:36,300 --> 01:26:38,300 Stay in a tight group. 1188 01:26:39,700 --> 01:26:41,200 AII right. Straight ahead. 1189 01:26:44,900 --> 01:26:47,800 If we go back! We can't go back! Come on! 1190 01:26:47,800 --> 01:26:49,000 Let's move! 1191 01:26:51,000 --> 01:26:53,500 What's that? Smoke. 1192 01:26:53,500 --> 01:26:55,200 Fire! 1193 01:27:12,600 --> 01:27:15,100 HeIp! 1194 01:27:15,700 --> 01:27:16,800 Don't push! 1195 01:27:17,400 --> 01:27:18,500 Fire! 1196 01:27:28,378 --> 01:27:30,539 It's okay! It's okay! It's okay. 1197 01:27:26,500 --> 01:27:29,000 Stay there! I'm gonna come get you. 1198 01:27:50,800 --> 01:27:53,900 - Here I am. HoId on to him. - They're gonna shoot us. 1199 01:27:58,200 --> 01:28:01,800 Guards! Guards! 1200 01:28:03,500 --> 01:28:07,600 Do you see? Do you see what's going on? 1201 01:28:12,700 --> 01:28:14,000 Guards! 1202 01:28:28,200 --> 01:28:30,500 We're free! 1203 01:29:30,734 --> 01:29:35,433 HeIIo! HeIIo! 1204 01:29:32,600 --> 01:29:33,900 We're here! 1205 01:30:32,596 --> 01:30:33,688 - It's empty. - Okay. 1206 01:30:29,700 --> 01:30:31,500 Go on in. Step up. 1207 01:30:31,500 --> 01:30:32,600 We're in a shop. 1208 01:30:32,700 --> 01:30:36,100 Now everyone, pIease stay together, I don't wanna Iose anybody eIse. 1209 01:30:36,100 --> 01:30:39,400 Step up. AII right, I'm gonna go Iook for food. 1210 01:30:39,400 --> 01:30:40,500 I'II go with you. 1211 01:30:40,500 --> 01:30:42,100 No, it's something I can do better on my own. 1212 01:30:42,100 --> 01:30:43,400 You stay here and Iook after each other. 1213 01:30:43,500 --> 01:30:45,100 Right here. It's right here. 1214 01:30:45,100 --> 01:30:49,700 Hey! Hey! Hey! Get out. This pIace is occupied. 1215 01:30:51,600 --> 01:30:53,000 There are other groups out there. 1216 01:30:53,100 --> 01:30:55,200 Do not Ieave this spot. 1217 01:30:55,800 --> 01:30:58,500 I know you can do it. 1218 01:30:58,500 --> 01:31:01,800 But how can you carry the food back on your own? 1219 01:31:14,900 --> 01:31:17,200 Is there anything, is there running water? 1220 01:31:17,500 --> 01:31:19,300 I'II Iook for bottIes. 1221 01:31:21,700 --> 01:31:24,100 I wouIdn't guess there's any eIectricity. 1222 01:31:24,200 --> 01:31:25,400 No. 1223 01:31:26,800 --> 01:31:29,700 Are there any signs that peopIe can stiII see? 1224 01:31:33,500 --> 01:31:34,900 What's happening? 1225 01:31:45,068 --> 01:31:46,831 Don't! No! 1226 01:31:50,000 --> 01:31:53,100 I miss you. I miss you so much. 1227 01:32:08,900 --> 01:32:10,900 Here's a supermarket. 1228 01:32:10,900 --> 01:32:12,400 - I'II go in. - Okay. 1229 01:32:12,400 --> 01:32:13,500 Step up. 1230 01:32:16,400 --> 01:32:18,500 I'II stay here. I know my pIace. 1231 01:32:38,300 --> 01:32:41,300 Stay off my fucking spot! Don't touch me! 1232 01:32:48,800 --> 01:32:50,500 I'm coming back! I'II fucking kiII you! 1233 01:32:50,600 --> 01:32:52,500 You stay off my fucking spot! 1234 01:32:53,300 --> 01:32:54,700 That's mine! 1235 01:32:54,700 --> 01:32:58,700 Give it to me, you thief! You thief! You thief! Give it back! 1236 01:32:59,200 --> 01:33:01,800 Give it to me! 1237 01:33:09,200 --> 01:33:10,300 Hey! Hey! 1238 01:33:10,300 --> 01:33:12,400 I can hear you near my fucking spot! 1239 01:35:02,800 --> 01:35:04,100 What do you have there? 1240 01:35:05,400 --> 01:35:06,700 Hey! Hey! 1241 01:35:06,700 --> 01:35:08,500 What are you eating? 1242 01:35:08,900 --> 01:35:10,500 SmeIIs Iike meat! 1243 01:35:12,400 --> 01:35:13,500 She's got meat? 1244 01:35:13,600 --> 01:35:16,400 No! No! No! No! 1245 01:35:17,300 --> 01:35:19,300 Let go! Get back! 1246 01:35:19,300 --> 01:35:20,700 Stop! 1247 01:35:20,800 --> 01:35:22,900 Stop! Stop! 1248 01:35:23,900 --> 01:35:25,500 Let go! 1249 01:35:43,300 --> 01:35:46,500 No! No! No! 1250 01:35:47,800 --> 01:35:49,200 Get away! 1251 01:35:50,400 --> 01:35:52,900 It's me! Go! Go! Go! 1252 01:36:04,900 --> 01:36:06,100 Okay. 1253 01:36:08,200 --> 01:36:10,200 It's okay. It's okay. It's okay! 1254 01:36:10,300 --> 01:36:12,900 You aII right? You okay? 1255 01:36:15,200 --> 01:36:16,600 - Oh! - Okay. 1256 01:36:16,600 --> 01:36:20,100 - I have to stop. Stairs. - Stop, stop. 1257 01:36:22,500 --> 01:36:25,500 AII right. You're aII right. It's aII right. You're safe. 1258 01:36:25,500 --> 01:36:27,400 - Thank you. - You're okay. 1259 01:36:29,300 --> 01:36:32,100 I have to go back and get those cIothes before I forget where they are. 1260 01:36:32,100 --> 01:36:33,600 Here, eat something. 1261 01:38:50,000 --> 01:38:54,800 ...that God is punishing us. This is not what is happening. 1262 01:38:55,700 --> 01:38:58,200 This is not God's way. 1263 01:39:00,900 --> 01:39:02,400 What is happening to us 1264 01:39:02,500 --> 01:39:05,300 reminds me of what happened to Saint PauI. 1265 01:39:05,400 --> 01:39:08,700 PauI used to kiII Christians, used to persecute them. 1266 01:39:09,400 --> 01:39:12,700 But the Lord came to him and converted him. 1267 01:39:12,700 --> 01:39:16,400 And not onIy converted him, but bIinded him. 1268 01:39:16,400 --> 01:39:19,200 Is this what is happening to us? 1269 01:39:33,300 --> 01:39:34,800 - Here! - Here. 1270 01:39:34,800 --> 01:39:37,000 - Here I am! - Here. 1271 01:39:38,400 --> 01:39:41,400 Here! Here, I have a jacket. 1272 01:39:42,700 --> 01:39:44,800 - Where's the food? - Right here. 1273 01:41:15,600 --> 01:41:18,300 It's terribIe. Who wouId do that? 1274 01:41:18,700 --> 01:41:22,000 Someone who went bIind. And then he went crazy. 1275 01:41:22,600 --> 01:41:24,900 Since he couIdn't see, he didn't want his statue to see. 1276 01:41:24,900 --> 01:41:27,000 I don't think so, IittIe man. 1277 01:41:27,000 --> 01:41:29,300 I don't know if it'd be possibIe for a bIind man 1278 01:41:29,300 --> 01:41:31,000 to paint the painting Iike that. 1279 01:41:31,200 --> 01:41:32,300 Yes, they couId. 1280 01:41:32,400 --> 01:41:35,200 More IikeIy a priest who saw what happened 1281 01:41:35,200 --> 01:41:36,800 and had a crisis of faith. 1282 01:41:38,200 --> 01:41:39,400 No, but seriousIy, 1283 01:41:39,500 --> 01:41:40,700 aII those peopIe made me think 1284 01:41:40,800 --> 01:41:44,100 of how Iucky we are that we have a Ieader with vision. 1285 01:41:44,900 --> 01:41:48,000 So I think it's up to you to decide what we shouId do next. 1286 01:41:49,100 --> 01:41:52,900 WeII, I think we shouId stay here tonight. 1287 01:41:53,500 --> 01:41:57,100 Try to get some sIeep. And then tomorrow, 1288 01:41:57,400 --> 01:41:59,800 I was thinking we could go to our house. 1289 01:42:00,000 --> 01:42:05,800 It's pretty near here and it's big, so it can accommodate everybody. 1290 01:42:10,900 --> 01:42:13,100 Where are you, dog? StiII there? 1291 01:42:13,100 --> 01:42:16,600 No, no, no. Don't foIIow that dog. He'II Iead you to a fire hydrant. 1292 01:42:17,000 --> 01:42:19,600 Too proud to be a seeing-eye dog. 1293 01:42:46,195 --> 01:42:51,223 27. Five-four. BIack hair. Brown eyes. 1294 01:42:48,000 --> 01:42:49,800 I don't wanna know what you Iook Iike. 1295 01:42:49,900 --> 01:42:52,100 WeII, how can we know each other? 1296 01:42:52,200 --> 01:42:54,900 I know that part inside of you with no name. 1297 01:42:55,900 --> 01:42:58,500 And that's who we are, right? 1298 01:43:04,800 --> 01:43:06,600 When you went to Iook for food, 1299 01:43:06,600 --> 01:43:07,900 we taIked to this man 1300 01:43:07,900 --> 01:43:10,400 that was part of a group that moved around together 1301 01:43:10,500 --> 01:43:12,200 trying to find food and sheIter. 1302 01:43:12,200 --> 01:43:14,700 Each night they sIept in a different pIace. 1303 01:43:14,800 --> 01:43:17,700 I asked him why he didn't sIeep in his own home. 1304 01:43:18,000 --> 01:43:20,700 And he said he didn't know where it was anymore. 1305 01:43:20,700 --> 01:43:21,800 He Iost it. 1306 01:43:21,900 --> 01:43:23,100 They're weIcome to it, 1307 01:43:23,100 --> 01:43:25,600 if they can find their way to my IittIe room. 1308 01:43:28,000 --> 01:43:30,300 I think it's okay! Here we are. Here we are. 1309 01:43:30,400 --> 01:43:34,600 Looks fine. Come in. Come in. Come in. I can't beIieve it. 1310 01:43:41,200 --> 01:43:42,800 Okay, carefuI. 1311 01:43:43,200 --> 01:43:46,200 Just because the door was Iocked, doesn't mean that no one's here. 1312 01:43:46,300 --> 01:43:48,900 HeIIo? HeIIo? 1313 01:43:49,600 --> 01:43:50,700 Is anyone here? 1314 01:43:50,800 --> 01:43:52,700 Maybe we shouId take our shoes off. Right? 1315 01:43:52,800 --> 01:43:54,900 That's a good idea. We can Ieave them by the door. 1316 01:43:54,900 --> 01:43:56,700 We don't wanna mess the pIace up, 1317 01:43:56,800 --> 01:43:58,200 we just arrived. 1318 01:43:58,900 --> 01:44:03,100 If you want, take off your cIothes, too. We have pIenty of cIean ones upstairs. 1319 01:44:03,200 --> 01:44:04,500 Are you taIking to me? 1320 01:44:04,500 --> 01:44:05,700 No, to everyone. 1321 01:44:05,700 --> 01:44:08,800 Our cIothes are just as dirty as our shoes. 1322 01:44:09,900 --> 01:44:11,500 Here? AII together? 1323 01:44:11,500 --> 01:44:14,500 Come on. She's the onIy one who can see. 1324 01:44:14,800 --> 01:44:17,500 If it makes you feeI better, it's getting pretty dark. 1325 01:44:17,500 --> 01:44:19,700 AII right. If you insist. 1326 01:44:19,700 --> 01:44:22,200 I'm sure you've seen worse sights than this oId body. 1327 01:44:27,997 --> 01:44:29,555 I want you to feeI at home here 1328 01:44:25,500 --> 01:44:27,300 because this is your home now, too. 1329 01:44:28,800 --> 01:44:30,100 Thank you both. 1330 01:44:30,100 --> 01:44:32,700 We're aII fIattered that you wouId offer your home. 1331 01:44:32,800 --> 01:44:33,800 It's our pIeasure. 1332 01:44:33,900 --> 01:44:36,200 Kick us out when you've had enough. 1333 01:44:36,200 --> 01:44:38,300 Or when I become too much of a burden, 1334 01:44:38,300 --> 01:44:41,800 just teII me, and I'II just wander off Iike an eIephant. 1335 01:44:41,900 --> 01:44:43,100 You're not an eIephant. 1336 01:44:43,100 --> 01:44:44,600 I'm not a man, either. 1337 01:44:44,800 --> 01:44:46,600 You're pIenty of a man, babe. 1338 01:44:53,723 --> 01:44:55,691 I don't know. 1339 01:44:54,700 --> 01:44:57,500 I haven't seen myseIf in so Iong. 1340 01:44:57,600 --> 01:45:00,600 - I must Iook ridicuIous. - No, no. 1341 01:45:00,600 --> 01:45:02,700 - Dirty and skinny. - But not ridicuIous. 1342 01:45:02,800 --> 01:45:04,700 Not at aII. 1343 01:45:05,100 --> 01:45:07,400 - And what about me? - You're beautifuI. 1344 01:45:07,400 --> 01:45:09,200 Yeah. Not Iike you. 1345 01:45:10,000 --> 01:45:11,200 You've never seen me. 1346 01:45:11,300 --> 01:45:13,100 But in my dreams you're aIways beautifuI. 1347 01:45:13,100 --> 01:45:15,200 How come you never appeared in my dreams 1348 01:45:15,200 --> 01:45:16,500 but I know you're beautifuI? 1349 01:45:16,500 --> 01:45:18,800 WeII, that's why bIindness is a gift to the ugIy. 1350 01:45:24,220 --> 01:45:26,017 Come on, you're not serious. 1351 01:45:22,000 --> 01:45:25,400 No, but I suppose I was more beautifuI before. 1352 01:45:25,400 --> 01:45:28,200 - We were aII more beautifuI before. - I know. 1353 01:45:28,400 --> 01:45:31,800 Is anyone coId? It feeIs so good! 1354 01:45:31,800 --> 01:45:33,800 I'm having a great time. 1355 01:45:52,100 --> 01:45:53,800 - HeIIo? - Hey. 1356 01:45:53,800 --> 01:45:55,900 - Hi. - It's me. 1357 01:46:03,500 --> 01:46:05,200 I brought you some hot water. 1358 01:46:05,300 --> 01:46:06,500 Oh, thank you. 1359 01:46:07,500 --> 01:46:09,700 - I'm gonna pour it down, okay? - Okay. 1360 01:46:18,107 --> 01:46:20,598 - FeeIs good? - FeeIs good. 1361 01:46:32,700 --> 01:46:34,700 I hope we can find the boy's parents. 1362 01:46:37,500 --> 01:46:39,200 What do you hope for? 1363 01:46:39,300 --> 01:46:41,600 Nothing is more ridiculous than 1364 01:46:41,700 --> 01:46:43,200 the desires of an old man. 1365 01:46:43,300 --> 01:46:44,800 Tell me. I wanna know. 1366 01:46:47,300 --> 01:46:49,000 You wouldn't understand. 1367 01:46:49,100 --> 01:46:51,800 - Why that tone of voice? - What tone? 1368 01:46:51,800 --> 01:46:52,900 That one. 1369 01:46:56,400 --> 01:46:59,200 What I hope is that 1370 01:46:59,300 --> 01:47:03,000 we can go on Iiving together. As we are. Like this. 1371 01:47:03,600 --> 01:47:05,000 BIind? 1372 01:47:05,600 --> 01:47:09,100 For me nothing has been better. 1373 01:47:12,000 --> 01:47:14,400 I'd want us to Iive together. 1374 01:47:14,500 --> 01:47:16,700 Together with me or with everyone? 1375 01:47:17,700 --> 01:47:19,400 Don't make me say. 1376 01:47:21,100 --> 01:47:22,600 I wanna know. 1377 01:47:23,900 --> 01:47:25,300 Are we aIone? 1378 01:47:28,900 --> 01:47:30,500 Is anyone Iistening? 1379 01:47:34,600 --> 01:47:39,400 Good. Good. I wanna Iive with you. 1380 01:47:53,500 --> 01:47:55,000 I remember that New Year's. 1381 01:47:56,700 --> 01:47:59,700 It was coId, but I didn't mind. 1382 01:48:10,100 --> 01:48:14,000 AII right. At this end of the tabIe, we have peas and carrots. 1383 01:48:14,500 --> 01:48:19,300 At the center we have oIives in a bowI and some crackers on a smaII pIate. 1384 01:48:19,400 --> 01:48:22,200 And at the far end of the tabIe we have anchovies. 1385 01:48:22,400 --> 01:48:24,400 - Mmm... - Anchovies! 1386 01:48:24,400 --> 01:48:27,300 A speciaI bottIe of something sparkIing for our guests. 1387 01:48:27,300 --> 01:48:30,100 There's nothing Iike water. CIean water. 1388 01:48:32,000 --> 01:48:33,800 I'd Iike to propose a toast. 1389 01:48:33,900 --> 01:48:35,100 To our famiIy. 1390 01:48:35,600 --> 01:48:38,100 - To our human famiIy. - And the dog! 1391 01:48:38,700 --> 01:48:41,200 - And the dog! - And the dog! 1392 01:48:49,591 --> 01:48:52,151 Much better than any champagne. 1393 01:49:03,100 --> 01:49:04,300 I see you. 1394 01:49:09,700 --> 01:49:13,800 When I touch you Iike this, I see your face. 1395 01:49:15,000 --> 01:49:19,700 So beautifuI. It's aII I need to remember. 1396 01:49:26,600 --> 01:49:28,200 TeII me, is this working? 1397 01:49:28,300 --> 01:49:32,500 Let's see. Take another one. Take another of me in the face. 1398 01:49:33,600 --> 01:49:35,300 BIind inspiration. 1399 01:49:35,800 --> 01:49:38,600 There's coffee, if anybody wants some. 1400 01:49:39,200 --> 01:49:42,400 - I'II have some, pIease. - I want some, too. 1401 01:49:44,100 --> 01:49:45,700 I need to wake up. 1402 01:49:45,700 --> 01:49:47,800 Honey, honey, 1403 01:49:47,900 --> 01:49:50,400 I think we shouId get everybody together 1404 01:49:50,500 --> 01:49:52,400 and taIk about what we need to do. 1405 01:49:53,500 --> 01:49:57,200 There's not much food Ieft, and I'm worried about security. 1406 01:49:58,100 --> 01:49:59,700 Okay. 1407 01:49:59,900 --> 01:50:01,100 I can pour it for you. 1408 01:50:07,100 --> 01:50:08,400 CarefuI. 1409 01:50:09,100 --> 01:50:10,800 It's hot, okay? 1410 01:50:20,049 --> 01:50:22,609 - I can see you. - Mmm-hmm. 1411 01:50:19,100 --> 01:50:20,500 I can see you. Oh, my God! 1412 01:50:21,600 --> 01:50:22,600 I can see everything! 1413 01:50:25,300 --> 01:50:27,600 - What? - I can see you. 1414 01:50:28,100 --> 01:50:29,900 What are you saying? 1415 01:50:29,900 --> 01:50:33,000 - I can see you. - What? 1416 01:50:33,100 --> 01:50:34,500 - Yeah. - What? 1417 01:50:34,600 --> 01:50:37,900 - Everything is beautifuI. - What are you taIking about? 1418 01:50:39,200 --> 01:50:40,200 - What? - Oh, my God! 1419 01:50:40,300 --> 01:50:41,600 What do you mean, you can see? 1420 01:50:41,600 --> 01:50:43,700 I can see you. I got back my sight. 1421 01:50:46,700 --> 01:50:47,900 - What is it? - Come here. 1422 01:50:48,600 --> 01:50:49,700 I can see. 1423 01:50:49,800 --> 01:50:51,000 I can see! 1424 01:50:51,100 --> 01:50:52,200 You're Iying. 1425 01:50:52,500 --> 01:50:53,600 ReaIIy? 1426 01:50:54,700 --> 01:50:58,400 What? You have your sight? 1427 01:50:58,400 --> 01:51:00,100 Yeah, hi! 1428 01:51:00,100 --> 01:51:03,700 - You're kidding! Your eyes! Just now? - Nice to meet you. 1429 01:51:03,700 --> 01:51:06,600 - Oh, my God! - He can see. 1430 01:51:07,000 --> 01:51:08,200 I can't beIieve it! 1431 01:51:08,300 --> 01:51:09,700 He sees! He sees! 1432 01:51:09,800 --> 01:51:10,900 I know. 1433 01:51:11,000 --> 01:51:12,900 I thought he was kidding! 1434 01:51:14,300 --> 01:51:16,300 Oh, my God! What does this mean? 1435 01:51:16,300 --> 01:51:18,000 I can see everybody's face! 1436 01:51:20,200 --> 01:51:22,600 I know. I can't beIieve it. 1437 01:51:22,600 --> 01:51:26,400 I can see. I Iove you guys. You guys are so beautifuI! 1438 01:51:39,461 --> 01:51:42,555 - Oh, my God. You're so beautifuI. - It's wonderfuI. 1439 01:51:41,500 --> 01:51:43,000 It's wonderfuI.